
13th October 2023


Oliver Jeffers - 96%

Julia Donaldson - 88%

Banksy - 98%

Maya Angelou  - 95%

Paul O'Grady -   90%

Steve Backshall - 94%

Emmeline Pankhurst - 94.8%

David Attenborough - 94.6%

Peninsula East Primary Academy  - 94%

Well done to Banksy class for having the best attendance this week in KS1.  In KS2 this week, Maya Angelou class are the winning class. We still need to continue to drive forward towards our target of 96% attendance. 

PYP Learner Attribute Awards

Oliver Jeffers Class - Haisley (Principled) & Charlie (Thinker)

Julia Donaldson Class - Joshua (Risk-taker) & Maebelle (Caring)

Banksy Class - Daisy (Knowledgeable)& Cleo (Principled)

Maya Angelou Class - Edward (Risk-taker) & Freya S (Caring)

Paul O'Grady Class - Ellcie (Risk-taker) & Joseph (Knowledgeable)

Steve Backshall Class - Archie (Knowledgeable) & Frankie (Communicator)

Emmeline Pankhurst Class -  Aimee (Thinker) & Phoebe (Risk-Taker)

David Attenborough Class - Gracie (Caring) &  Harrison (Knowledgeable)

WOW Writer Awards

Congratulations to these children for fantastic writing this week...

Oliver Jeffers Class -  Maeve

Julia Donaldson Class - Hartlee

Banksy Class -  Logan

Maya Angelou Class - Lauren

Paul O'Grady Class - Annamaya

Steve Backshall Class - Luisa

Emmeline Pankhurst Class - Callum

David Attenborough Class - Savannah

Readers of the Week

Each time your child reads, they will receive one point for their class. At the end of each week, points will be counted and the winning class will receive a whole class reward. These points will be tallied up throughout the term and at the end of each module, the class with the most points will receive a reward.  

Congratulations to Banksy class for winning with a total of 62 reading points this week. 

Oliver Jeffers Class - Nellie H

Julia Donaldson Class - Lennie H

Banksy Class - India

Maya Angelo Class -  Felicia 

Paul O'Grady Class - Tilly

Steve Backshall Class - Franklin

Emmeline Pankhurst Class -  Pip

David Attenborough Class - Summer 

Our Wonderful Inquiry Work 

Oliver Jeffers

Oliver Jeffers Class have been busy this week learning about Autumn and harvest. They performed brilliantly in their Harvest Festival performance - the first time  many of them  have performed to parents - Miss Hartung and Mrs Sherman were incredibly proud of them! In the classroom, children have taken part in a wide range of activities from making pumpkin potions, exploring their senses in the water tray and fine motor skills in the Autumn tuff tray to engaging in role play with our pumpkin patch! They have been developing their phonics knowledge also and have begun writing CVC words and a few children have written some short phrases - Miss Hartung has been incredibly impressed by the children's skills and, most importantly, their hard work and positive attitudes to learning. 

Paul O'Grady

Paul O'Grady class has had a very busy term! Last week, we went on our school trip to the Medway Towns Gurdwara. We had the opportunity to learn lots of new, exciting facts about sikhism and we were able to ask lots of questions about the religion. Parminder was also very impressed at our knowledge of Sikhism. We would like to thank the Medway Towns Gurdwara for allowing us to visit.

We have also been busy completing a range of work in our Inquiry lessons. We have been looking at motivational speeches and have linked this to Black History Month by looking at the speech Martin Luther King gave. We are now writing our own motivational speech, pretending we are Asha from our class text 'Agent Asha - Mission Shark Bytes'. We are excited to finish these off next week! 

Steve Backshall

Steve Backshall Class have really enjoyed learning about electricity and making circuits.  We made predictions and tested our ideas.  Later, we discovered that different materials could be added to a circuit and that some were conductors and others were insulators.  Using our chrome books we worked on virtual circuits and had fun experimenting with switches.

In our Inquiry sessions, as part of Black History Month, we studied Mae Jemison and Martin Luther King.  Mae was the first African-American woman to go to space.  This linked to space week where we carried out some short investigations about the skills an astronaut would need.  We discovered our reaction times were slower than we expected!

We are currently writing our own motivational speech after studying part of Martin Luther King's famous 'I have a dream' speech. 

School information

Space Week

Last week, we celebrated Space Week in school. Each class took part in Mission X Astronaut Training and completed a range of Science and physical activities throughout the week to prepare themselves for Space. Miss Hartung, our Science lead, also led 3 parent sessions (we were overwhelmed and thrilled by the level of support and number of people wanting to take part.)  

Children designed rockets with their parents before we took them outside to launch. Like all true Science, some rockets worked more effectively than others and we learnt from our mistakes and found better ways to create rockets as the sessions went on - one rocket on the roof and another in the tree are testament to quite how well some of them worked! 

Thank you to everyone who attended, we had some lovely feedback from parents and children. In the words of one of our Year 2 pupils, "Thank you for organising this, I really love Science!"

Harvest Festival

This week, we celebrated our Harvest Festivals with a record number of parents and carers coming along to support.  We started the morning with some wonderful singing from Nursery and Reception, followed by Year 1 and Year 2.  In the afternoon, Years 3,4,5 & 6 did a fantastic job at their performances too.  We were very grateful that Reverend Gwilt joined us for some performances and gave thanks for the harvest. 

Thank you to our community for taking the time to join us in these celebrations, and for your generous donations which will be shared next week. 

Year 5 & 6 Age UK Church Service 

Year 5 & 6 had a lovely afternoon at All Saints Allhallows Church on Friday afternoon, sharing a selection of Harvest songs with Age UK. The children were brilliantly behaved and sung their hearts out! It was great to share all of our work around harvest with the local community.

A huge shout-out to Charlie and Teddy L from Y6 who took it upon themselves to go and introduce themselves to some of the elderly guests and even assisted them with walking through the church. Such a lovely example of how kind and respectful our children are!


Polite Reminder

We would like to politely ask that you are mindful of what your children are doing when they are waiting in the car park, there are many riding through the car park whilst staff are arriving into the Academy or the bus is leaving or arriving.  This is a Health & Safety issue and we really want to work together to ensure that no one could get hurt.  Therefore:

Parents/carers are also still driving into the school grounds during drop off and pick up, unless you have a Blue Badge please do not drive in to school to drop off or collect.

Tax free childcare

HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is reminding families to open a Tax-Free Childcare account to save on their yearly childcare bills.

Families can use their Tax-Free Childcare account to pay for any approved childcare including holiday clubs, breakfast and after school clubs, child minders and nurseries.

The scheme provides working families, with children up to the age of 11, or 16 if their child has a disability, up to £2,000 a year per child or £4,000 a year if their child is disabled. For every £8 paid into a Tax-Free Childcare account, families automatically receive the government top up of £2. Families can save up to £500 every three months for each child or £1,000 if their child is disabled.

Parents are encouraged to go to GOV.UK to register and start saving today. HMRC has produced a Tax-Free Childcare guide for parents, which explains the reasons and benefits for signing up to the scheme.