
8th March 2024


Oliver Jeffers 91%

Julia Donaldson 95%

Banksy 94.6%

Maya Angelou 97%

Paul O'Grady 95%

Steve Backshall 98%

Emmeline Pankhurst 91%

David Attenborough 95%

Peninsula East Primary Academy  94%

Well done to Julia Donaldson class for having the best attendance this week in KS1.   In KS2 this week, Steve Backshall class have won for best attendance. Both classes have had fantastic attendance this term, well done! 

PYP Learner Attribute Awards

Oliver Jeffers Class - Bobby E (Reflective) & Jaxon (Caring)

Julia Donaldson Class - Hartlee (Caring) & Harrison (Caring)

Banksy Class - Sydney (Communicator) & Tristan (Reflective)

Maya Angelou Class - Freya T (Caring) Franklin (Reflective)

Paul O'Grady Class - Sienna (Knowledgeable) & Joe (Risk-taker)

Steve Backshall Class - Isabelle (Inquirer) & Tommy (Inquirer)

Emmeline Pankhurst Class - Lily F-G (Principled) & Ruby (Inquirer)

David Attenborough Class - Bobby (Open Minded) & Gracie (Knowledgeable)

WOW Writer Awards

Congratulations to these children for fantastic writing this week...

Oliver Jeffers Class - Edward

Julia Donaldson Class - Alfie H

Banksy Class - George

Maya Angelou Class - Ruby

Paul O'Grady Class - Harry

Steve Backshall Class - Franklin

Emmeline Pankhurst Class - Kaspar

David Attenborough Class - Ethan

Readers of the Week

Each time your child reads, they will receive one point for their class.  At the end of each week, points will be counted and the winning class will receive a whole class reward. These points will be tallied up throughout the term and at the end of each module, the class with the most points will receive a reward.  

Congratulations to Oliver Jeffers Class for winning this week with most improved reading! 

Oliver Jeffers Class - Teddy

Julia Donaldson Class - Samuel

Banksy Class -  LaRosa

Maya Angelou Class -  Franklin

Paul O'Grady Class - Frankie

Steve Backshall Class - Luisa

Emmeline Pankhurst Class - Aurora-Emma

David Attenborough Class - Alex

Our Wonderful Inquiry Work 


PEPA Tots celebrated Mother's Day, on March 8th, inviting all their lovely mums into the Nursery.  The atmosphere was filled with joy as children showed off  their dance moves, delighting their mothers with every step.  Lots of laughter and cheers filled the air as the children poured their hearts into their performances, creating cherished memories for both them and their mums. 

To add to the fun, mums joined in with freeze dance movements, adding their own playful touch to the special afternoon.  After the excitement of the dance, everyone gathered to enjoy a delightful afternoon tea. It was truly a fantastic afternoon filled with love, laughter, and unforgettable moments shared between PEPA Tots and their cherished mothers. 

Maya Angelou

Year 3 have had a blast this week, we have learnt a range of different things and we have been able to implement this into all of our learning.  During our History lesson Mrs Rimmer taught us about the importance of the Egyptian pyramids and showed us real life photos!  We then created our very own pyramids where we were provided with agency to choose what we wanted to use to make our pyramids. 

During our science lesson we looked at why skeletons are important to have and how we can keep our bones healthy.  We were then provided with an investigation where we had to explore if people who were taller might reach more than those who are shorter and if those who are taller have longer legs. 

School information

PYP Module 4

This module, our classes have made a start with their learning around their new central ideas.

Each class has a knowledge organiser which shares with parents and carers what they will be learning about each module. These are available on the PEPA website on the Class Pages and are displayed outside the Office, should you want to have a look at what they children are learning about. 

We look forward to sharing what we have learnt about during our PYP Open Afternoons (dates below).  If you have any feedback, please share it here:  

Future dates coming up for other classes are:

Nursery - Monday 18th March @ 9am

Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 - Monday 18th March @ 2.30pm

We hope to see you there! Please make sure you book on via MCAS. 

Well Being group

This term our wellbeing group are working hard to think of possible ideas and activities to for our our Mental Health and Wellbeing sessions in school. If your child has any ideas that they might like to be considered please make sure that they are put into their class wellbeing box so that they can be discussed at our next meeting later this term. 

KM Newspaper 

Just to let parents know that our Reception, Year 1 and 2 classes should have their pictures that they have drawn in the 'My Mum' section in the newspaper for Mother's Day.

PEPA's Got Talent show winners

Each class were able to vote for their favourite acts from the Talent show performance.  Please see the winners below;

1st - Jaynee B

2nd - LaRosa S

3rd - 'Girls Just Want To Have Fun' Dance group - Luisa-Marie, Florence, Sienna, Frankie E and Daisy B.

The winners above all won an Easter egg with 1st prize being a £10 Creams voucher. 

Well done  to all for taking part. All children that participated received a medal and some sweets.

Year 6 Mock SATs 

A huge well done to all of our brilliant Year 6 pupils for sitting their mock SATs tests this week! They have been working really hard all year and showed fantastic resilience, perseverance and enthusiasm to all of their learning.  A big thank you to all of the parents who are supporting with homework, interventions and making sure children are attending school each day, all of this really helps to ensure your children are achieving their best.

As a treat for working hard this week, Year 6 are enjoying some biscuits this afternoon which they are all very excited about after putting in their biscuit requests with Miss Brading!

World Book Day

Thank you to everyone for all your effort with World Book Day. All the children and staff had a brilliant day.  

Congratulations to our World Book Day winners! We had a prize draw for EYFS/KS1 and KS2 to win a £10 National Book Token voucher. All the children looked absolutely fantastic and we are so impressed with the amount of effort everyone put in. Thank you to our Head boy, Head girl and their deputies for judging our best costume winners. 1 winner from each class won best costume and received a book and an extra book token as a prize. 

All children voted for the best dressed teacher! Congratulations to:  Mrs Rimmer who won first prize dressed as The Wicked Witch of the West.

Mrs Champ won second prize dressed as The Cowardly Lion.

In joint third place we have Miss Hosegood as Winnie the Pooh, Miss Brading as Dorothy, Mrs Rayner as Skulduggery, Miss Goldfinch as Alfie the tortoise from Esio Trot and Miss Spinola as Cruella De Ville. 

All staff and children looked absolutely fantastic and put in 100% effort! 

Trust parent and pupil survey feedback

Thank you to all parents and carers that completed our recent parent survey. We take our feedback from parents/carers and our children very seriously and our partnership with parents/carers is very important in order for us to build on and extend on what we can offer to our parents/carers and children in our school community. 

Please see the results from the Trust surveys for both pupils and parents below. This is overwhelmingly positive and reflects the effort that our staff put in to ensure our children make good progress and enjoy learning.  We also wanted to share some of the thoughtful comments from our families:

‘The reception staff are very friendly and approachable.’

‘ Children have a good bond to their classmates and all get on very well and this is encouraged by the school.’

‘My child is happy to go to school and likes the teachers which is great. They have given her additional help outside of school that shows dedication.’

‘They care about the pupils.’

The school is ‘well-led’ and ‘any problem/issues are dealt with promptly/quickly.’

‘Extra curricular activities and a great PTA’.

It is also important to share with you what our next steps are from the children's feedback and from the parents.

Next steps from children’s survey results:

You said that you wanted communication to be stronger: 

More work around inclusion and SEND:


Music PEPA 2024