
11th March 2022


Beatrix Potter - 94.89%

Allan Ahlberg - 98.39%

Greta Thunberg - 90.79%

Roald Dahl - 92.11%

Alan Turing -96.67%

JK Rowling - 83.47%

Marcus Rashford - 98.08%

Captain Sir Tom Moore - 85.83%

Peninsula East Primary Academy - 92.57%

Well done to Allan Ahlberg class, who has won attendance Ted this week. In KS2, Marcus Rashford class are the winning class for attendance so a huge well done to them too! It is disappointing to see that both Captain Sir Tom Moore and JK Rowling class have the lowest attendance in the school.

Stars of the Week

Beatrix Potter Class - Harper & Olivia

Allan Ahlberg Class - Paisley & Edward

Greta Thunberg Class - Orson & Sienna

Roald Dahl Class - Izabella & Harry

Marcus Rashford Class - Sonni & Lexi

J K Rowling Class - Summer & Cody

Captain Sir Tom Moore Class - Madison & Beau

Alan Turing Class - Amber & Riley

Citizen of the Week

Beatrix Potter Class - Helin

Allan Ahlberg Class - Leo

Greta Thunberg Class - Darcie

Roald Dahl Class - Daisy

Marcus Rashford Class - Franky

J K Rowling Class - Joshua

Captain Sir Tom Moore Class - Maks

Alan Turing Class - Poppy

Reader of the Week

Beatrix Potter Class - LaRosa

Allan Ahlberg Class - Jackson

Greta Thunberg Class - Annamaya

Roald Dahl Class - Thea

Marcus Rashford Class - Aimee

J K Rowling Class - Tianna

Captain Sir Tom Moore Class - Ryan

Alan Turing Class - Keeleigh

WOW Writer Awards

Congratulations to these children for fantastic writing this week...

Beatrix Potter Class - Nora

Allan Ahlberg Class - Callie

Greta Thunberg Class - Franklin

Roald Dahl Class - Ibrahim

Marcus Rashford Class - Christopher

J K Rowling Class - Teddy

Captain Sir Tom Moore Class - Sophie

Alan Turing Class - Summer

Our Wonderful Inquiry Work

Allan Ahlberg Class

Year 1 have been using manipulatives to support us in building numbers up to 50! We have been talking about how many tens and ones are in a number, and how numbers are the same and different.

J K Rowling Class

In Year 4 this week, we have been learning about fractions. We have been looking at what a fraction is, identifying the numerator and denominator, and have been exploring equivalent fractions. On Thursday, we worked in groups to solve problems involving equivalent fractions. We were great communicators sharing our ideas and listening to others.

In music, we have been continuing to learn how to play the recorder. We have been practising reading the musical notes and playing together in time to the backing music.



On Monday, the company ‘Children inspired by Yoga’ came into school and led a yoga experience for every class in the school. The children took part in yoga activities focusing on breathing and relaxation. This was another wonderful experience for the children as a way of supporting their wellbeing. As you can see from the pictures, the children had an excellent time.

Year 2 Careers Week

In Year 2, we have looked at lots of different jobs this week and why they are important. We also had a visitor, Peter, come in to explain his job and what he does. Did you know that there are lots of different jobs in the army, for example doctors, vets, engineers, surveyors and lots more. Peter is an engineer and he showed us some photos of some of the projects and buildings he has worked on all around the world. We even got to try on some of his hats which show some of the different roles in the army. A very big thank you to Peter for coming in and sharing all this information with us.

Roald Dahl Class Assembly

A reminder that Roald Dahl Class have their Assembly on Wednesday 16th March at 2.30pm. Please confirm your attendance with the office.

Identity Boxes

As part of our learning around being a global citizen we are keen to teach the children about other countries and cultures around the world. We have therefore made some links with a PYP school in Paris, France, and are keen for the children in our school and those in Paris to share with each other some information about their lives. In order to do this, both schools are planning to do an ‘Identity box project’ which we will then share with each other. This project is designed to provide an authentic opportunity for the children to connect with each other and to gain a deep understanding of identity.

Therefore, we would like every child to make their own ‘Identity box’. This can include photos, drawings, poems, artefacts or anything that illustrates aspects of their life, journey, nationality or identity. The box can be any shape and can be decorated inside and out, but should be no bigger than a regular shoe box as we need to be practical with storing them.

The children should bring their completed boxes into school on Friday 18th March where they will be displayed in the school hall. The children will then have the opportunity to share them with the children in our school as part of an assembly and then with the children in the school in Paris.


Donations for Ukraine

We would really like to show our support for those families that have been impacted by the atrocities in the Ukraine at the moment and thought it would be great if we could start a collection of goods so that we can send these to local charities that will send these on to those that need them.

We would like to collect the items listed below and these could be put into decorated shoe boxes so that they can be distributed to the families that need them.

Please contribute;

  • Socks

  • Sanitary towels

  • Nappies

  • Toiletries but not aerosol sprays

If you wish to contribute items, then please bring these to the academy office over the next few weeks. If you have any additional items of clothing or bedding, then this would also be gratefully received.