Date: June 5, 2022

Our Newsletter!

Did you know that students will be getting fun treats every day until the end of school (June 15th)!

Friday was (nut-free) cupcakes...Monday is another fun surprise!

Our bravi 5th graders won Ambaraba' Ricicloclo'

It is with pride and pleasure that I am sharing the excellent result our 5th graders achieved within the Ambaraba’ Ricicloclo’ contest for the second year in a row!!

The contest, announced by Ministero degli Affari Esteri, and in collaboration with Consorzio Ricrea is at its second edition for all Italian Schools abroad.

This year’s challenge was creating Limericks on the recycling of steel which is the only material that can be recycled endlessly.

Their funny and wit Limerick could not have ever gone unnoticed! I am very proud of you 5th graders!!!

Ins. Francesca Vicchio

Enjoy reading!

Ls Scuola d'Italia x La Scuola SF

I am very happy to share with you our wonderful project "Due Scuole- Scambiamoci le Storie" with the San Francisco school. Our third graders from both coasts have been working together for almost two months.

I also want to thank from the bottom of my heart the PA for spearheading this project with Sally Peterson so many months ago. And a big thank you to Eleonora Stroud and of course the NYC and SF students! Bravissimi ragazzi! Al prossimo anno! -Stefania Stipo

PreK's Lady Butterflies

Over the past few weeks the Pulcini and Coniglietti have been observing and learning about the metamorphosis of a caterpillar to a butterfly. They watched as the caterpillars ate and grew. Then we saw them climb to the top of their homes and form chrysalises. Patiently, we waited as they transformed into beautiful Painted Lady Butterflies. What a magical and wonderful experience for our Pre-K students!!! We had so much fun expressing and illustrating this process using creativity and making connections with science and nature. -Ms. Laura

Harry Potter and 6th grade!

The La Scuola 6th Grade class read over 1400 pages this school year by reading the first four books in the Harry Potter series! As a reward for their excellent reading, writing, and comprehension skills, Dr. Williams and Mr. Cleary brought them to the famous Harry Potter store near the Flatiron Building in Manhattan. This multi-level store holds within it a Virtual Reality experience where participants can feel as though they are really in the world of Harry Potter. The 6th Graders were able to fly on brooms, solve a mystery, and cast spells in a virtual world! Afterwards, they enjoyed treats from the book series like Butterbeer and Chocolate Frogs, and shopped in the whimsically decorated store while stopping occasionally for a photo opportunity. It was truly a magical experience! Thanks everyone! Vanessa

We are pleased to announce the winners and honorable mentions of our first annual CIMA-LA Scuola Arts and Letters Award. The four categories are Poetry, Short Fiction, Drawing, and Interdisciplinary Essay. Go see the Honorable Mentions and Winners Sponsored by Rizzoli Bookstore with refreshments provided by La Scuola PA.

Thank you to the Jury, Rizzoli Bookstore, Professor Pierce, Professor Ghezzo, Nicola Lucchi and Annavaleria Guazzieri, PhD Direttore Ufficio Scolastico-Consolato Generale d'Italia a New York

Valigie Narranti at school 3rd and 4th graders

Desidero ringraziarvi per quest’opportunità. Tutti gli impegni sono stati onorati. L’esibizione dei ragazzi del liceo al Gran Gala il 20 maggio in “Due ali” e “Viaggia Verso”, l’esibizione dei ragazzi delle scuole medie al Consolato il 26 maggio durante la rassegna di Valigie Narranti e il Reading day delle due classi di scuola elementare con i due storytelling di Pinocchio e “E la regina disse” con lo showcase finale dei libri d’Arte al piano terra. È stato un lavoro di squadra con il Maestro Massimo Zordan che ha coordinato la mia presenza nelle classi, la vicepreside Stefania Stipo che mi ha sostenuto nella logistica e gli altri docenti con l’autorizzazione del preside Michale Prater. Tutto questo grazie a voi, In Italiano Bilinguismo a New York e al Consolato. È stata un’occasione importante di coinvolgimento artistico legato ai libri d’arte italiani. Spero ci siano anche altre occasioni in futuro di poter collaborare con il Maestro Zordan nella costruzione di eventi dal vivo che coinvolgano i ragazzi e la nostra selezione di Top Awarded Italian Picture Books. Mi mancheranno i ragazzi e i piccini! Ringrazio la dott.ssa Guazzieri che ci ha fatti conoscere e che ha fatto da ponte tessendo paziente i fili di questa rete magica. - Valentina Rizzi

See more photos! see the video!


Go check out our Gala website (with photos!!)