

Dartford Primary Academy Logo

Dartford Primary Academy

We returned from Christmas with a bang at DPA!  50  children headed to the O2 to be part of a choir with 8000 other children from around the UK.  They practised with bands and other entertainers and finally ended the day singing with an international star - Heather Small.  It was a tremendous day.  I could not be prouder to hear our children sing their hearts out and show the world what determined persistent achievers they are.

Student selfie from choir at the O2
Student Choir at the O2

Our football teams have also attended matches held at Dartford Football Club with both our girls and boys’ teams playing and winning against local teams.  As a team, they are fearless and play with passion.  We are incredibly proud of our footballers here at Dartford Primary.

World Book Day landed at DPA too, with our staff and children embracing our love for reading and our characters going from strength to strength.  Reading for pleasure is a key focus here at DPA and we celebrate weekly with our Busters book club and termly AR Kindle winners! 

Our linguists all took part in Francophonie week; our entries last year were amazing and showed our international mindedness and linguistic talents and this year was no exception!  We hope that you all took part too?

We ended the term with our Easter showcase which involved children performing their Easter songs and poetry to embrace the festival and share their skills as performers.  Beautiful songs and words were shared with their families as the audience.

2 Students from the choir at the O2
The Great French Language Challenge, with lots of challenges written across the image. Blue and white background with purple text

LAT Easter French

We ended the term with our Easter showcase which involved children performing their Easter songs and poetry to embrace the festival and share their skills as performers.  Beautiful songs and words were shared with their families as the audience. 

Hartley Primary Academy Logo

Hartley Primary Academy

Hartley has been a hive of activity this term, with activities, trips, dressing up and competitions!

Year 3 Rocks and Soils

Student inspecting a small rock through a microscope

Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed a science workshop on rocks and soils with Mr Bonner. They discussed the properties of rocks, tested the hardness of rocks, used microscopes and magnifying glasses to observe the rocks and explored different fossils, including a trilobite, an ammonite, a coprolite (dinosaur poo), a devil's toenail,  an echinoid, belemnite and an Ichthyosaur. The children then made their own fossils and did an experiment to find out how sedimentary rocks become metamorphic rocks!

2 students inspecting rocks, soils and elements together

World Book Day

We decided to have a bit of a change to our usual book character dressing up this year and instead we held a ‘vocabulary parade’. The children all chose a word and dressed up to reflect that world. It was a huge success and the children loved coming up with creative ways to show that they were ‘colourful’, ‘snuggly’, ‘flexible’, etc. For those who aren’t so keen on dressing up it was also easier for them to be involved because they could just be ‘comfortable’, ‘sporty’ or ‘casual’ and dress in their own clothes. We also had a potato character competition where children were invited to create a book character using a potato. Again this was great fun and loads of children joined in, with the winners all receiving the prize of a lovely new book.

Group of students holding up signs of words for World Book Day

Year 2 Trip to Kent Life

Students lined up with a woman dressed in a Victorian dress talking to them

On Monday 20th March Year 2 visited Kent Life. The children visited the Victorian Schoolroom as part of this term’s Inquiry into education in the past and around the world and they also had a great time at the playground and meeting all the farm animals. 

Students feeding goats

Careers Talks

We have had some lovely visits and talks by some of our parents this term and the children have loved finding out about different careers. We have had talks from a psychologist, an anaesthetist, a veterinary nurse, a journalist, a sports’ commentator and some police officers. The police even brought their cars and police dogs for the children to see and our Nursery, Reception and Year 1 children were allowed to pet the dogs, try on uniform and sit in the cars!

Red Nose Day

6 students standing behind a table covered with cakes for a cake sale

The school helped to raise money for Red Nose Day with a cake sale this year. Year 5 and 6 school council members ran the stall after school and raised an amazing £122! Huge thanks go to the parents for supporting this worthy cause.

Group of students with red noses on for Red Nose Day
Cherry Orchard Primary Academy Logo

Cherry Orchard Primary Academy

Young Voices

In January, the COPA Choir (made up of Year 5 and 6 pupils) became part of an 8000 strong group of performers at the Young Voices 2023 event. The pupils had an incredible day of rehearsals, before taking part in an evening performance, singing, dancing and beatboxing the night away at the O2 Arena in London. 

COPA Student choir outside the O2

Visit from Gareth Johnson MP

We had a visit from our local Member of Parliament, Gareth Johnson, who visited lessons and then met with a group of Year 6 children. They posed some very challenging questions to him about the anti-social behaviour of local teenagers, school budgets and the state of the UK economy generally, leading to some interesting discussions.

3 COPA Students sitting at a table with Gareth Johnson MP

iRock Concerts

Since introducing iRock in term 6 last year, children in Years 3, 4 and 5 have had the opportunity to rehearse and perform as part of a band. They practise each week for two terms, rehearsing their chosen song, and then perform to their parents in an iRock concert at the end of the second term. So far this year we have had performances from Years 3 and  5, with Year 4 picking up the drumsticks and plectrum in modules 5 and 6!

Student band on stage for iRock concert

Science Week

Student building bridge out of loo roll tubes and tape, with toy figures placed atop the bridge

The theme for Science Week this year was 'Connections'! As an IB school we strived to ensure that all of our science activities were connected to this term's ‘Central Idea’. This created some exciting investigations in Year 4 where they experimented with glockenspiels to create vibrations in connection with learning about sound. In Cherry Pips Nursery and Reception they looked at a variety of different books about volcanoes and went on to make a class volcano, whilst Year 5 ventured up to Ebbsfleet Academy to learn all about acids and alkalis in their science labs!

Students gathered round a glockenspiel on a table

Mother’s Day Afternoon Tea

In March, children in Laurel and Oak classes held a Mother’s Day celebration  tea for their mums. They made sandwiches and cakes and invited their mums into the hall  to join them for a traditional afternoon tea followed by party games and some dancing - a great time was had by all!

Oaks Primary Academy Logo

Oaks Primary Academy

Since Christmas, Oaks has been a hive of activity with fantastic opportunities to broaden our horizons and try new things. Pupils have been engaged in personal development through our Profile for Success initiative which sees pupils taking part in learning linked to ‘Community, Charity and Careers’.


Young Voices

Our amazing Oaks choir joined over 8000 other budding young performers at the O2 Young Voices Concert. Our Year 4 and 6 classes had an amazing time and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. We already can’t wait to return next year!

Queen’s Green Canopy Tree Planting

Photo of students at Tree Planting on left. Flyer information with green background and white & gold text on right.

In January, all pupils from Year 1 and 2 joined forces with Maidstone Borough Council’s Biodiversity and Climate Change Department to plant 140 native British trees in the local community of Shepway. This was part of the Queen’s Green Canopy initiative to mark Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee. We were proud to be part of this historical initiative. 

Students walking across muddy ground to plant trees

Introduction to Rugby

In February, all pupils from Reception to Year 6 had a rugby lesson from a Weavering Warriors Rugby Club player. Despite this being peak Six Nations season, a lot of our children had never heard of or played rugby. Pupils learned how to kick the rugby ball, pass the ball, score a try and use the rugby tackle bags which were definitely the highlight! 

2 students tackling teachers with rugby tackle bags


Our co-curricular provision continues to thrive and is more highly attended than ever before. Our clubs are enjoying working collaboratively across year groups, whilst also linking with the local community. Our Performing Arts club is excited to welcome members of the local care home in module 5 to some seated dance classes and a chance to reminisce about their years at school. Our collaboration with Mascalls Academy is due to continue in the summer months, allowing us to learn from the expertise of secondary pupils,  providing a fantastic transition opportunity for our young learners ahead of moving into the next phase of their educational journey.


Students and teacher pouring potatoes into compost bags

As part of our commitment to improve our school grounds, we have been looking at different spaces where we can enhance the biodiversity as well as provide a beautiful sight for people in our community walking past. This latest project has involved pupils preparing the space to celebrate the King’s Coronation and we can’t wait to see the patch in full bloom for May!

Students planting flowers and plants in tires full of soil


Starfish Malawi - Charity and Community 

Our link with Sele school in Malawi has strengthened in recent months and that is down to finding a common love: music and singing. Pupils have loved sharing songs between our two schools, both in English and Chichewa - their mother tongue. Together, both schools are also sharing how we contribute positively towards the environment and what we do to make a difference in our local communities. We are doing this to find similarities and differences between our schools and also to discover what we can do to enhance how we care for our environment and interact with the community. Our reformed Eco Club is leading the way on this new project between the schools. Pupils in Malawi have shared with us how they conserve water and our pupils discovered they have a lot to learn from our link school!

2 students in Malwai washing their hands


Young Engineers 

Our Year 5 and 6 careers curriculum has seen our practitioners engage with the Young Engineers project. This challenges our cohorts to work collaboratively to design, create and test a fully functioning electric car. 

Our aim is to continue to provide our learners with a broad, balanced and aspirational careers programme, preparing them with careers experience before transitioning to secondary education. This is reflected in our Profile for Success booklets which are rapidly becoming holistic portfolios of personal development against the IB and ‘Community, Charity and Careers’. 

Parent building duck house


This module we have invested in the ‘Incredible Eggs’ scheme, which tasks schools with caring for duck eggs through hatching and into their lives as young ducklings. The entire academy waited on tenterhooks for the eggs to hatch and in the week commencing 13th March we were lucky enough to have four ducklings chirping through our Early Years setting. The ducklings have grown rapidly and have quickly become talk of the town. They have been the centre of amazing writing, science discussions and also DT. We ran an academy challenge to design a duck house for our feathered friends, won by a Year 5 pupil and one of our talented academy parents is working tirelessly to bring the design to life! Having the ducklings has encouraged us to think about different careers with animals and also in carpentry as we watch the duck house being built!

Students sitting round a table with hatched ducklings
Finished duck house with carpenter on the left and student design winner on the right

Easter Service

To conclude module 4, we travelled to St Martin’s church for our annual Easter service. Joyful songs filled the church and we learnt about religious celebrations from all over the world and enjoyed comparing traditions. We would like to thank St Martin’s Church for their hospitality and support as always.

Molehill Primary Academy Logo

Molehill Primary Academy

This term we have had lots to celebrate and a plethora of things to be thankful for! 

Hatching Chicks

Watching our Molehill chicks hatch this module was an incredibly fascinating and memorable occasion. Our whole school community, including any and all visitors to the school, benefited from their first hand experience of life cycles and growth and development. Discussing and holding the chicks encouraged social interaction and promoted caring and nurturing skills. Our wider community were also able to watch the chicks at home and from classrooms through our live stream.  

Hatched ducklings

Astronomy Roadshow  

Earlier this module, we welcomed a travelling astronomy roadshow to the academy. Pupils from across the school learnt amazing facts about our solar system and beyond, including learning information about and taking a flying visit to our incredible neighbouring planets. The entire night sky was projected onto the inside of a dome and we could look at the beautiful stars and constellations.

Astronomy Roadshow dome in school hall

Parent Survey

We were absolutely thrilled with the responses to our recent LAT Parental Survey.  One parent stated that, 'Communication between teachers and parents is really good and my daughters’ teachers make me feel like they are their biggest fans especially when they’ve achieved something. It's a warm feeling to know someone out of the family is just as proud as you are!'  Another commented that we 'create an environment where every child is happy to have been at school for the day, and is missing out if they were absent'.

Not only did we have some fantastic feedback but 100% of parents agreed or strongly agreed that their child is happy at Molehill and that their child is well taught at the academy!

Mother's Day Afternoon Tea

Student holding daffodils with her mum for Mother's Day Afternoon Tea

On the 17th of March, Wallaby, Kangaroo and Little Moles classes invited parents in to join them for an afternoon tea and pamper session in celebration of Mother's Day. They immensely enjoyed reading books with their children, having their nails painted, receiving hand-made cards and most importantly, eating cake together! Children across the academy were once again given the opportunity to pick daffodils from our school field to give to their mums. This has been a tradition at the academy for over 35 years; a previous Principal at the school decided that she would have the bulbs planted to ensure that pupils from across the Shepway estate had flowers to give their mothers on Mothers' Day. 

Science Week

We utilised Science Week to provide additional exposure to science capital outside of the school environment and our Fabulous Finish for this module encouraged parental involvement to facilitate science conversations at home. The overarching theme of the week was how human action connects positively or negatively to each area of science that the children are studying. To start the week, Megan Bell, a chemist from the University of Kent delivered an exceptional assembly to our pupils which invited them to think about the connections between the elements in the periodic table. We were very impressed by our pupils' prior knowledge: Reception children described elements as 'fire, earth, air and water' which provoked an interesting discussion about how our understanding of science has developed over time. Year 6 pupils were able to identify some of the elements in the periodic table and gave consideration to the environmental impact that humans have on earth. 

World Book Day 

Group of teachers in costume for World Book Day

For most of us at Molehill, World Book Day is the highlight of the academic year! We ensure that our pupils develop a love of reading because we know that regular reading provides young people with the chance to increase vocabulary and comprehension skills, challenge their perception of the world around them and escape into different worlds, times and places. We know that the development of strong literacy skills improves the life chances of our pupils and provides them with the key skills that are vital to adult life. Well done to everyone who embraced World Book Day - we were so impressed with the variety of different outfits and were delighted to immerse ourselves in literature learning for the day. 

Student in costume for World Book Day

Peer Mediators

We are extremely proud of the children who peer mediate at Molehill. These children have been trained to mediate friendship conflicts between fellow pupils and are overseen by Miss Miller. Caroline McInnes from Maidstone Mediation, who trains our children in the Peer Mediator Scheme, visited our team of mediators in this module to see how they were finding the responsibility. We were delighted to report to her that all of our mediators have been extremely conscientious in their role supporting the younger children and also assisting the lunchtime staff. They have dealt with any issues in a responsible and sensitive manner and have proved to be 100% reliable in undertaking their duties. A huge thank you to these children for all of their hard work and for their invaluable contribution to our school community. 

Group of student Peer Mediators
Tree Tops Primary Academy Logo

Tree Tops Primary Academy

World Book Week 

World Book Week was celebrated in style here at Tree Tops, with classes working collaboratively to write a story for Potato, a self published author visiting to share his creative writing journey with groups of children, who had the opportunity to ask a range of questions about story writing and publishing.  

Our successful World Book Week included book writing, an author visit and the development of the library. During this fun and exciting week, the children also had the opportunity to dress up as their favourite book characters, with many of the adults also joining in

Visiting author talking to a group of students sat round a table

Year 1 Trip to the Zoo

This term our Year 1 pupils all enjoyed a fun and educational day out at Port Lympne zoo, where they learnt more about the animal kingdom, the different ways animals live and how they are looked after. The weather was a little wet, but the children had a wonderful time and came back ready to share all of the exciting things they had seen and experienced.

Challenge Partners - Recognition of Reading

Teacher and student reading together

As a school we had a very successful and professionally powerful Challenge Partners Review. It was an incredibly welcomed experience, which gave us the opportunity to reflect on our priorities, our practice as a school and the incredible relationships we have built within the local community. A particular highlight, that we are incredibly proud of, was the recognition we were given for reading, with Tree Tops being awarded an accreditation for this. Reading was highlighted as an Area of Excellence for our academy. 

Langley Primary Academy Logo

Langley Park Primary Academy

Young Voices

On Friday 20th January, our choir attended the annual Young Voices event. After months of practice to perfect the songs, they thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to perform alongside so many other schools. The atmosphere was incredible in the O2 Arena and it was a wonderful experience for all the children who went.

Student choir at O2

Year 2 Trip to the RAF Museum

In Year 2, the children have been exploring 'Flight' as part of their inquiry learning, specifically:

The children have completed lots of writing about their learning. Pupils also went on an amazing trip to the RAF Museum in London to look at some early aeroplanes.

Students at RAF Museum, with staff member talking to them
Student holding up geode with purple crystals

International Women in Science Day 2023

At the end of last term, the children had a fun day being mini scientists, celebrating women and girls in the scientific world. They found their own DNA just like Rosalind Franklin, they discovered their fingerprints and went searching for fossils in Forest School just like Mary Anning did. It was a fantastic day!

Students printing their fingerprints with ink onto paper

Mini First Aid

Throughout January, Katie from Mini First Aid has been visiting the academy to deliver basic first aid skills to all of our pupils, from Nursery through to Year 6. The children have really enjoyed themselves and have been enthusiastically talking about and sharing what they have learnt. A huge thank you to the PTA team for funding this valuable experience for the children.

Students practising CPR on plastic models

Football Teams in Action

Langley Girls football team wearing medals and holding certificates

Our Langley Girls football team were in action on Monday 27th February, representing the school at Maidstone United's Mini World Cup tournament. They won one game thanks to a superb free kick from Amelia G, drew two games with Emilia scoring goals in both, and unfortunately lost two games. However, this is not a true reflection of how well the team played overall and, on another day, they could have easily won more of their games and qualified from the group. Well done, girls!

The Langley Boys football team played a home game on Wednesday 1st March  against a strong team from Coxheath Primary School.  They put in their best performance of this season, winning the game 2-1 with excellent goals from Noah D and Presley. Well done to both teams.

Langley boys football team posing in the goal
Paddock Wood Primary Academy Logo

Paddock Wood Primary Academy

Since Christmas it’s been all about new experiences and enhanced learning at PWPA.


Our fabulous PTA funded 2 cooking stations for us to use across the school and with the added advantage of making the children (and adults) feel like they were taking part in our own Bake Off. The Academy Council requested these by writing a bid. So far they have been used as part of our Design Technology for Year 1 to make pancakes, for Year 6 to make food influenced by migration such as Bombay Potatoes and for our KS1 and KS2 Cookery Club. We are so very grateful that they could fund these; they are already bringing value to both our curriculum and personal development opportunities.

Students pouring milk into measuring jugs

Digital Learning and Computing

We continue to develop our use of IT across the academy. Our wonderful EYFS have been taking lots of photos linked to their learning about plants; Year 3 have been coding, learning how to use a sequence of instructions to create a given outcome and we have also been using ‘Crumbles’ in Year 5 to take coding to the next level. Each year group has demonstrated the strengths we see with both the Trust investment for IT and in terms of computing knowledge. 

Students sitting at tables with laptops


The whole school took part in Careers Week. They were able to interview an adult about their job, join in webinars to learn about different careers, consider the career for them in the future and what attributes you will need to demonstrate when being interviewed for a job. Our EYFS joined in, by dressing up for the job they would like to do when they are older.

Student dressed in a lab coat for Careers Week


Our choir joined over 8000 other children for Young Voices at the O2. It was a long day, with a rehearsal, learning dance moves and then the performance. Listening to that many children singing together sends shivers down your spine and it’s such a wonderful opportunity for our children to experience this - it’s something they will remember forever. 

Student dressed as police officer for Careers Week


As an academy we are focussed on challenges for all, in all subjects. This has been supported by training, working together using the WalkThrus for self-led action research and then collaboration across the school to identify what this will look like in each subject and year group. We have used Solo Taxonomy to support this and children are now set challenges which might be relational, multi-structural or extended abstract, demonstrating their knowledge and conceptual understanding of a key element of learning. This will continue to develop and change as we learn together. 

Horsmonden Primary Academy Logo

Horsmonden Primary Academy

Our co-curricular offer at Horsmonden continues to grow… 

After School Clubs

We are proud to be running a wide variety and growing number of after school clubs such as: Forest School, Art, Book Club, Cricket, Mindfulness, Theatre, Dance, Football and Rugby. All of the above help to enhance our curriculum and broaden the experiences we give the children of Horsmonden. 

Football club standing together in the goal

Our football club had success this term when children in Years 2, 5 and 6 had the opportunity to represent Horsmonden in football matches against other local schools. All children played brilliantly whilst showing excellent sportsmanship, but best of all, they beat the other schools! We are so proud of our young footballers and look forward to many more games after Easter. 


As part of their inquiries into Ancient Egypt and the Romans, Years 3 and 4 had a fantastic day in London visiting The British Museum. The children enjoyed looking at ancient artefacts, in particular the Roman writing that led to some fantastic writing of their own when back in class. Another highlight was the 5000 year old sand dried mummy!

Students making notes at the British Museum

Year 5 were selected to take part in a research project at Bedgebury Pinetum where they answered questions and gave their views about sustainability. As well as taking part in the research, they learnt about the variety of trees and habitats  in the pinetum, and even came back to school with a sapling to plant in our forest school. 

Careers Week

As part of Careers Week, we were joined in school by a variety of parents each with different careers to inspire the children. Careers covered were: nursing, meteorology, camera operation, management consultation, physiotherapy and sustainability consultation. Children enjoyed learning about the varying careers and had opportunities to ask questions and use some of the associated equipment. 

Eastcote Primary Academy Logo

Eastcote Primary Academy

Young Voices 

Thanks to a co-curriculum grant from LAT we have been able to establish our school choir. Eastcote choir performed at the O2 for the first time back in January.  The staff children and parents were incredibly proud. 

The Eastcote choir performed group next to the O2 building

Sensory Room  

Thanks to a generous donation from our Parents’ Association, Mrs Greene has been able to create a sensory space in the theme of a forest! 

Sensory room, forest themed, with musical instruments, fairy lights, bean bags and green drapes

World Book Day 

Student reading a book with Scout the dog

The children met the author Cara Matheson and her dog Scout. She talked to the children about what inspires her to write and the processes involved in having a book published.

Careers Education 

A few parents have visited to talk to children about their careers. We have learnt about finance, investment banking, dentistry, policing, firefighting and coming soon … how the police maintain public order. 

Visiting author Cara Matheson giving a talk on her book in the school hall
Peninsula East Primary Academy Logo

Peninsula East Primary Academy

Careers Week 

To celebrate our Careers Week at Peninsula East, we held our very first Careers Fair for our KS2 children. The children had a fantastic time being able to work around the hall whilst each company, organisation and representative had a stall showcasing their jobs and roles within a vast range of job sectors. We were also very fortunate to have local businesses in, so that the children could also develop an understanding of the local economy and the needs of our community. As well as involving our local community, we were also fortunate enough to have some of our parents involved too. Some of our visitors included; an estate agent, a Formula 1 racing designer, a project manager and a link to our local farmer that provides fruit to many of our big supermarkets. The children even had lots of goodies related to careers to take away with them.

Students talking to a visiting scientist at Careers Week

We would like to take this opportunity to extend our gratitude to all of the companies and individuals that gave up their time to support with this; it was a fantastic experience for all children involved and will no doubt support their understanding of career paths and vocations as they progress through our school but also in their next stage of their education. 

To ensure that all of our children had access to some form of careers education during the week, we arranged for EYFS and KS1 to have some career talks within their classrooms. They were visited by the team from Kent Police, a forensic scientist and an archaeologist. The children were able to take part in a range of activities that included science experiments, looking at historical artefacts and exploring the police cars. 

Visiting policemen giving a demonstration at Careers Week

Year 2 Trip to Wingham Wildlife Park 

Students poking their heads out of dinosaur eggs at Wingham Wildlife Park

Whilst the weather was questionable on the day with snow forecast, our Year 2 class enjoyed visiting Wingham Wildlife park which linked to their inquiry learning about animals and habitats. They were able to see some of the animals being fed and they were even lucky enough to see a penguin lay an egg. They were able to ask a zoo keeper some questions about the different animals within the park and were excited to write about their day and research some of the animals they saw when they returned to school. They had a fabulous time overall and are still talking about their memories from the day and the experiences that they had.

Students looking into penguin enclosure at Wingham Wildlife Park

Chef Aidan 

All year groups within KS1 and KS2 have been lucky enough to work with a trained chef who has been teaching them some specific skills and recipes that he uses within his kitchen. This has included shortbread, pizzas and chelsea buns. They have not only been able to sample themselves but also have been able to take some home to share with their families. As well as the skills that they have learnt in terms of cooking in relation to the DT curriculum, they have also learnt health and safety skills alongside this that are integral to them understanding what they need to remember when working with food. The children have really enjoyed this and have taken away lots of skills and have even been trialling these out at home.

Visiting Chef Aidan teaching students how to cook
High Halstow Primary Academy Logo

High Halstow Primary Academy

Young Voices

After a lot of preparation, Year 4 participated in Young Voices for the first time at the O2. They performed their hearts out! The pupils were delighted to be in the charts with the song ‘Proud’, by Heather Small featuring the Young Voices Choir! The children conducted themselves brilliantly during the rehearsals and the main event and are hoping to get to go again in future years. 

Careers Week

All of the pupils engaged in Careers Week in module 4. During the week, every year group had the opportunity to listen to volunteers who came in to speak to us about their career. These talks were extremely eye-opening and inspiring for the children, creating a lot of discussion and interest in a wide range of careers. Some examples of the variety of careers we were enlightened by included: a radiologist, a wedding stylist, a police detective and a Houses of Parliament camera operator.

The children also had Careers Week projects in which to participate in their class. KS1 enjoyed creating a digital book, using Book Creator, to show what they want to do when they grow up. The school loved hearing about these and seeing some examples in a celebratory assembly at the end of the week.

KS2 created an Adobe Express video, entitled ‘A Day in the Life of…’ where they researched their chosen career, before writing a script, planning the video and then making it. We really enjoyed watching some of these in the assembly too!

Jazz our School Dog

Pupils have also been introduced to our new school dog Jazz, who is helping Baxter, our other school dog, to support the pupils in the academy a few days a week. Jazz is now a 7 month old black labrador and she is keen to learn lots and follow the academy rules! She passed her assessment with flying colours! Jazz has recently enjoyed joining a school council meeting and listening to pupils read. Jazz has supported pupils pastorally and cannot wait to come back to the academy next module. 

Jazz the Dog, a black labrador, lying on the floor with her toys
The Hundred of Hoo Academy Logo

The Hundred of Hoo Academy

World Book Day 

At Hundred of Hoo Primary we celebrated World Book Day with a dress as your favourite book character event.

There were so many amazing costumes and we were, as always, incredibly impressed with the level of effort that families put into creating their Book Day masterpieces! There were costumes which had us genuinely chuckling and others which made us take a second glance! Each class chose a 'best costume' and the winning child was awarded one of the first 'Golden Tokens' to receive their very own book from our brand new, book vending machine. 

Students in costume for World Book Day
Students with homemade lanterns on the high street at Medway Night Lights

Medway Music Association Choral Festival

In module four, our Year four class at The Hundred of Hoo Primary Academy were kindly invited by the Medway Music Association to take part in the Youth Choral Festival at The Central Theatre in Chatham. Joining forces with seven other schools, the children sang a variety of songs and showcased their excellent singing prowess. 

Medway Night Lights

Over the course of module three, Year five students from both Hundred of Hoo Academy and High Halstow Academy worked with artists from EEA to design and build flower-shaped lanterns which reflected the local area. They then came together with thousands of other pupils from Medway schools to create a procession of light through Chatham High Street. 

This is the second year that The Hundred of Hoo Primary have worked to take part in this amazing community event and is just one of the ways we help to provide pupils with the opportunity to develop their own personal development by working together, not just with their class, but with pupils from all over Medway.

Students with homemade lanterns on the high street at Medway Night Lights
Marden Primary Academy Logo

Marden Primary Academy

Every day is a busy day at Marden Primary Academy and this term has been no exception!

Mother’s Day

We welcomed mums in for refreshments and craft activities with their children. There was lots going on from origami to making bath bombs and getting creative with selfies and photo frames. 

Student doing a craft activity with their mum

World Book Day

For this year’s theme, pupils and staff dressed up as heroes and villains. Every class had a poetry focus and were tasked with responding creatively. The work that the children produced was then pulled together for a World Book Day Showcase for parents to attend.

Group of students in the library, dressed in costume for World Book Day
3 teachers in the library, dressed in costume for World Book Day


As part of their inquiry into ancient civilizations, Year 3 visited the British Museum to see a range of artefacts. The trip into London on the train was very exciting! They used the information they learned to inform their writing back in school.

Year 2 visited the Tower of London to find out about the Great Fire of London as part of their inquiry learning. They also found the train journey incredibly exciting! It was fantastic to see the children using their history knowledge in context and for their learning to come to life.

Group of students on a school trip in London

British Science Week

The theme for this year’s British Science Week was ‘connections’ and the children made lots of connections in their science learning throughout the week. We had a busy timetable with workshops, investigations and virtual live lessons. The highlight of the week was a forensic workshop where the children explored DNA and fingerprints to identify who the culprit of the crime was!

Bearsted Primary Academy Logo

Bearsted Primary Academy

World Book Day

As part of our whole school celebrations for World Book Day, pupils were exposed to the text 'The Mysteries of Harris Burdick'. Each class across the academy selected an image/scene from the text to create a narrative that was linked to it.  The children were very enthusiastic about their chosen pictures , in particular, Year 4 who had the glowing pumpkin. Pupils  had a lot of rich discussions around the images, including some ominous predictions. The pupils in Year 4 wrote some poetry and then, using clay, created creatures they imagined could be inside the glowing pumpkin. 

Clay models laid out on a table with red and white starry tablecloth

In addition, it was also wonderful to see the children dressed as their favourite characters and some children really committed to their new personas across the whole academy,  staff included!

Class of students with their teacher, all who are dressed up for World Book Day

World Maths Day 

World Maths Day enabled us to really celebrate how maths is all around us. Many of our classes started the day  by investigating our classroom environment and thinking carefully about what they could see that wasn't stereotypically the usual maths resources. Many soon realised that even our tables and chairs are grouped and are an example of multiplication e.g. five groups of tables with six chairs, is the same as saying 5x6. 

Each class then took part in the whole academy project and created Tangrams. These are Chinese puzzles which consist of 7 different shapes in order to create an image. Across the academy different themes were decided upon for Tangram animals.

4 students standing behind a giant blue, grey and white whale Tangram

Science Week 

Hall full of students listening to a guest speaker, 7 students standing at the front wearing high vis and hard hats

The theme for British Science Week this year was ‘connections’ and we enjoyed developing connections with our parents and wider community with some excellent guest speakers coming to visit. We enjoyed finding out about the role of civil and mechanical engineers and it gave the children some great inspiration for future job opportunities.  The children enjoyed learning about HS2 and Nursery and Reception made some brilliant railway lines and tunnels. 

Children sitting in a hall, some with their hands up, while a member of Greenpeace gives a talk

We also enjoyed a visit from Mr Bidewell from Bison and we were inspired by how he has made his company sustainable. We reflected upon what action we could take to become more green at home and at school.  We also had some excellent entries in our home learning science competition entitled ‘Connecting with Science at Home’. There was some highly explosive learning!

Sunflower Drama Academy 

We were fortunate to have Sunflower Drama Academy visit us for a whole day to deliver drama workshops to all classes. This was to enhance our curriculum offer and raise the profile of drama across the academy. Sunflower Drama Academy will be running an after-school club for our pupils to again promote the fun, frivolity and enjoyment that drama can bring. Each session will have a different focus each week based on a personal / social / emotional focus. Each week this focus will be called the ‘Sunflower Spotlight’.  Each session will also conclude with a text/picture book that is connected to the ‘Sunflower Spotlight’.

Year 3 Trip 

Temple Manor Class had an amazing day out at the Museum of Kent Life despite terrible weather conditions in the snow! The day was packed full of workshops about life in the Stone Age and supplemented our learning in school perfectly. We learned all about weapons, trading, farming, beliefs and burials and even had a go at grinding grain. Erin thoroughly enjoyed meeting a tribe member exclaiming,  "We met a Stone Age man called Claw. He told us that they made clothes from the skins of animals.” Callum’s highlight was the cave art, "We had a session about cave painting. The guide told us that they used charcoal for drawing with. I know that they painted people, animals, fire and mountains. I drew an ox, some hunters and some mountains."

3 students standing at a wall, drawing on it in charcoal