
10th June 2022


Beatrix Potter - 94%

Allan Ahlberg - 92%

Greta Thunberg - 79%

Roald Dahl - 93%

Alan Turing - 94%

JK Rowling - 91%

Marcus Rashford - 95%

Captain Sir Tom Moore - 89%

Peninsula East Primary Academy - 91%

Well done to Beatrix Potter class for having the best attendance this week in EYFS/KS1. In KS2 this week, Marcus Rashford class achieved the best attendance. Please ensure that your child is attending school as any lost time not being in school has a detrimental impact on their education and keeping up with their peers who have full attendance.

Stars of the Week

Beatrix Potter Class - Gracie

Allan Ahlberg Class - Connor

Greta Thunberg Class - Brayden

Roald Dahl Class - Jayce

Marcus Rashford Class - Sonni

J K Rowling Class - Harrison

Captain Sir Tom Moore Class - Lola

Alan Turing Class - Amber

Citizen of the Week

Beatrix Potter Class - Izzy

Allan Ahlberg Class - Alfie

Greta Thunberg Class - Orson

Roald Dahl - Ivy

Marcus Rashford Class - Brianna

J K Rowling Class - Tianna

Captain Sir Tom Moore Class - Morgan

Alan Turing Class - Ciaran

WOW Writer Awards

Congratulations to these children for fantastic writing this week...

Beatrix Potter Class - Isabella

Allan Ahlberg Class - Olivia

Greta Thunberg Class - Darcie

Roald Dahl Class - Joseph

Marcus Rashford Class - Franky

J K Rowling Class - Bobbi

Captain Sir Tom Moore Class - Jayden

Alan Turing - Sophie

Our Wonderful Inquiry Work

Allan Ahlberg Class

Allan Ahlberg class have enjoyed exploring different types of technology this week. In our Maths learning, we have used iPad apps to support our learning of positional and directional language (up, down, left, right). We have also started to practise for our Sports Day, and used the Activity boards in the hall to support us in developing our team work skills as we had to cheer on the other children in our group. As a class, we were also lucky to have a lady come in to teach us Music, and we found that it is very hard to feel sad when you’re dancing!

JK Rowling

Year 4 have had a very busy start to the term! To kick off our inquiry, we have investigated animals that include humans, specifically focusing on the digestive system. We worked together to complete an investigation which demonstrated the process of digestion. Using some biscuits, bananas, sandwich bags and tights, we were able to model how food is processed in our bodies. It was quite messy, but helped us to understand our digestive systems. Following this, the children wrote a brilliant explanation text using their scientific vocabulary to share their ideas. Well done Year 4 for being so knowledgeable!

School information

Cream Teas

KS2 got to enjoy their Jubilee Celebration Cream Tea with their parents Thursday and Friday in the first week back in module 6.

Thank you so much to Marie Rogers who made the cream teas that the parents were able to purchase, they were really scrummy and enjoyed by all.

PE Reminder

A polite reminder to please remove earrings from any of the children on PE days. Due to health and safety regulations children are not able to take part in their PE lessons if they are wearing earrings. We understand some children have new ear piercings that are healing and whilst they cannot remove their earrings, they will not be able to take part in PE lessons until they are able to be removed. If you have any concerns around this please do speak to the class teacher.


Wildlife Picnic

Wednesday 27th July
1am - 2pm

Drop in event, no booking required

Make your own bird feeder

Wednesday 3rd August
10:30am - 12:30pm

Free but booking is essential

Bug, Butterflies and Clay Art

Thursday 4th August
10:30am - 12:30pm

Free but booking is essential

Wildlife Picnic

Wednesday 24th August
1am - 2pm

Drop in event, no booking required

Build a bug house & create clay creatures

Thursday 25th August
10:30am - 12:30pm

Free but booking is essential