
17th December 2021


Beatrix Potter - 87.5 %

Allan Ahlberg - 92%

Greta Thunberg -97.5%

Roald Dahl -91.55%

Alan Turing - 97.48%

JK Rowling - 90.4%

Marcus Rashford - 88.24%

Captain Sir Tom Moore - 89.6%

Peninsula East Primary Academy - 91.57%

Well done to Greta Thunberg class, who has won attendance Ted this week. In KS2, Alan Turing class are the winning class for attendance so a huge well done to them too! Unfortunately, we have started to head into more challenging times as we have had more cases of Covid within the community that has started to affect our attendance at this point. However, I am pleased to announce that the winning classes for overall attendance this term are; Greta Thunberg again for the 2nd term so far and JK Rowling. Both classes will receive a treat with the Principal next term.

Special Awards

Congratulations to all the children below

Reading Awards

Beatrix Potter Class - LaRosa

Allan Ahlberg Class - Edward

Greta Thunberg Class - Richard

Roald Dahl Class - Ibrahim

Marcus Rashford Class - Lily

J K Rowling Class - Gracie

Captain Sir Tom Moore Class - Harry

Alan Turing Class - Eva

Phonics Awards

Beatrix Potter Class - George

Allan Ahlberg Class - Jason

Greta Thunberg Class - Darcie

Roald Dahl Class - Mya

Spelling Awards

Marcus Rashford Class - Harmony

J K Rowling Class - Aylah

Captain Sir Tom Moore Class - Charlotte

Alan Turing Class - Bella-Rose

Maths Counting Whizz & Times Tables Rockstars Awards

Beatrix Potter Class - Finnley

Allan Ahlberg Class - Kyler

Greta Thunberg Class - Ellcie

Roald Dahl Class - Ellis

Marcus Rashford Class - Lexi

J K Rowling Class - Charlie

Captain Sir Tom Moore Class - Beau

Alan Turing Class - Mason

PE Award

Allan Ahlberg Class - Charlie

Greta Thunberg Class - Bluebell

Roald Dahl Class - Joseph

Marcus Rashford Class - Sonni

J K Rowling Class - Harrison

Captain Sir Thomas Moore Class - Sophie

Alan Turing Class - Owen

Artist of the Term

Beatrix Potter Class - Luna

Allan Ahlberg Class - Mia

Greta Thunberg Class - Sienna

Roald Dahl Class - Daisy

Marcus Rashford Class - Cooper

J K Rowling Class - Phoebe

Captain Sir Thomas Moore Class - Madison

Alan Turing Class - Xavier

Principals Awards

Beatrix Potter Class - Cleo

Allan Ahlberg Class - Freya

Greta Thunberg Class - Ellcie

Roald Dahl Class - Ellis

Marcus Rashford Class - Lexi

J K Rowling Class - Ryley

Captain Sir Thomas Moore Class - Darcie

Alan Turing Class - Mason

Merry Christmas!

Christmas Activity Day

Our Christmas Activity Fun day began with a science experiment, making crystal angels. We thought about Mary and her arduous journey, then, being ‘homeless.’ The whole school have decorated messages to be sown into blankets for ‘Time for the Homeless.’ The shepherds gave a precious lamb, as the children decorated their homemade biscuits they also thought of someone special to gift their shortbread to. A plethora of different stars adorned the classrooms, some very shiny to others made by origami, they all looked brilliant. Great collaboration was shown during the Nativity Challenge, our children are super creative and imaginative, we loved how inventive they were. Do you know how to say Happy Christmas in 12 languages? We looked at different greetings today from around the world. A snowflake is a 6 pointed crystal that are formed from around 200 smaller crystals and each one is uniquely made from a variety of 3D shapes. All that from just a drop of water! We had lots of fun creating ours during such a busy day. All our IB learner attributes have been shown by the children and much much more.

KS1 Nativity

Our KS1 children were absolutely amazing in their Nativity performance. They sang loud and proud and the acting and narration skills were also fantastic. A huge well done!

KS2 Carol concert

Our KS2 children sang a range of beautiful Christmas songs for our parents. They performed fantastically well and even managed to get some of the parents to join in. Well done to all!

Community Christmas Tree at Peninsula East

We were so excited to have our local community both in and outside of the school contributing to the bauble decorations for our Christmas tree this year. It was great to see our families take part, we received some from Chimnies, the local residential home for the elderly, and other places within the village and we'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that took part.

I think you'll agree that the tree looks amazing and there is such a variety in designs and messages on the baubles.

From everyone here at Peninsula East Primary Academy, we would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Stay safe all.


A huge thank you to our PTA.....

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our PTA team who organised the Christmas gift shop for our children this term. It was great to see so many parent helpers involved in this and our children were pleased with all of the gifts that they had purchased. They also organised for every child in the school to receive a Christmas gift which was extremely kind of them. Santa and his elves were going to visit to give these out but unfortunately, they were unable to attend due to Covid but the children were still really pleased with their presents.

We would also like to thank them for organising the discos for the children at the beginning of term and moving forward, we would be happy to support holding these at the school rather than at the youth club. In order for the PTA to successfully run any future discos, they will need further support from parents in order to do so safely. At the Key stage 2 discos, they only had three parents from the PTA to support and so the senior leadership team had to step in to support too so that there were enough adults. Moving forward, we hope that parents will further support all of the hard-work that the PTA team put into organising such events as these will not be able to happen without them. We are sure that you would not want the children to miss out on having such opportunities.

A huge thank you and well done again to our PTA team.