Special Schools

Milestone Academy Logo

Milestone Academy

One of the drives this module has been to further develop the arts and the use of media. Students have made huge progress in confidence and speaking and listening through the many drama and music activities that have been planned and delivered since September.

Most recently the purchasing of specialist equipment to enable students to create their own musical compositions has resulted in students finding their voice in a new way. Communicating through voice or through creating sound and then hearing this played back has inspired and engaged our students in new ways. In some classes students are collaborating and writing radio plays which is a huge achievement and skill to master.

Arty Party, a company working with schools to link literacy and art for pupils, has also been brought in to raise the profile of art across all the Milestone sites. Every student will be participating in a four week project to produce some permanent pieces of sculpture across all settings in the academy. Below are some pictures of the work so far…

To end the term on a positive note, Challenge Partners completed an intensive three day scrutiny of all that we do at Milestone and confirmed that we are still a leading academy. Following this review Milestone was accredited with having an area of excellence, providing ‘high quality, personalised and bespoke CPD to support inclusion and improved outcomes in mainstream and special settings’.

A display on the wall reading "High Rise Mystery"
Children painting on a large floor canvas
Children painting on a large floor canvas

Snowfields Academy logo

Snowfields Academy

New play equipment

Students now have access to a range of clubs and activities at lunchtime to help support their learning needs. This includes an extensive range of clubs that staff lead including art club, Mario club and choice club. These are all promoted with students in school and parents on the school’s Facebook page.

It’s so important at Snowfields that students have a voice in what they need to help support them. We have recently purchased scooters to help with their gross motor skills. These have been such a success that parents are now asking if they can have them at home too!

Children riding on scooters in the playground


Snowfields Academy is now up and running on Facebook. This was a response to the parent survey about communication and wanting to know more about their child's day. There are daily updates about what the students are doing within the provision. This has included themed events including Book Week and Careers Week.

As part of Neurodiversity week we will be doing a day in the life of a Snowfields student and these updates will all go on Facebook to share with families so they get an insight into the support and care they receive.

Forest Schools

KS3 students have started Forest School which is a child-centred inspirational learning process that offers opportunities for holistic growth through regular sessions. It is a long-term programme that supports play, exploration and supported risk taking. It develops confidence and self-esteem through learner inspired, hands-on experiences in a natural setting. This term they are focusing on den building and taking risks.

Children stand in front of a van, wearing wellington boots

Sunflowers for Ukraine

Staff have been working as a team to help support the Red Cross DRA. The Disaster Relief Alliance (DRA) is an active community of businesses who invest in the future of humanitarian action. Together, they support the British Red Cross to help communities prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters. They are currently supporting the crisis in Ukraine. Staff have been staying after school to make croquet sunflowers and collage sunflowers for students to display and also buy. The proceeds will go to this worthwhile cause.

Staff making crafted sunflowers