
16 June 2023


Oliver Jeffers - 95%

Julia Donaldson - 94%

Steve Irwin -  92%

Walt Disney -   96%

Marcus Rashford  -  92%

Lewis Hamilton -  94%

Helen Sharman  - 89%

Benjamin Zephaniah - 91%

Peninsula East Primary Academy  - 93%

Well done to Oliver Jeffers class for having the best attendance this week in EYFS. In KS2 this week, Walt Disney class achieved the best attendance, which is fantastic! Our overall attendance is still low and so we need to ensure that this improves as the term goes on. 

Open Minded Award

Oliver Jeffers Class - Izabella

Julia Donaldson Class - Isabella O

Steve Irwin Class - Lauren

Walt Disney Class - Aaron

Marcus Rashford Class - Isabelle 

Lewis Hamilton Class - Owen

Helen Sharman Class - Angel

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Emily

WOW Writer Awards

Congratulations to these children for fantastic writing this week...

Julia Donaldson Class - Luna

Steve Irwin Class -  Edward

Walt Disney Class - Bluebell

Marcus Rashford Class - Florence

Lewis Hamilton Class - Callum 

Helen Sharman Class - Summer

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Lenny

Risk Taker Award

Oliver Jeffers Class - Grace

Julia Donaldson Class - Jessica

Steve Irwin Class - Callie

Walt Disney Class - Harry

Marcus Rashford Class -  Ivy L

Lewis Hamilton Class - George

Helen Sharman Class - Tianna

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Oliver 

Our Wonderful Inquiry Work 

Pepa Tots

Welcome back to the summer term! 

We are grateful for the wonderful weather that allows us to fully enjoy our time at PEPA Tots. The children have been eagerly immersing themselves in various activities, particularly as they prepare for their upcoming craft exhibition. Additionally, they have been relishing their outdoor playtime with Arlo, making the most of the beautiful surroundings. In our pursuit of knowledge and personal growth, the children have embarked on an exciting new inquiry, delving into the fascinating world of feelings and emotions. Alongside this exploration, we will embark on an enchanting journey through the story of "Little Red Riding Hood." In mathematics, we will be focusing on our skills in number recognition and pattern matching. Furthermore, we will revisit 2D shapes, providing opportunities for your child to expand their understanding of shape properties.

Please note the following important information:

As the weather continues to get warmer, we kindly request that you apply sunscreen to your child before sending them to school. It is important to protect their delicate skin from the sun's rays. Additionally, we encourage you to send a sun hat to shield them from the heat.

We appreciate your support and cooperation in ensuring the well-being of our little ones as they embark on exciting learning experiences. Let's make this summer term a time of exploration, growth, and joy.

Benjamin Zephaniah

Year 6 have had a busy start to the term. We have been working on our PYP Exhibition Project; incorporating technology into our work. We look forward to sharing this with you on Thursday 22nd June so you can see what we have been up to!

We have also started work on the leavers production. The children have made a great start and are working hard to set scenes, learn lines, pick up songs and dances. Our technical team are working hard behind the scenes to make props and scenery too.  After our residential next week, we will be spending more time on our rehearsals together to get through the show and make sure we're ready for an audience on Thursday 13th July at Haven. 

School information

Buster's Book Club

Congratulations to Steve Irwin class this week for having the most readers in their class.  It is fantastic to see such great commitment to their daily reading. Keep it up!

Star Readers of the week: 

Julia Donaldson Class - Harleigh-May

Steve Irwin Class - Vencel

Marcus Rashford Class - Daisy

Walt Disney Class - Freddie N

Lewis Hamilton Class - Ruby

Helen Sharman Class - Angel

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Delilah

Slough Fort Trip

Oliver Jeffers class had a wonderful visit to Slough Fort this morning. Catharina, a Slough Fort volunteer, was so welcoming and taught the children a lot about what the fort had been used for in the past. The children were able to use the air raid siren as well as put themselves in the stocks, pretending to throw tomatoes at each other. The children also explored the orchard and were very knowledgeable about the plants and wildlife that were there. As we were leaving the children told Miss Hartung that they'd had an "amazing time" and wanted to "stay forever". It was a brilliant first class trip! 

Farewell to Miss Purvis

Miss Purvis has decided to take some time out to complete her degree as well as explore new career options for the future.  We would like to say a huge thank you to Miss Purvis for all she has contributed in the past two years at PEPA and wish her all the best for the future.  We hope to stay in touch and will hopefully see her again in the future.  

Hot Weather Uniform

During this period of warm weather, we are relaxing our Uniform Policy regarding the wearing of ties.  All other Uniform Rules apply but the children can come into school without their ties.

Vote for PEPA to win National Book Tokens

Please could you take some time to nominate Peninsula East Primary Academy to win National Book Tokens. It will only take a few seconds! 

National Book Tokens are offering five schools the chance to win £1000 in National Book Tokens and a year's free membership to the National Library Association. The overall winner will also receive £500 to help create a fun and engaging library space. 

This would be fantastic for the children at PEPA if we were able to receive this prize and the more entries we get, the higher chance we have of winning so every vote counts!

Thank you! 



Within our school community we have noticed an increase in the number of incidents in relation to What’s App group chats, direct messaging and screenshotting video calls. We would like to remind all parent’s, careers and children that the minimum age for using WhatsApp is 16.

We urge all parents and carers to keep an eye on their child’s mobile phone or online activities involving social media, so that you are aware of how they are interacting with others and what they are viewing. The children are constantly reminded in school that they must tell a parent/adult if they receive anything inappropriate from any application.

As a school we strongly advise you to remove the chat groups involving other children as this can cause issues in and outside of school.

Please see below some more information from online safety regarding What’s App. (updated infographic) 

Here is a link to the NSPCC information guide for What’s App.