
26th January 2024


Oliver Jeffers -  91%

Julia Donaldson -  94%

Banksy -  93%

Maya Angelou  -  91%

   Paul O'Grady - 95%

Steve Backshall - 97%

Emmeline Pankhurst -  84%

David Attenborough -  96%

Peninsula East Primary Academy  - 92%

Well done to Julia Donaldson class for having the best attendance this week in KS1.   In KS2 this week, Steve Backshall class have won for the second week in a row!  It is a shame to see that this is the lowest our overall attendance has been in the whole academic year so far. It will be great to see this improve moving forward!

PYP Learner Attribute Awards

Oliver Jeffers Class - Edward (Principled) & Ava (Open-minded)

Julia Donaldson Class - Riley (Caring) & Hartlee (Communicator)

Banksy Class - Olivia (Inquirer) &  George (Balanced)

Maya Angelou Class -  Olivia (Communicator ) Leo (Open-minded)

Paul O'Grady Class - Freddy (Thinker) & Frankie (Balanced)

Steve Backshall Class -  Frankie (Communicator) & Ivy (Thinker)

Emmeline Pankhurst Class - Joey (Risk-Taker) & Aurora N (Principled)

David Attenborough Class -  Savannah (Principled) Darcy (Reflective)

WOW Writer Awards

Congratulations to these children for fantastic writing this week...

Oliver Jeffers Class - Elsie

Julia Donaldson Class - Alfie M

Banksy Class - LaRosa

Maya Angelou Class - Charlie

Paul O'Grady Class - Ellis P

Steve Backshall Class -Tommy

Emmeline Pankhurst Class - Lilly B

David Attenborough Class - Ryley

Readers of the Week

Each time your child reads, they will receive one point for their class.  At the end of each week, points will be counted and the winning class will receive a whole class reward. These points will be tallied up throughout the term and at the end of each module, the class with the most points will receive a reward.  

Congratulations to Paul O'Grady for winning with an amazing total of 106 reading points this week!

Oliver Jeffers Class - Logan

Julia Donaldson Class - Ollie

Banksy Class - Eddie

Maya Angelo Class -  Jackson 

Paul O'Grady Class - Ivy

Steve Backshall Class - Florence

Emmeline Pankhurst Class - Cassie

David Attenborough Class - Ethan 

Our Wonderful Inquiry Work 

Oliver Jeffers

Oliver Jeffers Class have been learning about transport and journeys as part of their central idea so far this module.  There has been a big story focus and we have enjoyed reading and retelling the stories of We're Going on a Bear Hunt and Little Red Riding Hood. 

During child initiated time, there has been some fantastic artwork, small world play and puppets related to the stories.  There has also been some superb writing of the story Little Red Riding Hood. 

Steve Backshall & Paul O'Grady

Year 4 have been using their class text ‘Wind in the Willows’ to write character and setting descriptions.  The whole of Year 4 worked really hard on their publishing and made an excellent effort to write neatly.  We now have enough class stars to be awarded a treat.  On Wednesday 31st January, we will have a non-uniform day, just for Year 4.  Well done Steve Backshall and Paul O’ Grady classes.

During our science lessons we have been learning about how to group animals and plants.  We designed a classification key to help us identify plants.

Our focus has been on rivers and flooding.  We collected data about the depth of the River Medway at different stages and used our computing skills to present it as charts using Google sheets. 

Recently, we had three sessions with a tutor to learn how to play the steel drums. By the end of the tuition we could play Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star!


Wow! What a fantastic multi-skills event that Peninsula East attended on Thursday 25th January 2024.  The children engaged in a range of team sports and showed great team player characteristics.  They supported and guided each other through the events and even gave each other positive words of affirmation to give them a boost.  It was great to hear all the children were supportive and were fantastic role models to the school.

A big thank you to Miss Sawyer and Miss Hosegood for running the event.  Thank you to the parents that supported us with dropping off and picking up the children who attended the event.  We have many more events organised and we are excited to share these with the children as we are aware that they love attending sports events. 

School information

Next term Mrs Drogomirecki will be holding her SENCO surgeries again, there will be 2 days on offer one at Peninsula East and one at High Halstow.  Parents are able to book on at either school site.  These meetings can be in person, virtual or phone call. Please let the office know you preference when booking. The dates will be shared in the next couple of week.

Student Support plans have recently been reviewed and these will be sent home over the next week or so. These are for students who are on the SEND register.  When you receive your updated copy please let the office know if you would like to request a meeting with Mrs Drogomirecki to discuss.

At the moment there are long waiting times for lots of services, from School nursing to Parent support. At PEPA we feel your frustration at the waiting times and we will always try and update you as soon as we are able to. If you receive any correspondence from outside agencies please always share this with us in school as quite often we do not receive copies of these.

Well Being Champions

This term the Well Being group have been meeting with Mrs Drogomirecki and Miss Brading to create Well Being boxes for each class.  Within these boxes children can put any ideas they might have to support the Well being of others and also any worries or concerns that they might have.  The Well Being champions will then meet regularly to discuss what actions we could take as a school to support our pupils.  We will keep you updated on our ventures in future newsletters.

School Council

This term, school council have been meeting with Miss Goldfinch to discuss what we can put in place to support our school and the wider community.  School council have decided to think of ways we can support the community with things such as littering, recycling, car idling etc.  They have started to design and plan an assembly to deliver to the school as well as an exciting competition which they will launch next term.  We will keep you updated about school council's progress in future newsletters.


Early Help

At PEPA, Mrs Drogomirecki is out Early Help Lead Partner.  We often get asked what Early Help is.  Below is some information that you might find useful.  If you feel that this support is something that you might be interested in please contact the office who will set up a meeting for you with Mrs Drogomirecki.

Early Help is everybody’s responsibility, there are organisations and services across Medway that can support you and your family to address worries. Medway Children’s Services Early Help offer is called Family Solutions.


Support is provided as soon as it is needed to help you and your family thrive and resolve any challenges you may be facing before they become too difficult to manage. Early Help can support you with difficulties you’re having with:


You can receive Early Help in Medway from an identified lead practitioner or from Family Solutions. A lead practitioner could be a professional you already know well, and you have a good relationship with such as:


You’ll receive support from a worker who will:


Many of you will have heard reports from local and national media outlets regarding the increase in the number of measles cases across some areas of the country.


The Department for Education has published a new blog relating to school children and schools What to do if you think your child has measles and when to keep them off school - The Education Hub (