
7th October 2022


Oliver Jeffers - 85%

Julia Donaldson - 88%

Steve Irwin - 94%

Walt Disney - 95%

Marcus Rashford - 100%

Lewis Hamilton - 94%

Helen Sharman - 98%

Benjamin Zephaniah - 88%

Peninsula East Primary Academy - 92%

Well done to Steve Irwin class class for having the best attendance this week in KS1. In KS2 this week, Marcus Rashford class have 100% attendance for two weeks running now, this is fantastic and means that they are well on their way to winning the class termly prize for attendance. We know there have been some illnesses in school this week that have impacted our overall attendance so this should look better next week.

Open Minded Award

Oliver Jeffers Class - Ollie

Julia Donaldson Class - LaRosa

Steve Irwin Class - Ruby

Walt Disney Class - Izzy

Marcus Rashford Class - Richard

Lewis Hamilton Class - Sophie

Helen Sharman Class - Ryley

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Zain

The Human Brain

WOW Writer Awards

Congratulations to these children for fantastic writing this week...

Julia Donaldson Class - Ryleigh

Steve Irwin Class - Leo

Walt Disney Class - Tilly

Marcus Rashford Class - Sadie-Rae

Lewis Hamilton Class - Aurora

Helen Sharman Class - Savannah

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Darcie

Inquirer Award

Oliver Jeffers Class - River

Julia Donaldson Class - Luna

Steve Irwin Class - Alfie

Walt Disney Class - Mya

Marcus Rashford Class - Ibrahim

Lewis Hamilton Class - Kayson

Helen Sharman Class - Gracie

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Lenny

Our Wonderful Inquiry Work

Julia Donaldson

The children have been working hard to perform their Harvest Festival song. They really smashed their performance, well done! In our inquiry we have been discussing different types of festivals and noting the history and the local impact. The children also made wreaths for Great Big Green Week and tidied our garden area in our outside area. We also welcomed a huge number of parents to our come and read session, which the children really enjoyed.

Helen Sharman

In Helen Sharman class this week, we worked hard to get ready for harvest. We made vegetable soup and thought about seasonality. This also gave us the opportunity to work on some skills like bridge and claw cutting methods. The soup was also very tasty and a good example of healthy eating. We also learned a new skill in art called one point perspective. We used a technique that helped us introduce perspective and depth into our work. We used this to create an autumnal scene for harvest.

School information

Church Visit

Last Thursday, as part of the ‘Great Big Green Week’, Year 4 were lucky enough to go to All Saints Church to take part in some more activities associated with their ‘Jewel in the Marshland Project’. As part of the continuing work at the Church, Year 4 were invited to spend the afternoon planting new additions to their sensory gardens, designing their own stained glass window and even participating in a game of I Spy around the Church grounds looking for items such as grotesques and decorative gallet stones.

The children had a fantastic time and were absolutely in awe of the building and its heritage. They would also like to say a big thank you to Jenny and the Church for an afternoon full of fun and activities!

Harvest Celebrations

Thank you so much for your support in attending our Harvest celebration assemblies. The children put on great performances in EYFS and KS1 with their singing and dancing. It was fabulous to see our Nursery and Reception classes perform for the first time to our parents. Our KS1 classes were very confident in their singing of Harvest songs. In KS2, the children were able to show off their art work or their learning linked to Harvest and year 5 had even prepared some soup for the parents to taste at the end of their assembly. Rev Gwilt visited us from Allhallows church to read a Harvest prayer. We had some many parents attending our assemblies that we need to ensure that we purchase more chairs!

Thank you also for your plentiful food donations that were gratefully received for 'Time for the Homeless'. These will be collected to use in the homeless kitchens in Rochester and also made into food parcels to support those families that are in need of these.

Allergies Reminder

When the children start at school we ask for you to inform us of any allergies your children may have. These are then recorded as part of a health care plan and staff are made aware. If there are any changes to your child’s allergies, we ask that you please inform the office so that we can then update your child’s health plan. Whilst we cannot completely eliminate all products that children may have allergies to, in order to reduce the risk, we ask that you please make sure that no nut products are bought into school as part of the children’s snacks or packed lunches. This includes products such as peanut butter and Nutella spread in sandwiches.

If you would like further advice on allergies, the symptoms and what you can do to reduce them please visit Allergy UK’s website:

We also have our Policy for Managing Nut and other Allergies available on the academy website:


Medway Community Safety Partnership

Medway’s Community Safety Partnership (CSP) has an online consultation that they are seeking to circulate before the deadline of 9 October 2022.

Medway CSP works to make Medway a safer place. Partners work together to develop and implement strategies to protect communities of Medway from a range of issues including anti-social behaviour, drug or alcohol abuse and re-offending. The partnership consists of:

  • Medway Council

  • Kent Police

  • The Probation Service

  • Integrated Care Board

  • Kent Fire and Rescue Service

Every Community Safety Partnership has a statutory duty to perform a public consultation. The results of this consultation will provide us with information on which to base our forthcoming strategic assessment allowing us to prioritise our work in the year ahead, based on public opinion on what is important to you and how safe you feel. The survey will only take a few minutes to complete and will close on the 9 October 2022.