Milestone Academy
Core Priorities
We have six Core Priorities here at Milestone Academy. Click the links below for further information on each one:
1. Business Enterprise Pathways
To develop and embed Business Enterprise and an independent living skills curriculum so that students are accessing a wider range of functional learning opportunities leading to aspirational end points.
2. Quality of Education
Assessment and monitoring is SMART so that pupil outcomes continue to improve, the quality of education remains highly effective and staff wellbeing increases.
3. Student Outcomes
To continue to improve outcomes in communication and the core areas of reading, writing, maths and PSPD.
4. Developing Our People
Feedback to all staff positively impacts on the quality of teaching and learning in all classes so that every lesson is at least effective and most are highly effective.
5. The International Baccalaureate
Curriculum planning ensures pupils receive an education that is aspirational and appropriately adapted to their needs and interests, enhanced by the transdisciplinary framework of the IB PYP.
6. Developing Digital Skills
To improve access and engagement of pupils in their curriculum offer through our developing digital strategy.