
19th April 2024


Oliver Jeffers  98.5%

Julia Donaldson  99%

Banksy  95%

Maya Angelou  97%

Paul O'Grady  93%

Steve Backshall   93%

Emmeline Pankhurst  93%

David Attenborough  98%

Peninsula East Primary Academy   96%

Well done to Julia Donaldson class for having the best attendance this week in KS1.   In KS2 this week, David Attenborough class have won for best attendance.  Well done to both classes! It is fantastic to see that as a school we have met our attendance target and so as a whole school reward, the children will receive extra break time on Monday next week. 

PYP Learner Attribute Awards

Oliver Jeffers Class - Teddy (Knowledgeable) & Toby (Communicator)

Julia Donaldson Class - Hartlee (Knowledgeable) &  Ollie (communicator)

Banksy Class -  Isabelle J(Principled) & Finn(Thinker)

Maya Angelou Class - Leo (Knowledgeable) & Charlie (Communicator)

Paul O'Grady Class - Freddy (Thinker) & Bluebell (Caring)

Steve Backshall Class -Graci (Risk-taker) & Tommy (Knowledgeable)

Emmeline Pankhurst Class - Sonni (Inquirer) & Harmony(Open-Minded)

David Attenborough Class - Oliver (Inquirer) & Thomas (Inquirer)

WOW Writer Awards

Congratulations to these children for fantastic writing this week...

Oliver Jeffers Class - Izaac

Julia Donaldson Class - Hannah

Banksy Class - Izzy T

Maya Angelou Class - Ollie

Paul O'Grady Class - Aaron

Steve Backshall Class - Austin

Emmeline Pankhurst Class - Franky

David Attenborough Class - Gracie

Readers of the Week

Each time your child reads, they will receive one point for their class.  At the end of each week, points will be counted and the winning class will receive a whole class reward. These points will be tallied up throughout the term and at the end of each module, the class with the most points will receive a reward.  

Congratulations to Emmeline Pankhurst Class for winning this week with most improved reading! 

Oliver Jeffers Class - Imogen

Julia Donaldson Class - Arthur

Banksy Class -  Tilly

Maya Angelou Class - Paisley 

Paul O'Grady Class - Izzy

Steve Backshall Class - Nikos

Emmeline Pankhurst Class - Aurora-Emma

David Attenborough Class - Ava

Our Wonderful Inquiry Work 


Year 2 have had a brilliant start to Module 5. We have started to learn about The Great Fire of London by exploring and predicting what started the fire and then diving into the night on Pudding Lane. 

In our science lessons we have been exploring materials and their properties. We tested the strength of different materials by placing coins on top of each material to see how many coins it can hold before it collapses. We found out bubble wrap is a fragile material! Year 2 then tested different materials and objects to see if they can change shape. We did this by squashing, twisting, bending and stretching the shape.  It is very hard to change the shape of a metal water bottle but very easy to change the shape of a plastic straw as well as playdough. 

David Attenborough

Year 6 have had an exciting start back to school. We have started our learning of Charles Darwin and Evolution which we will studying this term through transdisciplinary learning by combining our three main driver subjects: Science, History and Geography.

We have completed research about Charles Darwin's life so far, his main achievements and the years he spent travelling the world on the HMS Beagle which we will use to write a biography. In Geography, we have toured the Galapagos Islands and looked at the physical features, such as the different types of terrain, and we will continue to learn about the biodiversity on the islands over the next coming weeks. In Music, we listened to Calypso Soley Leve and began to compose some body percussion to go alongside it! In Computing, we are exploring 3D modelling and will be creating our own 3D designs.

School information

PYP Update

This module,  EYFS will be learning about How The World Works and Year 1-6 will be learning about Where We Are In Place And Time. Each class has their Central Idea listed below:

Nursery: People contribute to maintain the balance of life on Earth

Reception: Our environment is ever-changing and our decisions may impact the natural world.

Year 1: Children's experiences of learning through play may differ.

Year 2: The impact of man-made disasters may have motivated change.

Year 3: Expeditions can promote transformation.

Year 4: Inventions may impact someone's life experience

Year 5: Human beings may migrate and explore the world for better opportunities.

Year 6: Evidence of evolution can challenge opinions of the world.

To find out more about your child's learning this module, you could take a look at the Knowledge Organisers, which are up in the Hall (as you come in via the Office).  Digital versions are also available on Google Classroom. 

Attendance and Holiday requests

Regular attendance at school is essential to promote the education of all pupils and to enable them to make the most of the educational opportunities available to them. Our ethos encourages children to feel that their presence in school is important and that they are missed when they are absent or late. At Peninsula East Primary Academy we take seriously our responsibility to monitor and promote the regular attendance of all our pupils. We acknowledge that irregular attendance seriously disrupts continuity of learning, undermines educational progress, can lead to underachievement and low attainment and impedes the child's ability to develop friendship groups within school. All children are sometimes reluctant to attend school but we need to work together to support them.

We continue to have many celebrations of attendance in school including our termly Golden Ticket winners, weekly class rewards, 100% attendance rewards per term and annually. 

Please remember that any requests for leave for attendance at weddings or for holiday requests, these must be made in writing and put forward to Mrs Rimmer. As per our attendance policy and the expectations on attendance from the school and the local authority, Mrs Rimmer is unable to authorise any holidays during term time and if a holiday of 5 days or more is taken, then it is very likely that a fine will be issued from Medway. Mrs Rimmer and Mrs Dyke will also be inviting in any parents who have requested long periods of time for holidays so that they are able to look over the areas of learning that will be missed and the impact that this will have on the child/children long term.


MMA Free Online Music Technology Session

Medway Music Association’s FREE Weekly Online Music Tech Sessions run via Zoom Tuesdays 16:30 – 17:30 during term time only.   

These sessions are for pupils aged 9 – 18 (year 5 – year 13) and cater for complete beginners through to the more advanced.

These sessions will offer pupils the chance to work with an online Digital Audio Workstation - Bandlab. Pupils will learn how to create music electronically and production techniques such as looping, automation and sampling, as well as creating music for specific purposes, e.g. music for adverts, films etc. 

If you would like a registration form for pupils to register now for Term 5 which starts on Tuesday 23rd April, please contact the office.

MMR Vaccine catch-up

MMR vaccine catch-up clinics running this April and May. Make sure your child is protected from measles  


Following a rise in measles cases in London and England, the NHS are urging parents and carers to make sure their children are up-to-date with their MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccinations. To do this you can check your child’s red book, or check with your GP, who can offer MMR catch-up appointments. Measles can lead to serious illness but it is preventable through two doses of the MMR vaccine.


Catch-up clinics are available to school-aged children, and teens up 19 years old, on Saturday, 27 April and Saturday 18 May at the Clover Street Clinic in Chatham.


To book an appointment visit

Medway's Child Health Workshops

Medway’s Child Health Team would like to hear from Medway parents and carers.  We would love to know your thoughts on our workshops for you and to find out which topics would be most useful and when would be the most convenient time for them to be delivered.

The aim of our parent workshop programme is to provide skills for parents and carers to navigate modern life challenges such as social media, mental health, and wellbeing, while exploring strategies that can contribute to the health and wellbeing of children, with a focus on family support.

Those completing the survey will have the option to enter a prize draw for ne of two Amazon vouchers (£50 and £100).