Newsletter 7.10.22

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have been enjoying lots of enrichment opportunities this week which we call our 'magic moments', they bring the learning to life for the children and help them to remember what they've learnt and make links through memorable experiences. One such event was for Key Stage One when on Monday they visited The Natural History Museum to find out more about their history topic 'Dinosaurs'. Not only did this opportunity give the children the chance to find out more about Dinosaurs, but the experience of travelling on a coach to London was also extremely exciting for them. For some of our children it was the first time they have visited London and a museum! We are delighted that we could provide this opportunity for the children; thank you to Miss Slough for organising the trip, our parents and carers for valuing the trip and sending your child and of course all of our helpful volunteers! Another enrichment opportunity this week was Biology week! We love to focus on this area of science each year during the national week and Miss Stevens always organises a fantastic week of learning for everyone which starts off with an exciting assembly; this year our theme was the human body. There was a buzz of excitement this year where the children got competitive in their houses to work out which of the fascinating body facts was true; thank you to the house captains for leading on the answers and collecting house points for each house! It has been great to see the children enjoying practical science learning about the body from investigations linked to our senses to making blood and learning about the circulatory system in Key Stage 2. Thank you Miss Stevens for organising. This week we were also pleased to take part in some workshops as part of our PSHE learning. Our visitor spoke to our children in Upper Key Stage 2 about good drugs and bad drugs and peer pressure, whilst in Lower Key Stage 2 the focus was on managing our feelings, looking after our bodies including sleep and food intake. If your child is in either of these key stages then see if they can remember what they have learnt? Next week we are looking forward to lots more 'magic moments' which include a local area history walk for Lower Key Stage 2 and also a workshop on road safety.

Yesterday I was delighted to take Lorraine Hughes, our Deputy CEO for The Chiltern Learning Trust, on a tour around our school. She was blown away by the quality of the learning on offer for the children as well as the work they were producing. In Upper Key Stage 2 we were both incredibly impressed by the children's engagement in their current text 'Windrush child' and the fantastic poems that were performed in Mrs Francis's class; well done everybody, keep up the hard work

Finally, today we enjoyed our first class assembly of the year which was from Eagles Class. Well done Eagles Class for your efforts to rehearse and learn your words in order to showcase your learning to us. It was lovely to welcome our families into school for this event too; thank you to those of you who could make it.

I hope you have a lovely weekend

Mrs Romina Lang


Term Dates 2023/24

The term dates for 2023/24 have been finalised and can be accessed via the Term Dates tab above. Please note there may be slight variations in term dates between Lark Rise and other local schools (namely with training days) so please ensure you check our dates carefully.

Staff News

We are thrilled to announce that Miss Allcock is expecting a baby (due in April 2023). Miss Allcock will be with us until the Easter holidays - we will be in touch nearer the time with arrangements for her maternity cover. Miss Allcock is also getting married in the October half term holiday and will be known as Mrs Rankine after her marriage.

Shin pads

If you have any football shin pads that your child no longer needs we would be pleased to have them in school for football skills lessons.


A reminder that children should not be bringing sweets or chocolate in their lunchboxes - as a rule anything that can be purchased from the biscuit aisle is acceptable (ie chocolate biscuit but not a bar of chocolate).

Please also bear in mind that we are a nut free school so no foods containing nuts should be brought into school.

Learning Review Meetings

A reminder to book your appointment with your child’s class teacher for the learning review meetings on Thursday 13th October (Wednesday 12th October for Parrots Class). Bookings should be made via Parentmail.


We will be celebrating harvest with the children during our school assembly on Monday 17th October.

Any donations of tinned or packet foods, which will be collected by the Salvation Army following our assembly, would be gratefully received. Please send any donations into school next week.

Thank you in advance for your continued support for this very worthwhile cause.

Girls Football Festival

Some of our Year 3 & 4 girls were chosen to take part in an inter-school football festival at Creasey Park on Wednesday last week. The girls showed some amazing skills and didn’t lose determination throughout, they tried their hardest to beat the other teams. They were over the moon to return to school with a trophy and certificates for coming first. Well done girls!

Year 1 & 2 Football Festival

A few children from Years 1 & 2 were chosen to go to a mixed football festival last Friday. Unfortunately due to insufficient teams taking part, the event was cancelled. To alleviate the children's disappointment, Miss Klausner took it upon herself to take the children outside to do some football practice. The children had lots of fun and thoroughly enjoyed themselves, they didn’t want to leave! Hopefully the children will have another opportunity to attend an inter-school competition soon.

Year 4 Ambassadors

Congratulations to the following children who were voted in by the rest of the school as School Ambassadors:
Sophie Glastonbury

Aaron Sworka

Isla Tupper

Hendrix Hawkins

Bradley Chrisokere

Daria Dunca

Frankie Gower

Head Boy, Head Girl & House Captains

Congratulations to Amber Trew and Zack Caswell who have been elected as Head Girl and Head Boy and to Maria Sirbu and Henry Allsop as Deputy Head Girl and Boy.

House Captains and Vice Captains have also been appointed for the year and are :

  • Blue House

    • Captains : William Crampton & Hoorain Bokhari

    • Vice-Captains : Lola Hayes & Freddie Bunting

  • Green House

    • Captains : Varna Saha & Henry Allsop

    • Vice-Captains : Alana Belvett & Sam Bradshaw

  • Red House

    • Captains : William Beddall & Bethany Alexander

    • Vice-Captains : Kian Milton & Florence Paterson

  • Yellow House

    • Captains : Shiana Khan & Charlie Pike

    • Vice-Captains : Jessica Williams & Oscar Longley


We have sadly had yet more complaints from our local residents regarding inconsiderate parking by some of our parents/carers - driveways being blocked (even for a few moments) and even one parent being verbally abusive to a neighbour when being asked to move their vehicle. We would urge you to please be respectful of the residents who live in the vicinity of the school and where possible, park away from the school entrance to relieve congestion. Some of our neighbours are coming over to speak to the teachers whilst they are dismissing your children at home time which means that their attention is taken away from the children. In order to avoid this in future we ask that you are respectful to our neighbours and model this appropriately to our children.