
1st March 2024


Oliver Jeffers 86%

Julia Donaldson 98%

Banksy 94%

Maya Angelou   98%

   Paul O'Grady 96%

Steve Backshall 99%

Emmeline Pankhurst 96 %

David Attenborough 97%

Peninsula East Primary Academy  95%

Well done to Julia Donaldson class for having the best attendance this week in KS1.   In KS2 this week, Steve Backshall class have won due to having almost 100% attendance! Both classes have won for the second week in a row! Well done to everyone!

PYP Learner Attribute Awards

Oliver Jeffers Class - Imogen (Risk-taker) & Teddy (Knowledgeable)

Julia Donaldson Class - Jamie (Inquirer) & Alfie M(Thinker)

Banksy Class - Helin (Open-minded) & Jasmine (Principled)

Maya Angelou Class -  Olivia (risk-taker) Edward (knowledgeable)

Paul O'Grady Class - Jayce (Caring) & Lillie (Thinker)

Steve Backshall Class -Austin(Reflective) & Richard (Reflective)

Emmeline Pankhurst Class - Daniel (Principled) & Aurora-Lily (Inquirer)

David Attenborough Class - Thomas (Principled) & Rose (Communicator)

WOW Writer Awards

Congratulations to these children for fantastic writing this week...

Oliver Jeffers Class - Katie

Julia Donaldson Class - Halle

Banksy Class - Ryleigh

Maya Angelou Class - Mia

Paul O'Grady Class - Darcie

Steve Backshall Class - Victoria

Emmeline Pankhurst Class - Izabella

David Attenborough Class - Willow 

Readers of the Week

Each time your child reads, they will receive one point for their class.  At the end of each week, points will be counted and the winning class will receive a whole class reward. These points will be tallied up throughout the term and at the end of each module, the class with the most points will receive a reward.  

Congratulations to Julia Donaldson Class for winning this week with most improved reading

Oliver Jeffers Class - Elsie

Julia Donaldson Class - Alfie H

Banksy Class -  Piper

Maya Angelou Class -  Vencel

Paul O'Grady Class - Tilly

Steve Backshall Class - Daisy

Emmeline Pankhurst Class - Phoebe

David Attenborough Class - Harrison

Our Wonderful Inquiry Work 

David Attenborough

Year 6 have had a busy start back to Module 4!  We are really focusing on challenging ourselves in the run up to our SATs and all of the children have shown brilliant motivation and determination in the classroom.  We have started a new class text, Skellig and have been working hard to analyse key characters and use our own ideas to write the next chapter.  In Maths we are working hard to practise our arithmetic and reasoning skills.

We really enjoyed the careers fair fair; during the morning, we took a personality quiz which gave us suggestions of potential careers we would be good at which we then researched in more depth and created presentations about.  As well as visiting the career stalls, we also had a visiting author (Karen Greaves-Neal) come and speak to us about her books and we completed a fun workshop to help work on our descriptive writing.


Year 2 have been working super hard over the first two weeks back to school. We have had lots of fun reading our new novel 'Jim and the Beanstalk'. We have completed some amazing writing pieces, such as character and setting description and re-telling the ending of the story. Next week we will be writing a narrative about the story!

In our art lessons this module we will learning about sculpture and making our very own clay fruit or vegetables. This week we learnt about a new artist and then practiced on play dough using clay techniques to help us when we make our final piece. 

School information

PYP Open Afternoon

On Friday 1st March, KS2 had their PYP Open Afternoon.  During the afternoon, the children talked about and shared what they have been learning so far this module and throughout the year.  The children showed off displays, their artwork, sketchbooks and inquiry books. 

As part of the afternoon, they discussed: 

Thank you those of you who have shared feedback via our link, such as:

'The class is always well equipped and the children are always engaged'

'All was well organised, with seats next to children for parents to sit, & they had their work books to show ready for us to look at. Love seeing how they are doing.'

If you have any feedback, please share it here: 

Future dates coming up for other classes are:


Monday 18th March @ 9am

Reception, Year 1 & Year 2

Monday 18th March @ 2.30pm

We hope to see you there! Please make sure you book on via MCAS. 

Maidstone Museum Trip

What a great time that we had at Maidstone museum this week, the children had a fantastic time learning all about the Egyptians during our workshop. They were even allowed to explore and hold real life artefacts that were over 3000 years old!  Once we finished the workshop we explored the museum and learnt a range of different facts.  Our most fascinating experience was looking at a real life mummy that the museum has in their Egyptian section. 

Thank you to all the parents who came and supported us during the trip. 


SENCO meetings

At the next parents evening, Mrs Drogomirecki will be available for you to book appointments to see her. Please book these through the office when they become available. 

Speech and Language support

Speech and Language is our biggest area of need at PEPA, we have interventions and support in school for our children but I wanted to share with you a few links that might support you at home. 

Our main intervention and assessment resource that we use is Speech and Language Link.  I have attached a few examples to this new letter that you might fine useful. If you click the image to the right it will take you to the parent portal to view more.

New Life Skills project with Barclays, through Family Action and SENDIAS 


Please see the below flyer on the ‘Ways of Making’ project for young people 16-19 years who aren’t in employment, education, or training

Please sign up using the link/QR code on the e-flyer attached or contact for more information. Please see update from Dan from Cementfields about the activities being offered: ‘Ways of Making is entering its second term after beginning in mid-January earlier this year. With creative workshops led by artist Savinder Bual, a group of creative young people have been meeting on a Wednesday each week to explore new and playful ways of making. This has included making pop-up books, creating wire sculptures, drawing, and experimenting with balance. Last term, youth-focussed organisation Future Foundry also led the first Guest Facilitator session on the programme, which explored the young people’s interests and helped them to think through practical next steps for beginning their creative careers. There will be two more Guest Facilitator workshops throughout the course of the programme, with 15 sessions left in total until the programme ends in June.’

Medway Parent Carer Forum AGM



So, if your child has asthma or a recurrent wheeze have your say by filling in the survey.

You can also help improve asthma care by asking parents of children and young people with asthma to complete the survey and sharing posts on social media that you see.