
15th September 2023


Oliver Jeffers -96%

Julia Donaldson -99%

Banksy - 87%

Maya Angelou  - 99%

Paul O'Grady -  100%

Steve Backshall - 89%

Emmeline Pankhurst - 97%

David Attenborough - 98%

Peninsula East Primary Academy  -95%

Well done to Julia Donaldson class for having the best attendance this week for KS1. In KS2 this week, Paul O'Grady class have 100% attendance so a huge well done to them too. Our attendance as a school has slightly dipped from last week so we need to ensure that our children are attending and not missing out on their learning. 

PYP Learner Attribute Awards

Oliver Jeffers Class - Bobby M-W (Thinker) & Katie (Principled)

Julia Donaldson Class - Hannah (Principled)

Banksy Class - Jasmine (Risk-taker) & Willow (Thinker)

Maya Angelou Class - Shontelle (Risk-taker) & Jason (Thinker)

Paul O'Grady Class - Ellcie (Principled) & Jayce (Thinker)

Steve Backshall Class - Victoria (Principled) & Ivy (Knowledgeable)

Emmeline Pankhurst Class - Christopher (Communicator) & Pip (Reflective)

David Attenborough Class - Phoebe (Principled) & Ryley (Thinker)

WOW Writer Awards

Congratulations to these children for fantastic writing this week...

Oliver Jeffers Class - Bobby E

Julia Donaldson Class - Halle

Banksy Class -  Nora

Maya Angelou Class - Edward

Paul O'Grady Class - Joe

Steve Backshall Class - Austin

Emmeline Pankhurst Class - Jenson

David Attenborough Class - Teddy T

Readers of the Week

Oliver Jeffers Class - Brooke

Julia Donaldson Class - Maebelle

Banksy Class -  Isabelle J

Maya Angelo Class -  Ollie

Paul O'Grady Class - Albert

Steve Backshall Class - Richard

Emmeline Pankhurst Class -  Aurora-Lilly

David Attenborough Class - Angel

Each time your child reads, they will receive one point for their class. At the end of each week, points will be counted and the winning class will receive a whole class reward. These points will continue to be tallied up and at the end of each module.  

Congratulations to David Attenborough Class for winning this week with a total of 172 points. 

We have definitely seen a huge improvement with reading! Keep up the fantastic reading at home!

Our Wonderful Inquiry Work 

Oliver Jeffers

Oliver Jeffers class have had a brilliant few weeks settling in to life at school. They have explored our classroom, have been in the hall for lunch and out onto the playground with the older children. 

In class, we have been learning about "Who We Are" and have been learning to form friendships. They have drawn beautiful self portraits and shared family photos, telling each other all about their families. There has been lots of other fun and Miss Hartung and Mrs Sherman are excited for a brilliant year ahead! 

Paul O'Grady

The children have really settled well coming back to school and being in Year 4. All of the children have been excellent within their learning and have been fully engaged in all of their work.

This week, we have been learning about electricity. The children were given a range of different equipment and had to try and figure out how they would put it together to make the bulb light up. The children were fascinated when they were able to figure it out with their partners! The children were then able to figure out how to make a motor spin and how to make a buzzer buzz.

This term, we are lucky to have Mr Paton come in and teach us Hockey. We have started to learn some of the basic skills such as how to hold a hockey stick correctly and how to have control over the ball. We are looking forward to further developing our skills.

In Inquiry, we have been learning about Sikhism. We have been learning about their faith and certain rituals that they follow. We are looking forward to our trip to the Gurdwara to see this in action and to develop our understanding even further.

Steve Backshall

This week, in Steve Backshall Class, we have continued to read our exciting class text, 'Agent Asha' about a fearless young girl who ends up working for the Children's Spy Agency. We learnt about the features we need to write an informal letter and collected challenging vocabulary to use in our own letters. Our letters detailed the adventure Kim had under the sea and persuaded Asha to help solve problems with the Internet. 

In our maths lessons we learnt to partition 4 digit numbers in different ways. We worked on our use of different models to help us explain our thinking. 

Well done Steve Backshall Class for your hard work this week!

School information

Head Boy and Head Girl

A huge congratulations to our new Head Boy and Head Girl: Koby and Angel and Deputy Head Boy and Head Girl: Teddy T and Megan-Lilly!

It was incredibly difficult to choose this year as we had some fantastic applications from lots of Year Six children.  All of the children worked incredibly hard on their applications and should be very proud of themselves for applying.  We are looking forward to working with our new Head Boy and Girl and the deputies and are excited to see the children take on this role for the year.

A huge well done to everyone! 

Meet The Teacher

Just a reminder that Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th September will give you an opportunity to meet your child's teacher. The coffee mornings are 30 minute sessions which give you the opportunity to meet the class teacher, for them to give you an overview of their year group and any particular focuses, such as the phonics screening check in year 1 or the multiplication check in year 4. We will provide drinks and biscuits too. These coffee mornings will be for Years 1-5. Our Nursery and Reception parents have already had the chance to meet Mrs Imthiyaz and Miss Hartung, and Miss Brading will be holding a Year 6 Information Evening on Thursday 21st September at 3.30pm. Please book via the MCAS app. 

Escape Room Experience

Over the last two weeks, Year 6 and Year 5 had the exciting opportunity to experience an escape room challenge that was delivered by David and Lindsay from Medway Council. The children absolutely loved it and enjoyed working together to solve different code breaking problems. All children worked hard to find different strategies and ways to solve the problems and excitingly managed to solve the task! 

David and Lindsay were very impressed by our children and commented that they were one of the best groups they had worked with due to their brilliant communication and team work skills. Hopefully we will be able to organise other oppotunities like this again! 

Blue Peter Book Club

Blue Peter has started a book club which is all about sharing the joy of reading. Every month, they will talk about a different book and will have lots of fun activities, quizzes and challenges. They even have a quiz on their website for children to take for book recommendations if they're not sure which is the right book for them. 

The most exciting part about all of this is that the children can apply for the new Blue Peter Book Badge! This badge has been designed by one of the UK's best known illustrators, Sir Quentin Blake. All the children need to do in order to earn their badge is to share their love of a book they have read by submitting a book review and answering the following questions:

1. Tell us about the book you have read. What do you think about it?

2. What other books and authors have you enjoyed reading and why? 

3. Create a drawing of a character or a scene for the book you have read in question 1. 

Applications are open for children aged 5-15 and it would be great if our children are able to receive a Blue Peter Badge! If your children do take part in this, please bring a copy of their book reviews in to school to share with their classes. 


MMA Free Sessions

Medway Music Association’s FREE Weekly Music Tech Sessions run on Tuesdays 16:30 – 17:30 during term time only and starts again on Tuesday 19th September.

These sessions are for pupils aged 9 – 18 (year 5 – year 13) and cater for complete beginners through to the more advanced.

These sessions will offer pupils the chance to work with an online Digital Audio Workstation - Bandlab. Pupils will learn how to create music electronically and production techniques such as looping, automation and sampling, as well as creating music for specific purposes, e.g. music for adverts, films etc. 

We have attached the registration form for pupils to register now.

Thank you in advance for sharing this free opportunity.

ADHD Awareness Workshop

Medway Small Steps/SEN Connect will be running an ADHD Awareness Workshop for parents/carers on Thursday 21st September, 10am-12pm at the Academy of Woodlands.

In this workshop we will look at:

What is ADHD - terminology and definitions?
Indicators of ADHD?
Assessment and diagnosis process
Supportive strategies and resources

We provide information, advice as well as time for parents/carers to share their experiences and successful practices too. It’s also a great opportunity to meet other parents on a similar journey. Tea and coffee will be provided on the day.

To book a space on this course, please click on the below link. Spaces are limited.

Please note this is for parents/carers only.

Autism Awareness Workshop

Medway Small Steps/SEN Connect will be running an Autism Awareness workshop for parents/carers on Tuesday 19th September (10am-12pm) at The Academy of Woodlands


In this interactive workshop we will look at:


What is autism - terminology and definitions?
Indicators of autism?
Assessment and diagnosis process
Supportive strategies and resources.


It’s a great opportunity to meet other parents on a similar journey; teas and coffees will be provided on the day.

Please note due to limited space we can only allow one person per family to attend


Please book using the following link: