9 June 2023
Oliver Jeffers - 93%
Julia Donaldson - 95%
Steve Irwin - 86%
Walt Disney - 89%
Marcus Rashford - 86%
Lewis Hamilton - 97%
Helen Sharman - 93%
Benjamin Zephaniah - 86%
Peninsula East Primary Academy - 91%
Well done to Julia Donaldson class for having the best attendance this week in KS1. In KS2 this week, Lewis Hamilton class achieved the best attendance so well done to them too. Whilst we know that there have been some illnesses across the school this week, it is such a shame to see that our attendance has dropped from last term. We need to work to improve this for the rest of the term.
Open Minded Award
Oliver Jeffers Class - Aubrey
Julia Donaldson Class - Cleo
Steve Irwin Class - Chloe
Walt Disney Class - Joseph
Marcus Rashford Class - Jacob
Lewis Hamilton Class - Cassie
Helen Sharman Class - Rose
Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Jesse
WOW Writer Awards
Congratulations to these children for fantastic writing this week...
Julia Donaldson Class - George
Steve Irwin Class - Ellie
Walt Disney Class - Ellis
Marcus Rashford Class - Frankie
Lewis Hamilton Class - Izabella
Helen Sharman Class - Darcy
Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Jayden
Risk Taker Award
Oliver Jeffers Class - Riley
Julia Donaldson Class - Eddie
Steve Irwin Class - Ruby
Walt Disney Class - Ellcie
Marcus Rashford Class - Isabelle
Lewis Hamilton Class - Cooper
Helen Sharman Class - Ethan
Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Zain
Our Wonderful Inquiry Work
Julia Donaldson
This week we have been learning about fruits and vegetables. We looked at variety of different fruits and vegetables. We looked at their similarities and differences and decided what made a fruit a fruit and a vegetable a vegetable. We then sorted them into their correct groups based on what we had learnt.
We wrote a wish list about a garden based on the book 'The Little Gardener' by Emily Hughes. We made sure to use full sentences and punctuate them correctly.
In Maths, we have started to learn about money and the value of coins.
Marcus Rashford & Walt Disney Class
This week in Year 3, we have started to read our new class book 'The Firework-Maker's Daughter'. We have looked at the different characters and have been predicting what we think is going to happen throughout the story.
We also had Mr Rudkin come in to teach us some French. We have been learning how to say the days of the week and also learnt a song about how to remember them in French.
As part of our inquiry, we are looking into different religions. We have been looking into Hinduism and The River Ganges. We spoke about how the river is used and why it is important to Hindu's.
School information
Mobile phone use by parents/carers
We have been made aware that there has been inappropriate use of mobiles phones and videos on the school site at the end of the day. Can we politely remind all parents and carers that they should not be using mobiles phones/recordings on the school premises as this is a safeguarding concern. Please do also make staff or our senior leadership team aware if you see any inappropriate use of mobile phones on the school grounds so we can speak to the adults concerned. Thank you for your support.
Arrival to school time and lates
Please remember that the children should be arriving to school between 8.30am and 8.45am in the mornings. From Monday we will be asking parents to log their children in on our Inventry system in the main office if their child arrives after 8.45 am. This is so that we are aware of any late arrivals and so that children do not go unregistered. Please support us as this is paramount in ensuring your child's safety.
British Red Cross
Year 5 have had a fantastic fundraising day for the British Red Cross!
We are so proud of their brilliant efforts and the responsibility they showed when planning the whole event. They have had great fun making cakes, lemonade and creating a non-uniform day. Thank you so much to everyone who also donated cakes for our day and who donated money through wearing your own clothes and enjoying our delicious treats. Your money is going to help the Red Cross support refugees around the globe, a very worthy cause!
We raised £480 altogether! Thank you!
River Lit Festival - Royal Engineers Museum
If you, your students and caregivers are wondering how to get involved with the new River Lit festival, Royal Engineer’s Museum might have the answer.
To mark the arrival of River Lit, we are offering an array of activities that may be of interest to you and your students on Saturday the 10th June.
Kids can:
· Explore a treasure trove of rarely-seen maps, documents, and books.
· Marvel at a remarkable manuscript of Military strategy dating back to 1438 and uncover the mysteries hidden within its pages.
· Immerse yourself in the world of Charles Dickens through a personally signed letter and books from his Rochester home, (on public display for the first time in over 10 years!)
· Come and indulge in author-led book talks, signings and sales that will all ignite your passion for literature!
Full details can be found at:
Module 6 Events
This module is a busy one for everyone here at PEPA! We have many trips, assemblies and special visitors and activities happening in school. Please remember to check the days of key events sent out on MCAS or in letters.
We look forward to an enjoyable term!