
19th July 2024


Golden Ticket Winners

Here are the winners for the £40 Cineworld vouchers for this term: 

EYFS and KS1 Winners: - Year 2 - James E and Year 2 Daisy F-G.

KS2 Winners: - Year 3 Charlie D and Year 6 Darcy M.

Congratulations to our winners and enjoy your prizes. 

Special Awards

Congratulations to all the children below

Phonics Awards

Oliver Jeffers Class - Robyn

Julia Donaldson Class - Mia-Rose

Banksy Class - Alexis

PE Award 

Oliver Jeffers Class - Wynter

Julia Donaldson Class - Bertie

Banksy Class - Nora

Maya Angelou Class - Felicia

Paul O'Grady Class - Teddy

Steve Backshall Class - Tommy

Emmeline Pankhurst Class - Samuel

 David Attenborough Class - James

Art Award

Oliver Jeffers Class - Freddie

Julia Donaldson Class - Alfie

Banksy Class - Lacey

Maya Angelou Class - Shontelle

Paul O'Grady Class - Bluebell

Steve Backshall Class - Frankie

Emmeline Pankhurst Class - Isla

David Attenborough Class - Ava

Inquiring Mind Award

Oliver Jeffers Class - Oliver

Julia Donaldson Class - Harrison

Banksy Class - Tilly

Principals Awards

Oliver Jeffers Class - Toby

Julia Donaldson Class - Ollie

Banksy Class - Cleo

Maya Angelou Class - Kyler

Paul O'Grady Class - Sienna

Steve Backshall Class - Victoria

Emmeline Pankhurst Class - Daniel

David Attenborough Class - Ryley

Special Awards

Spellers of the Term - Vencel, Leo, Izabella H, Austin, Phillippa, Teddy

TTRS - Gold - Luisa-Marie & Phoebe A

TTRS - Silver - Albert & Ruby S

TTRS - Bronze - Frankie E and Joey

Best Linguist - Ruby K & Bluebell

Our Wonderful Inquiry Work 

Eco-Warriors Club Terms 5-6

Our Eco-Warriors had a busy time and were involved in many aspects in looking after our local and school community environment.  The children wrote to the local Allhallows Parish Council to see whether there was anything we could support with in the village or whether they would help us to protect our local environment. The children researched how car fumes and cars being left turned on at pick up times at the end of the school day or drop off might have an impact on the local environment. They then made posters to encourage our parents not to leave engines running. We have asked the Parish Council to create a banner for us using the posters to put on the school gates. The children also undertook some litter picking in the school grounds, made signs for turning off light switches to put around the school and researched food miles. We also visited a nature site that the Parish Council want to develop and they wanted the children to give over their ideas. The children had a good look at the area and made designs with their ideas for the Parish Council. We are waiting to hear what they might put in place for next year.

Year 6 production  and Leavers

Year 6 had the pleasure of performing their Leavers Production of 'Charlie and The Chocolate Factory' at Haven. The children did a fantastic job with remembering all their lines, singing their songs loud and clear and doing some fantastic dance moves!

Today, they all did amazingly well in their Leavers Service, where they shared their favourite memories, sung beautifully and got their leavers' gifts from their teachers.

We are incredibly proud of our 2024 Leavers and wish them all the best for their futures.

PEPA Tots Graduation 

It was so fabulous to be able to celebrate the graduation of our Nursery children and all that they had achieved in the Nursery this year. The children looked very smart in their gowns and hats and were presented with a certificate, medal and present by Mrs Rimmer. 

A huge thank you to all of the support that Mrs Imthiyaz and Mrs Goldsack have given to the children this year. We wish the children the very best as they move on to Reception class whether it is at PEPA or another school. Have a lovely summer break!


We would like to extend a huge thank you to our wonderful PTA, who have organised so many fantastic events throughout the year for our children here at PEPA.  Without their support and fundraising all of the events such as discoes and artist visits couldn't happen and so we are so lucky to have a dedicated team. We are also pleased to announce that they are going to stay as our PTA team for the next academic year. Please do reach out to them if you would like to join and offer your support as part of our PTA next year. 

School information

Class Winners for Attendance

Our year group winners for the best attendance for the whole of the school year was Maya Angelou class. They each received a delicious cupcake, courtesy of Rose's Tearoom, to enjoy as a reward! Well done to Year 3!

100% Attendance winners for the whole school year were;

Freya S - Year 3

Connor S - Year 3

Nikos - Year 4

Isabelle W - Year 4

Richard K -Year 4

Teddy C - Year 4

Phillipa Goodwin - Year 5

Izabella Taylor - Year 2 

Eddie T - Year 2

Koby Browne - Year 6 

Huge congratulations to all of the children that attended school for 100% for the whole year. What a huge achievement! We hope that they all enjoy their £10 voucher for Creams over the break.








Family Solutions Family Fun Days


Family Solutions and Children and Family Hubs are having 4 Family Fun Days over the school holidays at various venues across Medway. This event is FREE and open to family members of all ages. There will be activities including crafts, games, early years play, youth activities, and stalls with information regarding services available from our partner agencies to support children and families across Medway. We also have a few surprise guests. Please encourage families to attend – no booking required for these events.


Dates and locations of events:


Wayfield/Rainham Family Fun Day (plus the Welcome to Medway eventsee flyer)

Venue: Deanwood Primary School and wellbeing Centre, Long Catlis Road, Rainham. ME8 9TX

Date/time: 31st July, 10-1pm


Chatham Family Fun Day

Venue: Chatham Children and Family Hub, Magpie Hall Road. Chatham. ME4 5AZ

Date/time: Thursday 8th August, 12-3pm


Strood Family Fun Day

Venue: Gun Lane Wellbeing Centre, ME2 4UF

Date/time: Tuesday 13th August, 11-1pm


Gillingham Family Fun Day

Venue: Gillingham Children and Family Hub, Woodlands Road, Gillingham,ME7 2BX

Date/time: Thursday 22nd August, 10-12pm


*Please note, we also have a full timetable of sessions running at our Family Hubs and Wellbeing Centres during the school holidays. These are FREE to families; however, they need to register and book a place. They can do this through the Medway Family Hub APP or via the QR code on our timetables.

The ELSA study

Want to get your child screened for type 1 diabetes? 

The ELSA study, led by the University of Birmingham, is screening children, aged 3-13 years to find out their risk of developing type 1 diabetes. This is a simple finger stick blood test, that can be done at home and at venues across Kent:

KCHFT Clinics: 

Children at high risk can be monitored and could enter research studies aiming to delay the start of type 1 diabetes. Every family who takes part is helping us to understand more about type 1 diabetes.

If you would like to take part, please fill in the eligibility form: 

You can contact us by email: or phone: 0121 414 7814 for online or postal consent options 

Contact KCHFT Research team: or phone: 0300 0132078