Shouldn't we put a stop to Endangered animals?

As we know today lots of animals are being poached today in foreign countries like Africa and India, we will be talking about animals and what to do to help them survive.

Animals are being hunted for fur, tusks, medicine, decoration and so on, some hunters hunt for money or to provide ill people medicine; however there are some hunters who do it for fun or simply just don’t care about killing, this shows us humans are the most dangerous animals who are reckless and selfish to the world.

We can help animals by visiting WWE to adopt or have a part in helping the animals, the website encourages children and adults to donate, it costs £3 pounds a month, but it is worth the money because with your generosity the company sends your child a cuddly toy, pictures, and postcards of how your animal is getting on.

Animals such as elephants out there are hunted, it is estimated that approximately 55 each day are poached in Africa today and are sadly killed, also in India 85% of elephants have already been killed and across Asia most are disappearing at the hands of hunters.

Red pandas are becoming extinct quickly because of the lumberjacks that chop down trees and bamboos, this means they lose their nests in the trees and lose food for them to feed their families, about 50% of the native red pandas live on or near the himalayas, red pandas look slightly bigger than domestic cats, they have a bear like body and thick red russet fur.

We hope to encourage you to help out with our battle against animal poaching and abuse, thank you for listening to our short article about the animals.

By Jamie and Aimee (bbc school reports).