
24th February 2023


Oliver Jeffers - 97.5%

Julia Donaldson - 99.69%

Steve Irwin -  93.55%

Walt Disney -   99.50%

Marcus Rashford  -  96%

Lewis Hamilton -  92.41%

Helen Sharman  - 97.59%

Benjamin Zephaniah - 91.72%

Peninsula East Primary Academy  - 95.85%

Well done to Julia Donaldson class for having the best attendance this week in KS1, they have done really well with their attendance in the first full week back.  In KS2 this week, Walt Disney class achieved the best attendance so well done to them too.  Our whole school attendance is fantastic this week so well done to all and what a fabulous start to the term. 

Thinker Award

Oliver Jeffers Class - Freddie

Julia Donaldson Class - Tristan

Steve Irwin Class - Shontelle

Walt Disney Class - Freddy

Marcus Rashford Class - Jacob

Lewis Hamilton Class - Lily F

Helen Sharman Class - Koby

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Zain

The Human Brain

WOW Writer Awards

Congratulations to these children for fantastic writing this week...

Julia Donaldson Class - Jessica

Steve Irwin Class -  Freya S

Walt Disney Class - Joe

Marcus Rashford Class - Austin

Lewis Hamilton Class - George

Helen Sharman Class - Darcy

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Leonie

Communicator Award

Oliver Jeffers Class - Noah

Julia Donaldson Class - Luna

Steve Irwin Class - Gracie

Walt Disney Class - Ivy

Marcus Rashford Class -  Frankie

Lewis Hamilton Class - Ruby

Helen Sharman Class - Savannah

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Jesse 

Our Wonderful Inquiry Work 

Julia Donaldson

This module's transdisciplinary theme is How we organise ourselves, focusing on science and the human body.  The children have started to analyse and explore the theme by first finding out what exercise is and how it affects our bodies.  The children already discussed, identified different types and explored what exercise is and how it makes us feel, how it affects some of our major organs and why exercise helps to keep us healthy.  We have based some of our writing on the analysis of these observations.  

Helen Sharman

Helen Sharman class has learnt about how the Nasa began shortly after the second world war.

Helen Sharman has been busy improving their writing skills by using fronted adverbials and casual conjunctions in descriptions about travelling into space.

In maths the children have been learning about equivalent fractions to decimals. They have been learning ways to recall these equivalences.

This module, Helen Sharman class, have been learning about Netball. They have looked at different ways of passing and developing how to defend their net effectively.

In science, the children have been learning about space. They have made models of the phases of the moon. They are using their learning of the Space race and rockets to create a bottle rocket which they will launch at the end of this module.

Lewis Hamilton 

On Thursday, year 4 were lucky enough to have a very special visit from popular children's author Sam Gayton. Sam has written many books such as Lilliput, The Snow Merchant and Hercufleas.  He has also written lots of reading scheme books for Oxford Reading Tree and Oxford Owl's Hero Academy.  Medway Libraries put on lots of author workshops and as we are not within walking distance to a local library, they brought Sam to us.  We would like to say a huge thank you to Medway Libraries and Sam for allowing our children to have this author experience in school.  They had a fantastic morning and they are now feeling very inspired!

School information

Busters Book Club

Congratulations to Helen Sharman class this week for having the most readers in their class. It is fantastic to see such great commitment to their daily reading. Keep it up!

Star Readers of the week:

Julia Donaldson Class -  Nora

Steve Irwin Class - Vencel

Marcus Rashford Class - Archie

Walt Disney Class - Brayden

Lewis Hamilton Class - Jenson

Helen Sharman Class - Jorge

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Maks

Maths Morning - Reception & KS1

This morning, Oliver Jeffers class enjoyed having some of their parents in to support our Maths learning.  They demonstrated their knowledge of length and height whilst they measured different parts of the body.  Children drew around their own and their parent's hands, seeing if their hand would fit inside their parents (and laughing at how big some of their parents' hands seemed when they were drawn around!)  They also measured their feet in cubes, drew around their bodies and saw how many big or little bricks they measured as well as measuring their height using string and using it to compare their height with their friends.  It was lovely to have our parents in and the children really enjoyed sharing their learning!

Steve Irwin class looked at measuring in centimetres and metres and were comparing length and height in today's lesson using vocabulary such as "taller" and "shorter".

Young Leaders

Some year 5 children have been completing a young leaders course with an external member of staff.  During this course they were taught how to successfully host some games for the younger children, this has been a great opportunity as they took agency over which games they wanted to host as well as being able to take control.  So far throughout the year they have shown great communication skills as they will communicate back to staff if something went wrong or if they need more equipment. All children part of the young leaders have now completed a course and successfully passed.  We as a school are really pleased to see the year 5 children take ownership during their games. 

Safer Internet Day

Following our successful ’Safer Internet Day’ you may like to follow up with your child on how to get the most from the internet and stay safe.

Just follow this link to find out more. 

Mother Language Day

On Tuesday 21st February 2023 it was International Mother language day.  The day we celebrate other European Languages, the children learnt about the importance of the day and how many languages are spoken worldwide.  Once they all had a discussion about languages they were then provided with a task to write in another language.  During the day other adults would hear children saying hello in a different language.  


Please make sure you've got the dates for your diaries for our events across the next module. 

No-Smoking Site 

Please can we remind you that the school grounds are a no- smoking site. 

This includes cigarettes, e-cigarettes and vapes. 

Please support us in making and encouraging good habits with our pupils.