
28th March 2024


Golden Ticket Winners

Here are the winners for the £40 Cineworld vouchers for this term:

EYFS and KS1 Winners: James Year 2 & India Year 2

KS2 Winners:  Ava Year 6 & Callum Year 5

Congratulations to our winners and enjoy your prizes.

Special Awards

Congratulations to all the children below

Phonics Awards

Oliver Jeffers Class - Brody

Julia Donaldson Class - Grace

Banksy Class - Isabelle J

PE Award 

Oliver Jeffers Class - Imogen

Julia Donaldson Class - Maebelle

Banksy Class - Eddie

Maya Angelou Class - Paisley

Paul O'Grady Class - Albert

Steve Backshall Class - Austin

Emmeline Pankhurst Class - Joey

 David Attenborough Class - Bobby

Art Award

Oliver Jeffers Class - Bobby E

Julia Donaldson Class - Alfie H

Banksy Class - LaRosa

Maya Angelou Class - Jason

Paul O'Grady Class - Tilly

Steve Backshall Class - Grace

Emmeline Pankhurst Class - Kasparas

David Attenborough Class - Tianna

Inquiring Mind Award

Oliver Jeffers Class - Logan

Julia Donaldson Class - Joshua

Banksy Class - Gracie

Principals Awards

Oliver Jeffers Class - Katie

Julia Donaldson Class - Alfie D

Banksy Class - Izzy

Maya Angelou Class - Callie

Paul O'Grady Class - Darcie

Steve Backshall Class - Isabelle

Emmeline Pankhurst Class - Aurora

David Attenborough Class - Darcy

Special Awards

Speller of the Term - Freya S

TTRS - Gold - Archie & Sonni

TTRS - Silver - Ibrahim & Phoebe A

TTRS - Bronze - Nikos & Rihanna

Best Linguist - Brayden

Readers of the week

Each time your child reads, they will receive one point for their class.  At the end of each week, points will be counted and the winning class will receive a whole class reward. These points will be tallied up throughout the term and at the end of each module, the class with the most points will receive a reward.  

Congratulations to Oliver Jeffers Class for winning this week with most improved reading

Oliver Jeffers Class - Katie

Julia Donaldson Class - Joshua

Banksy Class -  Harleigh-May

Maya Angelou Class - Olivia 

Paul O'Grady Class - Sienna

Steve Backshall Class - Orson

Emmeline Pankhurst Class - Rihanna

David Attenborough Class - Jorge

School information

Multi Skills Festival

On Thursday 28th March, some children from Year 3 and Year 4 took part in a multi skills festival at Medway Park in Gillingham. The children took part in a range of activities such as relay races, under/over obstacles, as well as speed bounce and javelin.  All of the children who went got to take part in a range of different activities and commented on how much they enjoyed the day. The children were amazing at representing the school and we would like to thank parents/carers for your ongoing support with this. The children also won the 'Fair play' award as a team and all received a bag as a reward. Well done to them all!

Celebration of Science

Over the last year, PEPA has undertaken the Primary Science Quality Mark, led by Miss Hartung, our Science Lead.  The award has been a huge undertaking but worthwhile for the significant development of all aspects of Science across the school. Lessons have been enhanced, there have been many opportunities for extra-curricular learning and for all children to improve outcomes. Miss Hartung has recently submitted the final portfolio evidencing all of our hard work and we are looking forward to hearing that we have achieved this award. A huge thank you to the staff, children and Miss Hartung for all of their contributions to this. Please see a few pieces from the final project below.

Easter Fun 

Our children have had lots of fun in the lead up to the Easter weekend, including lots of Easter crafts and Easter egg hunts. The Easter bunny has indeed been very busy! We hope everyone has a great Easter break and from all of the staff and children ar PEPA, we'd like to wish you all a very Happy Easter! We will see you all on Monday 15th April. 


Medway Community Safety Partnership

Medway’s Community Safety Partnership (CSP) has an online consultation that they are seeking to circulate before the deadline of 9 October 2022.


Medway CSP works to make Medway a safer place. Partners work together to develop and implement strategies to protect communities of Medway from a range of issues including anti-social behaviour, drug or alcohol abuse and re-offending.  The partnership consists of:



Every Community Safety Partnership has a statutory duty to perform a public consultation. The results of this consultation will provide us with information on which to base our forthcoming strategic assessment allowing us to prioritise our work in the year ahead, based on public opinion on what is important to you and how safe you feel.  The survey will only take a few minutes to complete and will close on the 9 October 2022.