
28th April 2023


Oliver Jeffers - 97%

Julia Donaldson - 98%

Steve Irwin -  97.4%

Walt Disney -   97%

Marcus Rashford  -  98%

Lewis Hamilton -  93.7%

Helen Sharman  - 99%

Benjamin Zephaniah - 94%

Peninsula East Primary Academy  - 97%

Well done to Julia Donaldson class for having the best attendance this week in KS1, their overall attendance this year has been fantastic. In KS2 this week, Helen Sharman class achieved the best attendance so well done to them too.  Our whole school attendance continues to be fantastic this week so well done to all. There are going to be lots of children entering their Golden tickets into the draw this week. 

Reflective Award

Oliver Jeffers Class - Jamie

Julia Donaldson Class - James

Steve Irwin Class - Ellie

Walt Disney Class - Annamaya 

Marcus Rashford Class - Orson

Lewis Hamilton Class - Darcy 

Helen Sharman Class - Koby 

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Lenny

WOW Writer Awards

Congratulations to these children for fantastic writing this week...

Julia Donaldson Class - LaRosa

Steve Irwin Class -  Felicia

Walt Disney Class - Harry

Marcus Rashford Class - Isabelle

Lewis Hamilton Class - Kayson

Helen Sharman Class - Phoebe

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Delilah

Knowledgeable Award

Oliver Jeffers Class - Halle

Julia Donaldson Class - Hollie

Steve Irwin Class - Vencel 

Walt Disney Class - Mya

Marcus Rashford Class -  Poppi-Anne

Lewis Hamilton Class - George

Helen Sharman Class - Charlie

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Zain 

Our Wonderful Inquiry Work 

Walt Disney Class

This week in Walt Disney Class, we have been reading our new book 'Pugs of the Frozen North'.  The children have been thinking about a prediction for what would happen next in the book and been using this within their writing this week.  The children have had some amazing ideas and have turned this into their own story!  We are going to continue reading the rest of the book over this module to see if any of their predictions were correct.

We have also been looking into Magnets and Forces.  The children have been discussing what they think a fair test is and we conducted an experiment to see what would be the  best surface to move a protractor on. We had a range of different surfaces such as the carpet, sandpaper, a wet surface, the table and some paper. The children were then able to say which was the best surface and why, commenting on how they used force to help them with this!

Oliver Jeffers

The children in Oliver Jeffers' Class have had an exciting start to the new term.  This module, we are focussing on expressing ourselves and have read the story of The Colour Monster and linked it to our emotions in different situations.  

We are moving on to reading the story of Bog Baby which the children have loved so far.  As we move into Spring and Summer, we are learning about seasonal changes as well as life cycles - our apple tree is sprouting leaves and growing blossom rapidly and we are interested to see whether we get any apples this year.  

As well as this, in our outside area, we are creating a wildlife garden - we are lucky to have a raised pond which we have set up together this week and will form part of our growing wildlife garden that the children have been drawing designs for to share with Mrs Rimmer. Some children also chose to make model wildlife gardens in boxes during their child initiated time which they shared confidently with the class, explaining their designs. With the pond, we have had the arrival of some tadpoles which the children have enjoyed observing and will continue to track their lifecycle as they continue to grow and change. 

Marcus Rashford Class

Marcus Rashford class has had a fantastic two weeks so far, we have been engaged in all our learning and have been keen to learn all about Antarctica.  The children were pleased with their Antarctica-themed corner and have been adding things to it.  During our PSHE lesson this week we looked at a range of things that we do day-to-day in our life that can affect our health. They explored the unhealthy choices and what they could do to improve these choices to reduce any health concerns in the future. The children were keen to share their ideas with Miss Elms and had a fantastic conversation about changing habits to improve their health. 

Before the end of the last term, we completed a science experiment based on hand washing and the links to mouldy bread. The children looked at their bread experiment this week and were shocked to see the outcome. They learnt that the liquid soap cleaned most of the germs if washed well and that dirty hands filled with germs had the most mould. They learnt a very important lesson on hand washing properly.  

School information

Buster's Book Club

Congratulations to Steve Irwin class this week for having the most readers in their class. It is fantastic to see such great commitment to their daily reading. Keep it up!

Star Readers of the week:

Julia Donaldson Class - Helin

Steve Irwin Class - Mason

Marcus Rashford Class - Orson

Walt Disney Class - Ivy

Lewis Hamilton Class - Joey

Helen Sharman Class - Ethan

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Morgan

Mini Youth Games Netball Tournament

On Tuesday 25th April, some children from Years 5 and 6 represented Peninsula East Primary Academy during a MYG Netball tournament.  They did fantastically, working as a team and supporting each other throughout the day.  The children spent the day completing a range of netball tournaments, representing their school in an honourable manner.  We would like to thank Mr Dyson and Mrs Fenner for being with the children and guiding them during the day. 

ASDA Green Token Given

The PEPA PTA have been given the opportunity to be apart of the Green Token Scheme. Please pop down to our local Asda in Gillingham and put a green token in our PTA with your weekly shop. Voting ends at midnight on Sunday 30th April.  Lets support our PTA!!

Clever Never Goes 

We have been reminding our children within school about not talking or going anywhere with any strangers when they are outside of school, either when they are travelling home or if playing out with their friends.  We have also spoken to our Upper KS2 children who walk home from school, ensuring that they go straight home or have arrangements in place where they can text or phone a family member when leaving school or getting home.  It would be great if you could also remind your children about the importance of 'Stranger Danger' and for the children to be absolutely clear on what to do if they were worried or concerned.  Please see websites that might be useful;

Fire Safety Talks

We were extremely lucky to welcome Joanne Gilham from Kent Fire & Rescue Service into school on Monday.  Joanne gave a talk to pupils from Year R to Year 6 all about how to keep safe around fire, and how to keep our homes fire safe.  

The children really enjoyed this guest and we got a good look at some of the uniform and equipment the fire safety team need to use!

'999 Emergency Call Out'

Many of you may remember when we had the team from Kent Police in during careers week, whilst they were here they spoke about times when they had been on the TV showcasing some of their hard work.  If you would like to watch them in action, you will be able to see the car and some of the crew on '999 Emergency Call Out' on Channel 5 Star.