

Hartley Primary Academy Logo

Hartley Primary Academy

Outdoor Learning Week

At the beginning of Module 6 Hartley Primary Academy celebrated an exciting and enriching Outdoor Learning Week. This week-long event provided students across all year groups with the opportunity to engage in hands-on learning experiences in the great outdoors. Each year group participated in unique activities designed to enhance their understanding of various subjects through practical and interactive methods.

In EYFS, our youngest learners in Nursery were introduced to the wonders of Forest School. They had a fantastic time making characters from natural materials and exploring the woods, whilst developing a love for nature and creativity.  Reception students took part in cooking sessions using home-grown produce, allowing them to understand the importance of healthy eating and sustainable living. They also enjoyed building dens, which fostered teamwork and problem-solving skills.

Year 1 students created beautiful sculptures using natural resources found in their environment. This activity was linked to their art curriculum and helped them appreciate the beauty and potential of natural materials.

Meanwhile, Year 2 delved into history by learning about the Great Fire of London. They made dough and learned to whittle sticks to cook the dough over a campfire, culminating in a reenactment of Pudding Lane, bringing history to life in a memorable way.

Year 3 students explored communication and navigation through the learning activities of  Morse Code, creating musical instruments, and participating in a map skills scavenger hunt.  In Year 4, students learned about Fairtrade by cooking bananas and chocolate using Fairtrade products. This activity not only taught them cooking skills but also the importance of ethical consumerism linked to their lines of inquiry in this module.

Year 5 focused on hygiene and engineering by constructing tippy taps - simple hand-washing devices. This project highlighted the importance of sanitation and resourcefulness.  Finally, Year 6 students ended the week by setting up an outdoor pizza restaurant. They learned about cooking, business, and customer service, providing them with practical life skills in a fun and engaging way.

Outdoor Learning Week at Hartley Primary Academy was a tremendous success, fostering a love for learning, teamwork, and an appreciation for the natural world. We look forward to many more opportunities to bring our curriculum to life in the outdoors.

Oaks Primary Academy Logo

Oaks Primary Academy

This term has been all about taking action at Oaks Primary Academy. 

As part of their action, Year 3 wrote letters to all of the parliamentary candidates for their area, asking what their plans were to look after the local and global environment. The children were thrilled to receive individual responses from Helen Grant MP (who subsequently won the election) thanking them for their letters and outlining her plans for the local areas. 

This term also saw pupils hosting our first ‘Connecting Through Cultures’. Ukraine, Malawi, Romania, Mauritius, England, Nigeria, Ghana, Colombia, India and Ireland were represented at this with stalls being run by pupils and their families. 

The school community got to try different foods, play traditional instruments, learn greetings, view artwork and other important literature to those nations, wear jewellery and traditional dress and importantly ask questions and listen! 

All pupils could also wear traditional dress in the afternoon and it was an incredible, immersive experience for our school community. 

We are so grateful to the families who took their time to prepare incredible stalls and support this event. It was such an enriching cultural and geographical experience. We are all looking forward to next year’s event already where we hope we have even more nationalities on display. 

Parents involved have given their feedback: 

“It's been an honour and a pleasure to take part in this special event, especially for us. It's been an amazing surprise to see how children interact with us and with our culture.

We are definitely looking forward to next year’s event and towards the new challenges for us.”

“It was a fantastic experience to share our culture and also to learn about the other cultures. We hope the children thoroughly enjoyed it. We are looking forward to sharing much more in a different way going forward. Thank you very much.”

“Thank you for giving us the opportunity to show everyone our culture and thank you for your support during the event.

We are looking forward to next year.”

Molehill Primary Academy Logo

Molehill Primary Academy

Let's Build-a-Bridge in collaboration with the Rochester Bridge Trust

Our Year 5 and 6 children participated in an engineering project with the Rochester Bridge Trust and FM Conway in Module 6. Utilising their knowledge of maths and science, and supported by engineers, the children built a bridge large enough for them to walk across. 

With each participant holding a different role within the project - ranging from project manager to highways operatives and health and safety officers - the children demonstrated their logical thinking skills, problem solving skills, teamwork and communication skills. 

Although the children enjoyed constructing a bridge, one of their favourite aspects was wearing full PPE, wearing hard hats, safety goggles, high-visibility jackets and gloves, as if they were on a real construction site! The children who were health and safety leaders ensured that all pupils - and adults - were working safely and responsibly.

It was a fantastic day, enjoyed by all of the children, learning about engineering principles in a practical way. This fantastic opportunity also enabled children to experience and apply principles of Design and Technology in a real-life scenario, working as a team to consider the design and design features, their placement within the structure and how this would contribute towards a successful and safe product.

Tree Tops Primary Academy Logo

Tree Tops Primary Academy

What an incredible final and fun filled term it has been, for the whole of Tree Tops! 

It's been a term of sporting events, a maths competition, a bustling summer fair, trips and visits and a business enterprise challenge, in Year 6. 

Sporting Competitions 

As part of our summer, we held our annual Sports Day which was a highly successful and energetic event, filled with excitement and community spirit. It was wonderful to see the wider community come together and go to the school in supporting the children’s sporting abilities. The children, whose skills in jumping, balancing, and moving at speed were on full display, worked together seamlessly, showcasing incredible team spirit and sportsmanship throughout the events. The flat races and presentation of the sporting cup were significant highlights of our sporting events. The pupils’ enthusiasm and determination made the day a memorable celebration of athleticism and camaraderie. 

Our sporting passions and skills continued with some of our Year 5 and 6 pupils representing us at the Boys Football Tournament and Year 5 and 6 girls then representing us at the Girls Football Tournament, where our team came joint 3rd. Our Tree Top’s pupils played with determination and true sportsmanship - we are so proud of them all. 

Our sporting achievements continued with ten of our wonderful Year 2 pupils attending the athletics competition, where they achieved third place.

Year 5 Maths Tournament 

During our final term, several Year 5 pupils enthusiastically participated in the LAT Year 5 Maths Tournament. The competition was fierce and challenging, but our students demonstrated exceptional problem-solving skills and teamwork. We are proud to announce that one of our teams achieved an outstanding victory by securing first place in their heat, showcasing their dedication and mathematical prowess. 

Summer Fair

Our annual summer fair was a tremendous success, showcasing the true spirit of our community and the culture of Tree Tops. Staff and the wider community came together, creating a vibrant and joyous atmosphere that was felt by everyone. The event featured a variety of activities and entertainment that catered to all ages, ensuring a fun time for adults and children alike - from fun games, a bustling tombola and a delicious food stall to inflatables and treats, there was something for everyone to enjoy. The sense of togetherness and community was felt by everyone. This year's summer fair not only provided an opportunity for relaxation and recreation but also strengthened the bonds within our community, making it an unforgettable highlight of the season.

Langley Primary Academy Logo

Langley Park Primary Academy

From September, the children of Langley Park Primary Academy have been working on our very own Shaun the Sheep for the Heart of Kent Hospice Art Trail. Heart of Kent Hospice provides free, specialist care and support for adults living with a terminal illness and their loved ones. They ensure that they can have the best quality of life for as long as they live. 

The design competition for our Shaun was set across the whole school. The entries that came in were amazing and it was hard for us to decide on runners up and the winner. After much deliberation, Jacob, Myra, Charlie, Elliot, Oliver, Evie and Madison were all runners up. Oliver was then the winner with his design of Super Shaun.

Once our design had been approved, we got all of the children who participated in the design competition to assist with painting Shaun. The children enjoyed this greatly and they did such an amazing job. It was a challenge to keep our design a secret!

Shaun was then delivered back to the Heart of Kent Hospice to be glossed and kept safe ahead of the trail. During that time, we had to think of a way to fundraise. On Friday 21st June, the whole school took part in a sponsored walk/run. The children were invited to come into school dressed as sheep or in sporty wear. It was a great success and fun was had by all. We even had a surprise guest arrive during the afternoon…Shaun himself along with Bill from the Heart of Kent Hospice. The children could not believe that Shaun the Sheep had come to join us for our ‘baarilliant’ event! The total amount of money raised by all of the children at Langley Park Primary Academy was £1,438.

The Shaun in the Heart of Kent Trail is now live across Maidstone until 30th August and then our Super Shaun will be returned home to LPPA once again. We have had many children and staff members excited to go out into the community of Maidstone to find him…including Mrs Neame! It has been a lovely thread through this year and all of the children are proud that our school name is out in the community for all to see.

Paddock Wood Primary Academy Logo

Paddock Wood Primary Academy

Diversity Week

Paddock Wood Primary Academy celebrated Diversity Week from Monday 24th - Friday 28th June. This week-long event aimed to embrace and appreciate the rich tapestry of cultures, religions, languages, and families that make up our diverse school community.

During Diversity Week, we highlighted what makes each child unique and special. It was a fantastic opportunity for our students to learn about and celebrate the differences that make us all special individuals. We explored various aspects of diversity, including heritage, traditions, and personal experiences.

As part of our celebrations, parents were invited to join us in sharing their cultural heritage with the children. This involved storytelling, traditional music and dance, showcasing traditional clothing and many other ways that celebrate cultural backgrounds.

At Paddock Wood Primary Academy, we believe that by celebrating our differences, we can foster a greater sense of empathy, understanding, and respect among our students. It is crucial for us to teach our children the value of diversity and inclusivity from a young age, and Diversity Week provided the perfect platform for this important learning experience.

Across the week, children participated in a range of activities within their classes. As a whole school, on Wednesday 26th June, children were invited to wear traditional dress. This was organised by our very own Language Ambassadors in school. On Friday 28th June, a school wide piece of art was created. The week culminated in our very first colour run that was organised by the PTA. The school community embraced our Diversity Week and it was a real celebration of what makes our school so special and inclusive.

Eastcote Primary Academy Logo

Eastcote Primary Academy

The summer term at Eastcote Primary Academy means one thing - ‘Outdoor Adventure Activities’! Outdoor learning plays a crucial role in the holistic development of children at Eastcote and we want to make sure everyone has an opportunity to learn beyond the classroom. We have been working to enhance our pupils' teamwork, problem-solving, resilience, and communication skills in a fun and challenging way. 

Year 5 led the way with ‘Winter Snowsports’ at Chatham Snowsports Centre, where the class experienced ‘Tobogganing’. They got to ride the longest track in the UK which was full of twists and turns. They also got to try out skiing, snowboarding and the chance to ride in snow-tubes, which was so much fun. This pushed them out of their comfort zones and was definitely a thrilling experience.  

Overcoming challenge is an essential part of learning and personal growth and Year 6  certainly did this at Carroty Wood Residential centre. They got to try out lots of outdoor sports and their favourite activities were kayaking, climbing the high ropes and climbing the tower.  Risk taking was high on the agenda; many memories were made and fears were conquered. The children returned to school at the end of the week feeling victorious. 

Year 4 got wet and wild at Danson Park Adventures where they experienced canoeing and bell boating. Bell boats are great for practising teamwork: they were paddled by up to 10 children and they had to be propelled through the water using single blade paddles. There was a role for everyone to play within the boat. The best teams needed someone in charge, someone to steer, and everybody else got to paddle!

Additionally, all the activities were structured to provide students with opportunities to engage with nature and to explore their surroundings, helping the children to develop an understanding and a sense of responsibility towards the environment.

High Halstow Primary Academy Logo

High Halstow Primary Academy

What a brilliant final module of sport it has been at High Halstow!

The term started with the Football Mini Youth Games at Anchorians football club. A team of 10 children went along and played extraordinary well all day. They worked incredibly hard as a team and respected their opponents at all times. Their hard work and team work paid off! After winning all of our 8 matches, High Halstow finished in 1st place out of 37 schools! We were officially crowned Football Mini Youth champions… What an achievement!

However, the success did not stop there. A team of 10 children went to the Cricket Mini Youth Games at the end of June. Again, they played extremely well all day, showing excellent sportsmanship and winning every single match that they played! We were ecstatic when we found out that we’d finished in 3rd place out of 26 schools! Another trophy to add to your library shelf; it is filling up quickly!

Active Week was once again a huge success, allowing every child to take part in a variety of events and experience some intra-school competition, whilst having a lot of fun along the way! The children loved taking part in our version of the Euros (it was a very exciting final between Spain and Croatia!); a morning of fun relay races; running race heats; a KS1 ball festival; a whole school rounders tournament and of course… Sports Day! We had a very eventful and fun-filled day at the park and cricket club, where the children participated in a variety of races and activity stations. A huge congratulations to the Herons who have taken the title this year as our new champions! 

Well done to everyone for a hugely successful sporting year at High Halstow!

Marden Primary Academy Logo

Marden Primary Academy

Parent Engagement

This year at Marden we have been working hard to create lots of opportunities for the parents/carers to come into school to support their children with their learning and to celebrate their successes.

Open Classroom Events

On the first Wednesday of each module we have been holding open classroom events at the end of the day. Parents and carers have the opportunity to come into school to collect an overview of the child’s learning for the module, have a look at their child’s books and talk to their class teachers. The children’s homework from the previous module is also displayed in the hall for everyone to come and view.

PYP Action Events

As part of our class inquiries, the children take action so as to make a difference to others. As part of this some classes have invited their families in to support them. For example, EYFS held an ice cream parlour and Year 1 sold seeds to raise money for WWF. The families who attended had a wonderful time and were pleased to see how passionate the children were at such a young age. 

Phonics Workshops

We know how important phonics is to our children and supporting them to learn to read and write. In EYFS we held parent sessions where they could come and observe a phonics lesson and then support their children with a range of activities. The parents found this really useful and have said it has improved their ability to support the children at home.

Year 6 Exhibition

As part of their journey with the PYP, the Y6 children have completed an exhibition. The children worked in groups to create their own central idea and lines of inquiry about a subject which mattered to them. They then used all of the approaches to learning and learner profiles to work together to complete their exhibition. Parents and carers were then invited in to come and view the exhibition. The children were really excited to share their work with others.

Mother’s Day and Father’s Day Events

To celebrate Mother’s and Father’s day every class invited the children’s mums, dads and special adults into school to come and do an activity with their child. We had a wonderful turn out for this and the children thoroughly enjoyed spending time with their special adults and showing them how much they care about them.

Bearsted Primary Academy Logo

Bearsted Primary Academy

As part of an academy-wide drive to continue building links within the local community and to develop agency, Year 1’s Central Idea for Module 6 that  'communities are improved when people work together' provided a great opportunity to develop these two areas alongside each other. 

This Unit of Inquiry was handed completely over to the children for them to consider who is in our local community and how they could develop further links and relationships within the community to make it a harmonious place.  After careful consideration of all of the different groups that they belong to and who our immediate neighbours are, they decided that they would like to plan their own project with our senior friends over at Invicta Court Care Home. They worked in small groups to plan activities, make cards, pictures and invitations and they even made a questionnaire to find out what the residents would like to do. 

After some feedback from their events coordinator, the residents requested that they would like the children to bring Sports Day to them and other than that they would be happy with anything. They were thrilled with the invitations that the children sent and these were displayed for the residents and their families to see what they would be doing. Over the course of the week, they entertained them with a Sports Day and sporting activities that they could join in with, puzzle club, Barbies, story time, a concert, crafts and a picnic! The children even baked all of the 100 cakes for the picnic! 

It was our absolute pleasure to sit back and watch the children plan, play and interact with our lovely neighbours and to see the joy that was shared between old, young and those in between. We were bursting with pride with our caring, thoughtful children who completely embodied what it means to be part of a community.