
13 January 2023


Oliver Jeffers - 96.93%

Julia Donaldson - 98.73%

Steve Irwin - 96.77%

Walt Disney - 98.5%

Marcus Rashford - 99%

Lewis Hamilton - 91.38%

Helen Sharman - 93.10%

Benjamin Zephaniah - 87.42%

Peninsula East Primary Academy - 94.96%

Well done to Julia Donaldson class for having the best attendance this week in KS1. In KS2 this week, Marcus Rashford class achieved the best attendance so well done to them too. Marcus Rashford seem to be one of the main classes who have great attendance across the whole of the school so a huge congratulations to them. It is also pleasing to see that many children would have had their Golden tickets this week as our whole school attendance is great.

Balanced Award

Oliver Jeffers Class - River

Julia Donaldson Class - Finley

Steve Irwin Class - Finley

Walt Disney Class - Mya

Marcus Rashford Class - Isabelle

Lewis Hamilton Class - Daniel

Helen Sharman Class - Harrison

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Lola

WOW Writer Awards

Congratulations to these children for fantastic writing this week...

Julia Donaldson Class - Ryleigh

Steve Irwin Class - Jackson

Walt Disney Class - Joseph

Marcus Rashford Class - Richard

Lewis Hamilton Class - Samuel

Helen Sharman Class - Tianna

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Ryan

Risk Taker Award

Oliver Jeffers Class - Alfie

Julia Donaldson Class - James

Steve Irwin Class - Gracie

Walt Disney Class - Sienna

Marcus Rashford Class - Ivy

Lewis Hamilton Class - Franky

Helen Sharman Class - Thomas

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Codey

Our Wonderful Inquiry Work


A very Happy New Year to you all and welcome back to school. I hope that you all enjoyed the holidays and are looking forward to the year ahead. The children have all settled back into their school routines very quickly and have been very principled. We also had some new children join us this term and they have settled very well. Well done to them!

This term our module is going to be “How the world works” and we are looking at the life cycle of a butterfly and a plant. Children are looking forward to watching their own butterfly grow which should be coming next week.

We provide the children the chance to learn and develop both inside and outside so that they are connecting with the outside world and learning about the beautiful seasons. It is important that the children are dressed according to the weather and bring in water proofs and wellies as well as any clothing that you don’t mind getting messy. Please ensure that their names are on these items too.

It is also very helpful for us if you could practice with your child at home taking off and putting on their outdoor clothing and please put any hats, gloves or scarves in their book bags before they come in!

Healthy lunch boxes: Please ensure your child’s lunch box contains food they like to eat and a manageable amount. They should have a sandwich/wrap or suitable alternative and at least one piece of fruit. We ask that they do not have sweets or chocolate bars in their packed lunch please but a biscuit bar or equivalent. Also, please send water in their water bottles and milk will be provided in school.

Benjamin Zephaniah

Year 6 started Module 3 by diving into our first line of inquiry into creatures on our Earth. We learnt all about Carl Linnaeus and the systems which he created to classify living things. Below, you can see Sophie's biography which she wrote to tell people all about him. Following on from this, we created our own classification keys using 'species' of sweets and based our questions around which colour, shape and size they were. We were then able to apply these skills to create a classification key for a species of animal. Currently, we are working on our own new species! We have created hybrid animals and are busy preparing non-chronological reports to tell the world about our amazing discoveries!

You will see some sketches of some of the creatures below. Well done Year 6 on a fantastic start of term, I am sure you will keep up the good work and fantastic attitude to challenges.

School information


As an IB World School, we offer an exciting and engaging learning experience for all of our children. Through this, the children have the opportunity to explore many different topics and ideas that help them to understand the world around them. As part of this, the Year 6 pupils lead on their own individual projects which is known as the Year 6 Exhibition. This is when the children have more autonomy over their own learning inquiries and will then take the learning in a direction of their choice.

There are 4 different types of inquiry:

Structured Inquiry

Students follow the lead teacher, engaging in inquiry together.

Controlled Inquiry

Teacher chooses topics and identifies resources to support children’s inquiry.

Guided Inquiry

Teacher chooses topics/questions. Students design product or solution

Free Inquiry

Students choose their topic without reference to any outcome.

As the PYP exhibition gives the children more voice, choice and ownership over their learning, they will be adopting the guided inquiry approach. They will also share the same overarching transdisciplinary theme but will then take this in the direction that they are interested in.

This will take place over the course of 3 weeks and at the end, they will then present their work as an open exhibition to their parents, staff and pupils. To ensure that children are familiar with sharing their work, we hold regular PYP open afternoons throughout the year for all year groups, so that they are confident discussing and sharing their learning journey.


Golden Ticket! You've got to be in to win!

We are excited to launch our new attendance incentive for the school. Starting from Monday 9th January, the children can start to receive golden tickets, the children need to attend a full week of school and at the end of each week (every Friday) they will receive a golden ticket from their class teacher. These will be gathered together by the office so that there can be a prize draw at the end of term assembly. We will separate the tickets so that there will be two prize draws. One will be for the whole of KS2 and one will be for Reception class and KS1. There will be two winners drawn from each, so four winners per term in total and these children will be awarded with prizes, such as family cinema vouchers and other exciting family prizes for you all to enjoy. The more that the children attend school during each term then the more chances they will have to win a prize at the end of the term.

As well as this, we will still continue with our 100% termly attendance certificates and Mrs Rimmer will continue to have termly prizes with classes who have the best attendance each term, which includes fun activities such as class bingo games.

We look forward to finding out our first round of winners this term!

Peninsula East Primary Academy - Complaints Ladder

In order for the complaints ladder to work effectively, please ensure that you follow the guidance when deciding who to speak to regarding your complaint; this will help us to manage your concerns so that it can be dealt with appropriately and up-levelled where necessary.

Please find additional guidance on our school website, or alternatively, follow this link to find a copy of our Complaints Policy.

Busters Book Club

Congratulations to Benjamin Zephaniah class for reading a total of 436 minutes this week!

All children have been given a new Buster's Book Club book mark for the Spring term. Please ensure you are reading with your children at home on a Wednesday and record their reading minutes on the book mark. Please bring the bookmarks back into school on a Thursday so we can monitor and log these scores. Buster's Book Club do award prizes based on how many minutes classes have read so every minute counts!