
9th September 2022


Oliver Jeffers - 93.94%

Julia Donaldson - 96.77%

Steve Irwin - 94.19%

Walt Disney - 95.50%

Marcus Rashford - 98.42%

Lewis Hamilton - 96.59%

Helen Sharman - 98.67%

Benjamin Zephaniah - 94.19%

Peninsula East Primary Academy - 95.92%

Well done to Julia Donaldson class for having the best attendance this week in KS1, they have done really well with their attendance in the first full week back. In KS2 this week, Helen Sharman class achieved the best attendance so well done to them too. Our whole school attendance is fantastic this week so well done to all and what a fabulous start to the term.

Open Minded Award

Oliver Jeffers Class - Macie

Julia Donaldson Class - Jessica

Steve Irwin Class - Charlie

Walt Disney Class - Joseph

Marcus Rashford Class - Tommy

Lewis Hamilton Class - Noah

Helen Sharman Class - Phoebe

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Oscar

The Human Brain

WOW Writer Awards

Congratulations to these children for fantastic writing this week...

Julia Donaldson Class - Hollie

Steve Irwin Class - Mason

Walt Disney Class - Sienna

Marcus Rashford Class - Grace

Lewis Hamilton Class - Christopher

Helen Sharman Class - Ethan

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Charlie

Inquirer Award

Oliver Jeffers Class - Freddie

Julia Donaldson Class - James

Steve Irwin Class - Olivia

Walt Disney Class - Annamaya

Marcus Rashford Class - Austin

Lewis Hamilton Class - Lexi

Helen Sharman Class - Harrison

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Morgan

Our Wonderful Inquiry Work

Julia Donaldson

In the first week of term Julia Donaldson Class has been getting to know their new classroom environment, routines and expectations. The children have been doing some research about the well known author and Children’s Laureate Julia Donaldson. We have learned that she has written over sixty-four children’s fiction books and altogether well over two hundred books, many of which are used as school phonic books. She is also a poet, songwriter and performer and best known for her books The Gruffalo, The Snail and the Whale, Room on the Broom and Stick Man.

The children have enjoyed our maths this week. Using many practical tasks and manipulatives, one of which is pictured where the children were sorting by group and colour.

All the children have settled so well back into school and have been very principled and independent learners.

Helen Sharman

This week, Helen Sharman class have been working hard to learn new routines and get settled into year 5. We have been developing our understanding of place value in maths and we have worked on being open-minded inquirers whilst learning about worship in Hinduism. The class has been reading 'The Black Dog' by Levi Pinfold and we used this to write descriptively. Lastly, we set up our new reading area and the children made a huge effort to make it a space to be proud of. Well done year 5.

School information

Smart Watches

Please support us with our safeguarding expectations by ensuring that any smart watches which are worn to school are switched on to school mode. This is an important part of our role when safeguarding pupils in school. For further information, please see our Child Protection Policy, Online Safety Policy or Uniform section of our website, which are all available at

Guides on how to set up school mode are widely available online. Please find some of the key ones below:

Apple watches -

SpaceTalk -

If there are any difficulties in setting this up, please do approach a member of SLT so that we are able to advise or assist.

Weekly Certificates

We wanted to update you on the changes we have made to the weekly certificates that the children will receive. We have kept the 'Writer of the Week' as we are really concentrating on our writing as a whole school focus this year. However, we have changed the 'Star of the week' and 'Citizen of the week' certificates to align with our IB learner attributes. Each term we have chosen two different attributes and will be awarding certificates to those children who have shown these attributes in the week. This term we are looking for children that have been Inquirers or if they have been Open-minded. We will change this termly and keep you up to date with which attributes we will be celebrating next term.

House Points

House Point Rewards

This year we are continuing with our house point teams;

  • Tour de France (YELLOW)

  • London Marathon (BLUE)

  • Wimbledon (GREEN)

  • The Ashes (RED)

Whenever your child receives a house point it will be logged on an individual card that they have and in the whole class weekly total. Each week Year 5 monitors will collect the class totals and announce the winning team in our celebration assembly.

Each class will have a goal prize that they are working towards for a whole class treat. These will be decided over the next few weeks with their class teacher.

When a child reaches certain milestones they will visit Mrs Rimmer and the leadership team for a prize and receive a special certificate.

Our current milestones are:-

100 house points - Colouring pencils prize

150 house points - Mindfulness colouring book prize

200 house points - Pack of Gel pens

We look forward to seeing your completed House point cards!

HM Queen Elizabeth II

It is with sadness that Buckingham Palace announced yesterday the death of Her Majesty The Queen. Following yesterday's sad news, we felt it important to share how we will be supporting pupils in school and showing our respect during the national period of mourning.

Today, we have paid our respects by holding a minute's silence during assembly to start to reflect on Her Majesty The Queen's life. There will also be an opportunity for pupils to discuss their feelings and ask questions within their classrooms over the coming days.

Please find shared resources which you could use at home to support your children during this time.

  • Minded is a source of information to support children and young people to manage death and loss.

  • You can visit the Palace’s website for more information about the mourning period.

  • Newsround has some video resources available which share the news in a child-friendly manner.

  • You may also like to share the commemorative book which was shared in June for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee to support discussions about her life.

Schools will remain fully open while we await further guidance from the government about how the coming days will unfold. We will of course keep you fully updated.

Queen Elizabeth II

RIP HM Queen Elizabeth II

1926 - 2022