12 May 2023
Oliver Jeffers - 97%
Julia Donaldson - 92%
Steve Irwin - 99%
Walt Disney - 90%
Marcus Rashford - 97.2%
Lewis Hamilton - 97%
Helen Sharman - 91%
Benjamin Zephaniah - 98%
Peninsula East Primary Academy - 95%
Well done to Steve Irwin class for having the best attendance this week in KS1. They seem to be consistent in their attendance, leading them to winning each week. In KS2 this week, Benjamin Zephaniah class achieved the best attendance so well done to them too. Our whole school attendance continues to be fabulous so well done to all.
Reflective Award
Oliver Jeffers Class - Isaac
Julia Donaldson Class - Gracie
Steve Irwin Class - Franklin
Walt Disney Class - Joe
Marcus Rashford Class - Frankie
Lewis Hamilton Class - Isla
Helen Sharman Class - Oliver
Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Jesse
WOW Writer Awards
Congratulations to these children for fantastic writing this week...
Julia Donaldson Class - Ryleigh
Steve Irwin Class - Kyler
Walt Disney Class - Freddy
Marcus Rashford Class - Ibrahim
Lewis Hamilton Class - Phoebe
Helen Sharman Class - Ethan
Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Emily
Knowledgeable Award
Oliver Jeffers Class - Riley
Julia Donaldson Class - Finnley
Steve Irwin Class - Felicia
Walt Disney Class - Darcie
Marcus Rashford Class - Tommy
Lewis Hamilton Class - Owen
Helen Sharman Class - Gracie
Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Jayden
Our Wonderful Inquiry Work
Julia Donaldson
This week in Juila Donaldson class we have been learning about the Coronation and plants.
We shared what we did during the Coronation celebration and created some artwork based on this.
We learnt about the parts of a plant. We drew the parts then we labelled them on real plants that we had observed. We even did some planting in our outside area, we are looking forward to watching them grow.
Helen Sharman
This week in Helen Sharman class, we have been finishing our learning of the Vikings, one of history's earliest travellers, where we looked at how they raided, traded and moved around to improve their lives and are now starting our next area of focus by learning about refugees. We have engaged in lots of powerful conversations about what we can do to help people who have had to leave their country due to conflict and the children are going to be designing their own fundraising projects in order to raise money to support the British Red Cross. We are excited to be visited by a member of the Red Cross next week who is going to deliver an exciting workshop around the topic of migrants and refugees.
Check out some of our learning around the Vikings below! We have completed lots of research, wrote Kennings poem, role-played being a Lindisfarne monk and wrote diary entries and even re-wrote one of the Viking's most well know myths: Odin and the Golden Eye, with our own unique twists!
School information
At Peninsula East Primary Academy, the children have been working hard on their Maths this year. Here's a little update from some classes:
PEPA Tots have been learning about the Three Little Pigs story and how houses are made. Then to expand their learning they did some sequencing with bricks and sticks. They also did some cutting and made some houses using shapes.
Steve Irwin Class:
In Year 2, we have been learning time. We have learnt o'clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past. We have also been using our knowledge of counting in 5's to count minutes to and past the hour.
Oliver Jeffers Class:
In Reception, we have been learning lots of important skills. We have been developing our spatial reasoning, building jigsaw puzzles and patterns with shapes. We have also been identifying and creating repeating patterns as well as developing our number skills - counting, subitising and learning number bonds to 5 and 10.
Marcus Rashford Class:
This week year 3 has been learning to count money and identify coins. At the start of the week we looked at coins which had the highest values, once we learnt about this we then applied this knowledge into going to 'Miss Spinola' supermarket where we were provided with money. We had to use our money knowledge to buy items.
Walt Disney Class:
In Maths, we are learning about money. We have been looking at coins and how much each of them is worth. We have been investigating the best way to give change to someone with the fewest and the most amount of coins. We have been using part whole models, bar models and coins. We have also been playing interactive money games, making a certain amount given to us. We have enjoyed being able to engage in our learning in different ways and discuss how we found our answers.
Helen Sharman Class:
In Maths this week, we have been learning about lengths and angles. We have been calculating missing angles on a straight line and around a point. We concluded the week by looking at the properties of 3D shapes and identifying the faces, vertices and edges of each shape!
PEPA School Uniform
Just a gentle reminder about children wearing the required PEPA uniform in school please. Children can wear trainers for PE lessons but for the rest of the time, children are expected to wear appropriate black shoes to school. We appreciate that it might take time to be able to get new shoes but we would appreciate a note in advance to inform us of this. In the meantime, the expectations are that children will collect a pair of plimsolls from the office to wear around the school and to leave in the office at the end of the day. This is set out in our uniform expectations and was shared with parents earlier in the year. Please let us know if you require any support with school uniform.
Thank you for your support.
Stop the Drop Campaign
As a school we were asked to participate in a poster campaign to encourage our the community to not drop litter in our environment. Our children from across the school, who are part of our well-being group, took the lead on this and each designed a poster promoting this message. Their work was fantastic and was sent off to be judged. They all received a certificate for taking part, as well as a water bottle and Eco Warrior badge. The overall winner also received a special book called, 'It's Up To Us' which is based around how we can save the environment. We celebrated our winners below and wish congratulations to them all.
Winner - Lola - Year 6
Runners up;
Rose - Year 5
Lily F-G - Year 4
Freddy - Year 3
Orson - Year 3
Connor - Year 2
Alexis - Year 1
King Charles III Coronation
As part of the King's Coronation day last Friday, the children in all classes from Nursery to Year 6 worked together to create a collaborative wall art to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III. This looks fantastic and has really brightened up our main corridor!
Medway Parent/Carer Statutory RSE Consultation
The Child Health team are conducting some insight work with Medway parents and carers on their views and experiences of relationships and sex education. This will help them develop a suitable support package for parents and carers, which will include learning sessions and newly created resources.
They have created an online survey which takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. The survey will close on Friday 14th July 2023.
Anyone that completes the survey will have an opportunity to take part in a prize draw to win one of three £100 Amazon vouchers.
Click HERE to complete RSE survey
We have been asked by the school nursing team to ask parents and carers to check that their children’s vaccinations are up to date. If you are unsure if your child is up to date, please contact your GP and they will be able to let you know. Of course immunisations are voluntary so you may have chosen not to vaccinate your child, and this is fine, but we are aware that with COVID and cancelled GP appointments recently it would be good to share this reminder with everyone.
School Nursing Meeting
Mrs Drogomirecki’s next school nurse meeting is on Tuesday the 16th, if you would like me to bring up any concerns or ask any questions to the school nursing team please do not hesitate to contact me.
Whose Hoo Heritage Project
This week children in year 3 and year 1 have been very lucky to work with local Artist Wendy Daws. Their art work will be displayed as part of the Whose Hoo heritage project. Please see the flyer below for more information, it would be lovely if our families could go and visit the art installation.