Plastic pollution

Plastic pollution can be very harmful to ourselves and our environment. Did you know that we ingest the equivalent of one credit card of plastic every week!? We need to do what we can to prevent harmful plastic from entering our natural world. Look below for ways you can do this.


There are many ways you can prevent using micro-plastics on a day-to-day basis you can buy a water filter so this stops the amount of plastic bottles being bought daily, or you could buy non-synthetic eco friendly clothes this will also prevent the amount of micro-plastics going into the ocean and killing various amounts of species.

Using special laundry bags or balls can help trap microplastics that our clothes give off.

Covid19 plastics, Masks

It's estimated that 194 billion disposable face masks and gloves are being used every month worldwide. Disposable plastic masks that end up at sea could take up to 450 years to fully decompose and leave the marine ecosystem. Even when disposed of correctly the masks material cannot be recycled, as it is considered medical waste.

Reusable masks could be the solution to our problem. so if possible swap out your disposable mask for a reusable eco-friendly mask.

Reducing daily plastic

  • Avoid non-durable plastics such as straws, coffee cups, plastic bottles.

  • Recycle chewing gum.

  • Buy more bulk food and fewer packaged foods.

  • Use glass or steel containers instead of plastic Tupperware.