3rd March 2023
Oliver Jeffers - 99%
Julia Donaldson - 96%
Steve Irwin - 96%
Walt Disney - 98%
Marcus Rashford - 99%
Lewis Hamilton - 95%
Helen Sharman - 94.6%
Benjamin Zephaniah - 95%
Peninsula East Primary Academy - 97%
Well done to Oliver Jeffers class for having the best attendance this week. In KS2 this week, Marcus Rashford class achieved the best attendance so well done to them too. Marcus Rashford class seem to be having a winning streak in having the best attendance in KS2 for many weeks throughout the year.
Wow! Our whole school attendance is very impressive this week, congratulations to all!
Thinker Award
Oliver Jeffers Class - Joshua
Julia Donaldson Class - India
Steve Irwin Class - Jackson
Walt Disney Class - Sienna
Marcus Rashford Class - Ivy
Lewis Hamilton Class - Cassie
Helen Sharman Class - Tyler
Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Blayke
WOW Writer Awards
Congratulations to these children for fantastic writing this week...
Oliver Jeffers Class - Hannah
Julia Donaldson Class - George
Steve Irwin Class - Kyler
Walt Disney Class - Aaron
Marcus Rashford Class - Vinnie
Lewis Hamilton Class - Sonni
Helen Sharman Class - Koby
Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Beau
Communicator Award
Oliver Jeffers Class - Hartlee
Julia Donaldson Class - Tilly
Steve Irwin Class - Vencel
Walt Disney Class - Joseph
Marcus Rashford Class - Sadie-Rae
Lewis Hamilton Class - Isla
Helen Sharman Class - Val
Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Rhys
Our Wonderful Inquiry Work
Steve Irwin
This week in Steve Irwin Class, we have been learning about plants and what they need to grow. We conducted an experiment, planting broad beans. In pot 1, we planted broad beans with everything it needs to grow (soil, water, sunlight and the right temperature). Pot 2 does not have soil, Pot 3 does not have water, Pot 4 does not have sunlight (we put it in the cupboard) and Pot 5 does not have the right temperature - we put it in the freezer!
We made predictions for what we think will happen to each plant.
We will check on them weekly to see if they grow.
Lewis Hamilton
This week in Lewis Hamilton Class, we have had an interesting week full of challenging Maths and Science Inquiries. We have been developing our understanding of fractions, thinking carefully about the meaning of a whole and how to work with mixed number fractions. We used some really interesting manipulatives to do this! We also had a fantastic time on World Book Day, creating our own book token and listening to people's favourite stories. We have also been engaging in an inquiry looking at the function of the digestive system and how our body works to processes food and water, we asked lots of interesting questions!
School information
World Book Day
On Thursday 2nd March, we celebrated World Book Day. We are so impressed with the amount of effort all children and staff made and everyone looked fantastic in their costumes! Throughout the day, the children completed various reading related activities. As the children came into school, they were given a world book day ticket which were collected into a prize draw to win £10 in book tokens. Congratulations to Nellie and Aurora for our EYFS/KS1 and KS2 winners!
All teachers shared their favourite book to the school and the children had the opportunity to have a 'class swap' to listen to a story being read by a different adult.
All staff went all out with their costumes and looked amazing! The children took ownership over our staff competition and voted for 'best dressed adult'.
Congratulations to our winners:
1st Place - Mrs Drobka dressed as Aliens love Underpants
2nd Place - Miss Spinola dressed as an Oompa Lumpa
3rd Place - Miss Goldfinch dressed as Bruce Bogtrotter
4th Place - Mrs Rimmer dressed as Cruella Deville
Top 3 costumes from each class were chosen and Head boy, Head girl and their deputies judged a winner from each class. Runner ups were given an extra ticket into the prize draw. All children looked absolutely amazing and this was a tough competition to judge.
Congratulations to our winners:
Pepa Tots - Elsie
Oliver Jeffers Class - Isaac
Julia Donaldson Class - Isabella O
Steve Irwin Class - Lauren
Marcus Rashford Class - Ivy
Walt Disney Class - Mya
Lewis Hamilton Class - Callum
Helen Sharman Class - Summer
Benjamin Zephaniah class - Leonie & Morgan
Busters Book Club
Congratulations to Lewis Hamilton class this week for having the most readers in their class. It is fantastic to see such great commitment to their daily reading. Keep it up!
Star Readers of the week:
Julia Donaldson Class - Harleigh-May
Steve Irwin Class - Lauren
Marcus Rashford Class - Orson
Walt Disney Class - Frankie
Lewis Hamilton Class - Lexi
Helen Sharman Class - Tom
Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Charlotte
Parking and use of appropriate language
As you will be aware we are having to close the gates to the school car park in the mornings due the amount of parents/carers that are driving through the car park at school drop off. Unless there is an agreement for a medical reason or you hold a disabled badge, the car park is only available for staff use. This is to safeguard the children as they enter the school in the morning and it should only be the minibus that is travelling through the school grounds at this time.
We have received reports from parents, particularly at the KS1/EYFS gate around the use of inappropriate language from other parents around the gates. Can we please remind you and politely ask you to be mindful of the language that you are using as I am sure that you would agree that we do not want our children to be exposed to this.
We thank you for your support and understanding in this.
Thank you to all parents and carers who ensure that they inform us when their children are ill or not at school for other reasons.
Unfortunately, some of our parents have not been informing us that their child/children are absent and so this will be automatically registered as unauthorised.
It is really important that you do make us aware as unauthorised absences can mean that we ask for medical evidence in the future and this could lead to unauthorised absences being referred to the Medway Attendance Advisory service and this could lead to a fine.
You can inform us of absences on our academy telephone number: 01634270428 or our email: