
19th January 2024


Oliver Jeffers -  91%

Julia Donaldson -  87%

Banksy -  96%

Maya Angelou  -  95%

   Paul O'Grady -  91%

Steve Backshall - 99%

Emmeline Pankhurst -  95%

David Attenborough -  92%

Peninsula East Primary Academy  - 93%

Well done to Banksy class for having the best attendance this week in KS1.   In KS2 this week, Steve Backshall class almost reached 100% attendance. It will be great to see which classes have won overall for the term and also who will win the Golden Tickets this term.

PYP Learner Attribute Awards

Oliver Jeffers Class - Katie (Principled) & Haisley (Caring)

Julia Donaldson Class - Alfie M (Risk-taker) & Lennie (Knowledgeable)

Banksy Class -James (Reflective) &  Harleigh-May (Principled)

Maya Angelou Class -  Paisley (Caring) Jackson (Principled)

Paul O'Grady Class - Sienna (Knowledgeable) & Tilly (Risk-taker)

Steve Backshall Class -  Luisa (Knowledgeable) & Grace(Risk-taker)

Emmeline Pankhurst Class - Aizenosa (Risk-Taker) & Lexi (Caring)

David Attenborough Class -  Charlie (Communicator) Joshua (Thinker)

WOW Writer Awards

Congratulations to these children for fantastic writing this week...

Oliver Jeffers Class - Zachary

Julia Donaldson Class - Ollie 

Banksy Class - Isabella M

Maya Angelou Class - Jaynee

Paul O'Grady Class - Aaron

Steve Backshall Class - Victoria

Emmeline Pankhurst Class - Sonni

David Attenborough Class - Tianna 

Readers of the Week

Each time your child reads, they will receive one point for their class.  At the end of each week, points will be counted and the winning class will receive a whole class reward. These points will be tallied up throughout the term and at the end of each module, the class with the most points will receive a reward.  

Congratulations to Reception Class for winning with an amazing total of 61 reading points this week!

Oliver Jeffers Class - Robyn

Julia Donaldson Class - Arthur

Banksy Class - Sydney

Maya Angelo Class -  Vencel

Paul O'Grady Class - Joseph

Steve Backshall Class - Isabelle

Emmeline Pankhurst Class -  Sophie

David Attenborough Class - Phoebe

Our Wonderful Inquiry Work 

Pepa Tots

This module, children have been learning about different types of materials and how they can be used to build and create.  We have been looking at the Three Little Pigs story and the materials they used to build their  house. 

The children did  some experiments with straw and sticks to see if they were strong.  They  also did some colour mixing using red and white to make pink and black and white to make grey.

“ I used a sponge to paint my pink pig” Vinnie.

“We had black and white to make grey” Annie.

They have been acting out the story and making links to their  learning.

" The big bad wolf is coming to the stick house" Bear.

“My house is made of bricks. The big bad wolf won’t come down the chimney because I don’t have a chimney,” Robin.

Maya Angelou

This week we have learnt a lot about Thomas Edison and his great inventions, the children have been learning how to research on their Chromebook as well as creating a wonderful biography on Thomas Edison. 

The children have had a great time during our music lessons, they have had an opportunity this term to use the steel drums and have learnt some great songs. We have also been exploring different musical instruments and have worked as a group to play a range of different sounds that work together. 

School information

PYP Module 3

This module, our classes have made a start with their learning around their new central ideas.

Each class has a knowledge organiser which shares with parents and carers what they will be learning about each module. These are shared opposite. They are also available on the PEPA website on the Class Pages and are displayed outside the Office, should you want to have a look at what they children are learning about. 

We look forward to sharing what KS2 have learnt about during our PYP Open Afternoon on Tuesday 6th February. 


Throughout the school, children have been looking at Geography in the first two weeks of school. In Key Stage 1, children have been looking at where we live, including looking at the Hoo Peninsula as well as countries in the UK. In Key Stage 2, children have been looking at map work, rivers, the water cycle, regions of North America and sustainability in different parts of the UK. Have a look at some of our fantastic work! 


Since the start of the module, we have been delighted to have Mr Ireland back with us working on Steel Drums with some of our KS2 pupils! We have been very lucky to have him with us for a few weeks, and wish him luck during his performance in the 'Opéra de Lille' later this year. The children have enjoyed developing their drumming skills with him.

Mrs Ross continues to provide specialist music lessons for our Key Stage 1 pupils who are enjoying developing early music skills and vocabulary. Our Year 4 keyboard players are working hard in their lessons with her to develop their confidence and our Year 5 and 6 cello players are further developing their new skills. 

Within the classrooms, Miss Goldfinch and Mrs Dobbins have been working with Key Stage 2 to provide some engaging lessons following our 'SingUp!' curriculum. Year 3 have been working on some Latin Dancing as part of this. 

In singing assemblies, pupils have been learning 'Try Everything' as a catchy tune to remind ourselves to try again and be resilient learners who are ready for a challenge! 


Polite notice - parking and driving on site

We would like to remind you that unless you have explicitly agreed or shared a specific reason (like a Blue Badge) with the PEPA office team, you should not be parking or driving onto the school site please. This not only is a safety risk to the children who are crossing the car park, particularly for the KS2 gate, but also prevents the minibus and children that are on this from getting into school before the start of the day. If parents and carers continually drive into the school car park, we will have no option but to close the gates to the car park again at the start of the school day. 

We appreciate your continued support on this to keep our children and staff safe. 

Thank you from Shine

In November, we held our fundraising day for Shine.  We are really pleased to share that Louise from Shine has got in touch to thank us for our donation:

"I am reaching out to you because of your kind donation that was made in November by £192.03 by Leigh Academies Trust on behalf of Peninsula East Primary Academy.  We were told the students at PEPA had a dress up day because one of your students is a member of Shine.  We were blown away by the kind gesture, thank you so much for supporting Shine....Once again, thank you so much for your tremendous support.  Your kind donation goes a long way to support our 13,500 members who we support for life. "

Thank you to everyone who was a part of this day and for your generous contributions to our charity events throughout the year.