
8th September 2023


Oliver Jeffers - 98%

Julia Donaldson - 94%

Banksy -  93%

Maya Angelou -   99%

Paul O'Grady  -  98%

Steve Backshall -  91%

Emmeline Pankhurst  - 100%

David Attenborough - 98.5%

Peninsula East Primary Academy  -97%

Wow! What a great start to Term 1 with our attendance. We hope that this continues and we can have fantastic attendance all year. Well done to Oliver Jeffers class for having the best attendance this week and it is their first full week in school. In KS2 this week, Emmeline Pankhurst class have 100% attendance so a huge well done to them too. 

PYP Learner Attribute Awards

Oliver Jeffers Class - Ava (Caring) & Edward (Principled)

Julia Donaldson Class - Hartlee (Reflective) & Lennie T (Communicator)

Banksy Class - Eddie (Caring) & Isabella M (Knowledgeable)

Maya Angelou Class - Callie (Caring Attribute demonstrated) & Evie(Principled Attribute demonstrated)

Paul O'Grady Class - Harry (Knowledgeable) & Aaron (Communicator)

Steve Backshall Class - Poppi-Anne (Caring) & Isabelle (Communicator)

Emmeline Pankhurst Class - Callum (Knowledgeable) & Lexi (Inquirer)

David Attenborough Class - Koby (Knowledgeable) & Alex (Communicator)

WOW Writer Awards

Congratulations to these children for fantastic writing this week...

Oliver Jeffers Class - Lilly

Julia Donaldson Class - Jamie

Banksy Class -  Ryleigh

Maya Angelou Class - Connor 

Paul O'Grady Class - Frankie

Steve Backshall Class - Frankie

Emmeline Pankhurst Class - Sonni

David Attenborough Class - Darcy

Readers of the Week

Congratulations to our first 8 winners!

Oliver Jeffers Class - Charlie

Julia Donaldson Class - Noah

Banksy Class -  Izzy T

Maya Angelo Class -  Vencel

Paul O'Grady Class - Annamaya

Steve Backshall Class - Grace

Emmeline Pankhurst Class -  Sophie

David Attenborough Class - Lewis

Our reading book vending machine is taking pride of place in the school hall for all to see!  Thank you to all of you for all your support with our fundraising day in July to enable us to raise a total of £1,021.58. We would also like to say a huge thank you to Haven and Jackson's lifts for donating the rest of the funds needed to purchase the vending machine as well as new books to put in there.

Every Friday, one child from each class will be awarded a token to use in the vending machine for regular home reading so it's really important that you bring your reading records in so teachers are able to monitor reading at home! 

Each time your child reads, they will receive one point for their class. At the end of each week, points will be counted and the winning class will receive a whole class reward. These points will continue to be tallied up and at the end of each module.  

Congratulations to David Attenborough Class for winning this week with a total of 87 points. 

We have definitely seen a huge improvement with reading! Keep up the fantastic reading at home!

Our Wonderful Inquiry Work 

Pepa Tots

A warm welcome to all our new little children, as well as a hearty welcome back to our returning children. We trust that you’ve had a delightful summer break and are now prepared for the exciting year that lies ahead.

This week, our primary focus will be on helping children settle into the nursery routine, become familiar with the nursery environment and establish new friendships and relationships with staff.

As you can see from the pictures, the children have been having a wonderful time exploring indoors and outdoors.

To ensure their wellbeing, we kindly request that you pack a spare set of clothes in their bags. This will come handy for any unforeseen accidents or when engaging in wet or messy play.  Additionally, we would appreciate it if you could provide a pair of wellington boots that can be kept at the nursery.  We are very thrilled for the weeks ahead and eagerly anticipate the opportunity to assist your child in their remarkable journey this year. 

Maya Angelou Class

Year 3 have had a blast this week!  We have done a range of different activities in class and we have all settled in well.  We have begun our KS2 learning, where we can use our knowledge of previous years to support us. 

We have learnt some new things, such as rocks and the different rocks that can be found.Year 3, we were lucky as on Thursday 7th we had a 3D rocks workshop where we learnt about rocks, what they were and where different rocks are found. The 3D glasses added a nice touch to rock learning!

On Tuesday, we had our very first PE lesson with a qualified coach, where we learnt a new sport called hockey. Mr Paton taught us how to dribble, stop and what side of the hockey stick we should be using. As the weather is still nice in September we have been able to do our end of day story time outside and have enjoyed being in the shade with a nice breeze. 

School information

Allergies Reminder

When the children start at school we ask for you to inform us of any allergies your children may have.  These are then recorded as part of a health care plan and staff are made aware.  If there are any changes to your child’s allergies, we ask that you please inform the office so that we can then update your child’s health plan.  Whilst we cannot completely eliminate all products that children may have allergies to, in order to reduce the risk, we ask that you please make sure that no nut products are bought into school as part of the children’s snacks or packed lunches.  This includes products such as peanut butter and Nutella spread in sandwiches. 

If you would like further advice on allergies, the symptoms and what you can do to reduce them please visit Allergy UK’s website: 

We also have our Policy for Managing Nut and other Allergies available on the academy website: 

Uniform Reminders

It has been fantastic to see the pupils coming into school looking so smart in their new uniforms ready for the academic year. Smart uniform conveys a sense of pride in self, pride in learning and pride in the Academy and community that pupils are a member of. 

Please may we remind you of our uniform expectations shared on our website, in particular regarding School Bags.

Bags should be as below:

All of our uniform items can be purchased from local retailers, and if you have any difficulty in sourcing uniform, please contact us via the office for support.

Dates for your diaries

We have lots of exciting events happening this term. Please remember to check key events sent out on MCAS.

The calendar opposite provides the dates and in the coming weeks we will send letters with further details about these events. 

Here are some of the first events coming up!

Monday 11th September - Year 5 Escape Room

Tuesday 12th & Wednesday 13th September - Medway Test

Monday 18th & Tuesday 19th September - Meet The Teacher Coffee Mornings

2023-24 School Calendar - M1 Parents&Carers

New Reception pupils for September 2024

If you have a child or know of any families with a child starting school in September 2024, we would love to be able to show them around our school and celebrate all of the wonderful environments and learning that we do here. 

Please come and visit us on either Wednesday 22nd November at 9.30am or Tuesday 28th November at 2pm so that we can show you around the school. Please book this visit in with the academy office at or 01634270428.  We look forward to seeing you!

PEPA Complaints ladder

Please follow our complaints ladder below which is also available in the 'Contact Us' section of the PEPA website (  We always recommend in the first instance that you talk to your child's class teacher as they will be working with your child on a daily basis. If you need to escalate beyond the class teacher please do bear in mind that whilst we will try and meet with you on the same day, this is not always possible.  If complaints are put into writing, please do allow at least 5 working days for a reply from the Academy. If we are able to respond sooner or if it may take longer to respond, we will inform you as soon as possible.  Any responses will be sent during the school day. 

KS1 lead - Miss Goldfinch

Assistant Principals - Miss Brading and Mrs Drogomirecki

Vice Principal - Mrs Champ

Principal - Mrs Rimmer

Medway and Ebbsfleet Academies Director - Miss Elwin 

Complaints Ladder PEPA 2023/24
