Staying safe online
Leigh Academies Trust and each academy within it works to establish and maintain an environment in which all young people feel safe, secure, valued and respected in both the real and virtual world. Young people are encouraged to talk and are listened to if they are worried, and their concerns are taken seriously and acted upon appropriately. All academies strive to develop effective and supportive links with other agencies to further promote the well being of each student.
Safety in the online world is an ever evolving proposition, so for parents and teachers it can prove to be a challenge to stay on top of technological developments, and to know how best to raise children in a safe and flourishing environment.
This site aims to offer some guidance and to connect you with industry professionals who support you in this endeavour.
The Leigh Academies Trust has partnered with National Online Safety (NOS). NOS provide great resources for staff, students, parents and governors. Speak to your Academy about creating an account and accessing these resources.