
12th January 2024


Oliver Jeffers -  96.30%

Julia Donaldson -  94.20%

Banksy -  95.94%

Maya Angelou  -  97.85%

   Paul O'Grady -  91.43%

Steve Backshall - 93.68%

Emmeline Pankhurst -  91.33%

David Attenborough -  89.33%

Peninsula East Primary Academy  -  93.79%

Well done to Oliver Jeffers class for having the best attendance this week in KS1.   In KS2 this week, Maya Angelou class won the best attendance. It is important we all keep trying hard to be at school as much as possible to ensure we are achieving those high attendance percentages!

PYP Learner Attribute Awards

Oliver Jeffers Class - Henry (Principled) & Arbour (Thinker)

Julia Donaldson Class - Maebelle (Principled) & Samuel (Knowledgeable)

Banksy Class - Logan (Thinker) &  Jessica (Knowledgeable)

Maya Angelou Class - Shontelle (Caring) Archie (Principled)

Paul O'Grady Class - Darcie (Principled) Albert (Principled)

Steve Backshall Class -  Luisa (Principled) Florence (Principled)

Emmeline Pankhurst Class - Kayson (Reflective) & Franklin (Thinker)

David Attenborough Class -  Tyler (Inquirer) Cody (Open Minded)

WOW Writer Awards

Congratulations to these children for fantastic writing this week...

Oliver Jeffers Class - Brooke

Julia Donaldson Class - Hannah

Banksy Class - Eddie

Maya Angelou Class - Mason

Paul O'Grady Class - Bluebell

Steve Backshall Class - Daisy

Emmeline Pankhurst Class - Lily F

David Attenborough Class - Teddy L

Readers of the Week

Each time your child reads, they will receive one point for their class.  At the end of each week, points will be counted and the winning class will receive a whole class reward. These points will be tallied up throughout the term and at the end of each module, the class with the most points will receive a reward.  

Congratulations to Reception Class for winning with an amazing total of 105 reading points this week!

Oliver Jeffers Class - Bobby E

Julia Donaldson Class - Macie

Banksy Class - Isabelle J

Maya Angelo Class -  Freya T

Paul O'Grady Class - Freddy

Steve Backshall Class - Vinnie

Emmeline Pankhurst Class -  Brianna

David Attenborough Class - Teddy L 

Our Wonderful Inquiry Work 


Our science topic this term is living things and their habitats. To begin the science topic, the children were given three different kind of spiders and the children had to observe and discuss the similarities and differences. One spider moved, one spider doesn't move and one spider used to move.  We then created a poster on 'Is it living?'.

Sir David Attenborough

Year 6 have had a busy start back to Module 3!  We have jumped straight into our new central idea and lines of inquiry and are beginning to look at inventions that have been made, particulary as part of the Industrial Revolution.  We used our historica inquiry skills to analyse paintings from the Victorian era which gave us clues about what life may have been like.

In Science, we are looking at electricity and started our learning with making circuits and then drawing them out with the accompanying symbols for the relevant components. We've also been learning about floods in Geography and will be furthering our learning into plastic waste and the impact this has on the Earth.

School information

Theatre Workshop

Year 5 and 6 had a very exciting visitor last Thursday!

David, Director of Creative Arts, from Mid Kent College came to give a taster session workshop of different elements of the creative arts. He bought lots of instruments with him and taught the children about African Drumming and chanting. They then had the chance to play their own African drums with accompanying chants. It was really good fun and the children all loved it. David provided this opportunity as a taster session for a Y5 & 6 Creative Theatre design after school club that he is going to be running this term. 

If you are in Year 5 or 6 and are interested in attending this club then please speak to the office as there are still a few spaces available.

TA update

We wanted to welcome Mrs Dobbins to the TA team.  She has joined the TA team in Year 2, Mrs Glazier has moved to Year 1 and Mrs Woodhams is providing additional support between year groups. With her expertise in music, Mrs Dobbins will be contributing to the teaching of this in some year groups. 

Imperial War Museum

The Year 6 pupils had a fantastic trip on Friday 5th January to the Imperial War Museum in London! When we arrived we spent time exploring the WWI exhibit and walked through realistic style trenches, looked at uniform from that time and different vehicles and weapons that were used too.

After, we visited the WWII exhibit and took part in a fun documentary challenge where we were given video recorders and asked to go and find historical evidence that we thought people would want to learn about. In this exhibit, we were able to go into air raid shelters, look at enigma codes and identify how different countries dealt with the war and the resources they had to help support their armies.

We really enjoyed this and it was fun to work in groups and make our own videos! We also visited the medals on the top floor of the museum and spent time looking at different war heroes achievements. It was a great day and all of Year 6 were fantastically behaved. It was quite a long coach journey home due to London traffic but all in all, a brilliant day enjoyed by everyone! 


A reminder that whilst we cannot completely eliminate all products that children may have allergies to, in order to reduce the risk, we ask that you please make sure that no nut products are bought into school as part of the children’s snacks or packed lunches.  This includes products such as peanut butter and Nutella spread in sandwiches. 

If you would like further advice on allergies, the symptoms and what you can do to reduce them please visit Allergy UK’s website: 

We also have our Policy for Managing Nut and other Allergies available on the academy website: 


Parents need to ensure that their child arrives at school in good time each morning. Being late for school can have many negative consequences for their child: 

Gets the day off to a poor start;

Increases stress and upset for the child;

Can lead to the child feeling embarrassed and singled out as they enter the class on their own;

Affects the child’s overall confidence;

Disrupts the learning of other class members;

Creates bad habits which could lead to poor attendance; 

Confusion for your child as work or activities might have been started;

Missed learning opportunities that they are unable to catch up on;

Don’t be Late Through the Gate!

School starts at 8.30 am.

The gates close at 8.45am.

Being late on a regular basis adds up to a loss of learning time!

Please also be aware that Medway Attendance Advisory Service also monitor our registers closely for lateness as well as absence and parents will be invited in to discuss this.  Should you need any additional support or are struggling to get your child into school on time please contact us.


Parent workshops at Hundred of Hoo secondary

My name is Paula Johnson and I am the Mental Health Lead and Senior Counsellor at Hoo Academy.  Throughout the year I run parent workshops at Hoo Primary which cover a wide range of topics, requested by our parents.

We would like to extend the offer to your parents too. Each workshop has handouts and lasts 1.5 hours and is held at Hundred of Hoo Primary.

The first workshop is on 19th January about self-harm.  Parents will be given information about self harm, the impact and triggers and also learn  coping mechanisms to help their child.  Parents are asked to register their interest for all the workshops, so I can prepare enough paperwork for them.  Here is the link

The other Workshops are;

Anxiety  - Tuesday 19th March 1.30pm - 3pm

Low Mood  - Friday 3rd May 9am - 10.30am

Transition Worries  - Tuesday 9th July 1.30pm - 3pm

If you or any of your parents have any questions, please get in touch with me. Thanks