#Actually Autistic

The Movement

The #ActuallyAutistic gained popularity among Autistic self-advocates who were sick of being spoken for. People began speaking out more on social media about the ways organizations like Autism Speaks have negatively impacted their lives, and how they feel about the stigma surrounding Autism. The main consesus is that, unlike the fear-mongering "awareness" neurotypicals consistently try to spread, what Autistic people really want is acceptance, tolerance, and respect. 


The "Red Instead" movement was created by Autistic people to countract the Autism Speaks' "Light it Up Blue" campain. The color blue was chosen by non-Autistic people to represent Autism, and therefor, during Autism Acceptence Month, the Autism community prefers to wear red to support each other. 

Autistic Organizations, Made by and for Autistic People, to Follow

Autism Self-Advocacy Network (ASAN)

 ASAN is a non-profit organization that is run by and for people on the Autism Spetrum. They advocate for the inclusion of Autistic people, in legilsation, in media, and in disability services.

Autistic Women & Non-Binary Network (AWN)

AWN's mission is to provide community support to and resources to Autistic women, girls, transgender and non-binary people. They are commited to celebrating diversity and dispelling harmful stereotypes, to build acceptance and understanding of the disabilty.


CommunicationFIRST is a non-profit organization decicated to protecting the civil rights and voices of disabled people. Their mission is to advance the rights, autonomy, and dignity of disabed people through communication and uplifting their voices.