
7th July 2023


Oliver Jeffers - 89%

Julia Donaldson - 94%

Steve Irwin -  96%

Walt Disney -   95%

Marcus Rashford  -  92%

Lewis Hamilton -  85%

Helen Sharman  - 96%

Benjamin Zephaniah - 77%

Peninsula East Primary Academy  - 92%

Well done to Steve Irwin class for having the best attendance this week in KS1.  In KS2 this week, Helen Sharman class achieved the best attendance so well done to them too.  It is such a shame that our whole school attendance has been impacted by holidays being taken during term time. Please remember the impact this has on your child's learning and the impact this has on them in keeping up with the learning in their classes. 

Open Minded Award

Oliver Jeffers Class - Zachary

Julia Donaldson Class - Isabelle J

Steve Irwin Class - Alfie

Walt Disney Class - Albert

Marcus Rashford Class - Daisy

Lewis Hamilton Class - Samuel 

Helen Sharman Class - Cody

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Leonie

WOW Writer Awards

Congratulations to these children for fantastic writing this week...

Julia Donaldson Class - Harper

Steve Irwin Class -  Vencel

Walt Disney Class - Freddy

Marcus Rashford Class - Richard

Lewis Hamilton Class - Pip 

Helen Sharman Class - Willow

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Ibrahim

Risk-taker Award

Oliver Jeffers Class - Joshua

Julia Donaldson Class - James

Steve Irwin Class - Evie

Walt Disney Class - Brayden

Marcus Rashford Class -  Luisa

Lewis Hamilton Class - Daniel 

Helen Sharman Class - Tyler

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Charlotte

Our Wonderful Inquiry Work 

Marcus Rashford & Walt Disney

Year 3 Marcus Rashford class have been having a blast learning all about volcanoes.  We've made our own explosive volcano during science working together as a group.  We looked into chemical reactions and scientific language that would describe what was happening. We also looked into rocks, exploring different rocks that exist.  During this learning we then got to create our very own fossil. Our maths this week was all about 3D shapes, we learnt about edges and vertices and got to use 3D shapes to complete our maths.  

In Walt Disney class, we have been learning the last of our maths topics for this academic year. We have been looking at graphs and the best way to record data effectively. We have been able to draw some pictograms as well as some bar charts. We have been very good at remembering to use our rulers!

We have also been looking into volcanoes. We have been learning about the different crusts and have labelled them in our books. We have also been looking into volcanoes and the effects they can have. We have also been using our research skills which Mrs Drobka has taught us to start to make a fact file about volcanoes. We are excited to share our ideas. 

Oliver Jeffers

Oliver Jeffers class have been having a busy final term in Reception. We have enjoyed lots of firsts - school trips and Sports Day to name a few.  We have also been learning lots about our environment and our place in the world - following the children's interests to look at maps, flags and learn about space.  

In Maths, we have been consolidating our knowledge of number bonds and doubling. We are also especially good at odd and even numbers and explaining how we know if a number is odd or even! In PE, we have been improving our throwing and catching and have played bench ball - we are very good at it! 

School information

Fundraising Day - Tuesday 4th July 2023

As you are all aware, we held a fundraiser on Tuesday to raise the funds to purchase a reading book vending machine.  Through our cake sale, book sale and raffle we have managed to raise an outstanding £1,021.58!  We are over the moon with the amount we have raised and never imagined we would raise this much. Thank you so much for all your support on our fundraising day on Tuesday.  We would like to say a huge thank you to all the businesses both local and afar for their very generous donations towards our raffle.  We still have a little more to go before we have the full amount to purchase the vending machine but we are sure we will be able to purchase one very soon! We would also like to say thank you to Miss Goldfinch and the PTA for making this possible.

PEPA Sports Day 2023

Last Friday we had our Sports Day at PEPA. We now have the results.....

For Nursery, EYFS and KS1, the results were:

4th place - Wimbledon with 183 points.

3rd place - Tour de France with 187 points.

2nd place - London Marathon with 226 points.

1st place - The Ashes with 250 points.

The results for KS2 are:

4th place - London Marathon with 165 points.

3rd place - Wimbledon with 172 points.

2nd place - The Ashes with 192 points.

1st place - Tour de France with 267 points.

Overall, the results are:

4th place - Wimbledon with 355 points.

3rd place - London Marathon with 391 points.

2nd place - The Ashes with 442 points.

1st place - Tour de France with 454 points.

We would like to thank the PTA and all parents who came to support the children and made the day enjoyable!

My Child At School

As you will be aware, we use My Child at School to communicate with you for all things from letters to clubs.  

The Breakfast and Afterschool clubs are already pre-bookable on MCAS and from September we will be using My Child at School for booking school lunches too, further communications will be sent to you on how to book these.  It is vital that are signed up to MCAS not just for letters and dates for the diary but now also booking lunches.  We will no longer be using Parentmail for our lunch choices, invoices for Breakfast, Afterschool and Nursery.

Parentmail will no longer be used from September.  It is vital that you have the MCAS app so you can see all communications from us.

Year 3 Trip to Maidstone Museum

Year 3 went on their trip to Maidstone Museum on Wednesday 5th July, the children travelled there by coach and were excited to engage in a day filled with exploring the museum.  Each class took part in an Egyptian workshop which allowed them to explore some artefacts there that were over 1000 years old, the children further explored the Egyptians culture by visiting the Egyptian section of the museum.  They were all shocked and excited to meet a real life mummy called Takush.  It was a good day for all children and I am sure they were excited to talk about all that they have learnt.  
