
2 December 2022


Oliver Jeffers - 82.19%

Julia Donaldson - 93.87%

Steve Irwin - 92.90%

Walt Disney - 93.50%

Marcus Rashford - 99.50%

Lewis Hamilton - 93.45%

Helen Sharman - 89.66%

Benjamin Zephaniah - 92.26%

Peninsula East Primary Academy - 91.83%

Well done to Julia Donaldson class for having the best attendance this week in KS1. In KS2 this week, Marcus Rashford are continuing their winning streak by yet again being the class that achieved the best attendance this week. It looks like they will be winning another class prize next term.

Principled Award

Oliver Jeffers Class - Leonard H

Julia Donaldson Class - Alexis

Steve Irwin Class - Shontelle

Walt Disney Class - Sienna

Marcus Rashford Class - Sadie

Lewis Hamilton Class - Aurora

Helen Sharman Class - Cody

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Lola

WOW Writer Awards

Congratulations to these children for fantastic writing this week...

Julia Donaldson Class - Jessica

Steve Irwin Class - Franklin

Walt Disney Class - Tilly

Marcus Rashford Class - Austin

Lewis Hamilton Class - Owen

Helen Sharman Class - Charlie

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Jesse

Caring Award

Oliver Jeffers Class - Hannah

Julia Donaldson Class - Tilly

Steve Irwin Class - Evie

Walt Disney Class - Frankie

Marcus Rashford Class - Richard

Lewis Hamilton Class - George

Helen Sharman Class - Gracie

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Oscar

Our Wonderful Inquiry Work

Lewis Hamilton

This week, Year 4 had their class assembly, an opportunity for them to present their learning to both parents and the rest of the school. The children demonstrated an amazing level of agency over their presentation and worked within groups to produce the entire assembly. Mrs Rayner and Miss Theobald would like to say once more just how proud we are of the children and at how well they worked collaboratively to put this together with little to no help from any adults! They decided on what they would like to share from across the two terms, they also put together their scripts, took their own pictures of work to share and even designed their own slides. They did a fantastic job, well done Year 4!

Steve Irwin

This week, Year 2 has been inquiring into plastic pollution and how this impacts our environment. We have been writing persuasive adverts on saving the polar bears and have used materials to try and make a net to help with plastic pollution. We tested our nets to see if they would work and wrote a set of instructions, encouraging others to do the same.

School information

Rochester Cathedral

This week, Year 5 went to Rochester Cathedral to sing as part of the Medway Music Association's annual Christmas Carol Concert. We had a fantastic day and would like to thank all the parents and carers who supported with transporting children to and from the cathedral and those who were able to come and see the children perform. They did themselves proud with beautiful singing and amazing behaviour - well done Year 5!

Co-Curricular Clubs

Throughout last academic year and the beginning of this one, we have had a sustained focus on improving the co-curricular clubs on offer to our children. The purpose of a co-curricular club is to further enhance the learning experiences that our children have throughout their school day. We have really seen an increase in enthusiasm towards the clubs and hope this continues throughout the year.

Over the past two terms, we have seen a variety of clubs which has brought a new interest from the children. Notably, the future career club was centred around employability skills and interests and how these can feed into potential career prospects. The children reflected carefully about their career choices, education, qualifications and further training. Over the course of the term, the children developed a further understanding of careers and further education opportunities. Other clubs that we have been pleased to offer this term included Into Film club, Choir and Playground Games. We have also been able to offer our children access to an externally run Dance club which has been a brilliant success.

We would hope to continue to this throughout the year, continuing to be purposeful and effective for our children. If you would like to offer any suggestions about the types of activities we provide, we would be more than happy to hear them!

Community Christmas Tree

Due to the success of the PEPA Community Christmas Tree last year, we would like to once again ask for your support in decorating the tree for the school hall. We will provide some templates for the children to design their own, which can then be laminated and displayed. In a slight difference to last year, we are also happy for children and families to bring in a bauble from home as a representation of their contribution to the Community Christmas Tree.

We aim for our Community Christmas Tree to symbolise everyone within our learning community but also the wider area. We hope to have as many people take part as possible so that it really is a true reflection of all of the wonderful people that we have around us, so please do encourage everyone to take part!

Please be aware that if you decide to bring in a physical bauble rather than a decorated paper one, we would ask that it is clearly labelled with your child’s details otherwise it is unlikely we will be able to return it to you at the end of the term.

Bauble templates will be available from the office after school on Friday 2nd December. Whilst there is no deadline to design or bring in a bauble, we do ask that this is done as soon as possible in preparation for all of the festive activities and shows we have planned throughout December.

We invite all members of our community to take part in this, so please do help us to spread the word!

Key Christmas Dates over the next few weeks

  • Monday 5th - Christmas Bauble Workshops

  • Friday 9th - Reception Nativity 9.15am, Nursery Nativity 1.30pm.

  • Monday 12th - Open Afternoon PYP (KS1, Reception and Nursery)

  • Wednesday 14th - Christmas Dinner & Christmas Jumper Day

  • Thursday 15th - Year 1 & 2 Nativity 9.15am, KS2 Songs 2.15pm

  • Friday 16th - PTA Christmas Shop, Year 1 & 2 Nativity 2pm

  • Monday 19th - Christmas Activity Morning 1, Nursery/Reception/KS1 Disco 2pm

  • Tuesday 20th - Last day of term, End of term assembly 9am, Christmas Activity Morning 2, KS2 Xmas Disco 2pm


SENCO Surgery

From next term I will be running SENCO surgeries each month, these will be mornings where you can book an appointment with me to discuss your child or any concerns that you may have about the provisions they are receiving in school. If you would like to book on to one of these sessions for a 30 minute slot please call the office to arrange an appointment time.

The first date will be Monday the 30th of January, these sessions can be in person, telephone call or a google meet. Whichever fits into your schedule, please let the office know how you would like to attend the meeting.

SEND Support Plans

In January any pupils that have SEND Support Plans will have these plans reviewed by myself, Class Teachers and Teaching Assistants. When you receive your child’s reviewed plan if you would like to have a meeting with me to discuss anything, please complete google form link that will be sent out with the plans.

Preparing children with SEND for Christmas

Christmas can be a challenging time for all of us but for children with additional needs this is often a time when there are a lot of changes and events happening. Here are a few websites that might support you with preparing your child for this period.

Action for children

Special needs Jungle