Newsletter 6.10.2023

Dear Parents and Carers, 

I am delighted with the amazing learning that has been taking place across the school over the last fortnight. I have seen so many children across the school for house rewards in recognition of their hard work and good behaviour; well done children! Children are getting stuck into their topic work across the subjects and I have been impressed with the quality of writing that is being produced across the school. 

Playtimes have been just as impressive with lots of children accessing play time games outside such as Ping Pong or playing with our boxes of equipment or dancing to music. We now have a number of different lunch time events taking place across the week from dance club, choir, and gardening; it is great to see the excitement across these activities from the children. 

This week we announced some of the children that have been awarded with additional roles and responsibilities. Please see below for the full list of House Captains, Year 4 Ambassadors and Head/Deputy boy and girl who we know will be fantastic in these roles. I am incredibly proud of them! I am also equally proud of the Year 4 children who put themselves forward to be elected as an Ambassador. Even though they have not been successful this time they have been rewarded and praised for their efforts and should definitely try again. Being resilient and learning from failure is a huge part of growing up and something that we recognise as important to support children with at Lark Rise; well done everyone!

Finally, it was lovely to have parents and carers into school this morning to enjoy the learning presented by Eagles Class. Such confident performances, some budding actors in the midst and musicians; great work! 

Please follow us on Facebook or Twitter for photos and news stories from events taking place across the week; we love to celebrate the 'magic moments' that the children experience as part of their learning. 

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you all next week.  

Mrs Romina Lang


Learning Review Meetings


A reminder to book your appointment with your child’s class teacher for the learning review meetings on Thursday 12th October. Bookings should be made via SchoolCloud via the link below 


We will be celebrating harvest with the children during our school assembly on Wednesday 18th October.

Any donations of the following would be gratefully received:

Tinned items : soup, tomatoes, peas, sweetcorn, carrots, baked beans, spaghetti, pulses, tuna, fruit, rice pudding, custard  & potatoes.


Any cereal, porridge, pasta, Super Noodles, teabags, coffee, UHT Milk


Please send any donations into school from Monday 9th October. These will be collected by the Salvation Army following our assembly. 

Thank you in advance for your continued support for this very worthwhile cause.

Year 4 Ambassadors 

Congratulations to the following children who were voted in by the rest of the school as School Ambassadors:

Sam Dumpleton

Jolie Beasant

Ellie Mitchell

Izzy Slough

Abby Gherghin

Luke Taylor

Ella Carter

Leo Palmer

Amber Crawley

Oluwatomi Moronfoye

Head Boy, Head Girl & House Captains

Congratulations to Naomi Godbold and Carrick Deiac who have been elected as Head Girl and Head Boy and to Yasmin Karim-Samad and Benjamin Kenyon as Deputy Head Girl and Boy.

House Captains and Vice Captains have also been appointed for the year and are : 

Measles / MMR vaccination

Measles cases are rising across the country, with over 102,000 children starting primary school in England being at risk of catching the disease. We are asking education settings to share key messages from the NHS about MMR / measles and how to get vaccinated.

The Back to school MMR Guidance from the NHS includes information to share, as well as example social media posts which can be found here: NHS Vaccine Poster and NHS MMR Poster.

Measles is highly infectious and if left unvaccinated nine out of ten children in a classroom can catch the disease if just one child is infectious. Please share these resources with colleagues, parents, and where suitable, community organisations to increase awareness and encourage parents to get their children vaccinated.

TTRockstars/Numbots Competition

A reminder that we are taking part in a Chiltern Learning Trust inter-school competition on Times Tables Rock Stars for children in Years 3,4,5 & 6. The competition runs for two weeks from Thursday 5th October. 

In addition to this, Key Stage One children are invited to take part in an in-school Numbots competition running for the same period. 

Children (Years 1-6) should be logging on daily at home to these programmes, in line with our home learning guidance. 

Grass Bank by KS1 doors

We are extremely concerned about the safety of the children, particularly Years 1 and 2 at the end of the school day when coming out of school.  Children should be closely supervised and discouraged from climbing up the grass bank.  The bank is quite steep and if the grass is wet at all will be very slippery. 


Each week in our whole school assembly we celebrate children's attendance by playing a game of Attendopoly (based on Monopoly).  The class  with the highest attendance figure is rewarded with a class prize. 

The winning classes for the last two weeks were: 

Week of 18th September : Eagles Class with 99.3% attendance. 

Week of 25th September : Macaws Class with 99.4%  attendance. 

Our whole school target attendance for this academic year across all classes is 97%.

Times Table Rockstars

Across the school we have a weekly hall of fame, where we celebrate different aspects of times table recall. This includes effort, speed and accuracy. 

Well done to the following children who have logged on regularly at home and achieved a place in our hall of fame so far this half term in the following categories : 


2/10/23 : Most correct answers : Karlok


2/10/23 : Most correct answers : Daniel, Joseph, Lilly, Thomas, Nicolas, Harleigh


2/10/23 : Most correct answers : Beau, Aaron, Eliza, Ayomide

Shoebox Appeal

Our school Ambassadors will be sending out information over the next few weeks to let you know about an appeal we would like to be involved in to support those less fortunate.  We will be looking for donations to allow us to fill shoeboxes which will be sent to families and elderly people in the war-torn or poorest parts of Ukraine, Moldova, Romania and Bulgaria in time for Christmas. Watch this space for more details. 

Engine Idling Awareness

The Road Traffic Act (Vehicle Emissions) Regulations of 2002 makes unecessary engine idling (running a vehicle engine while stationary) an offence under section 42 of the Road Traffic Act 1988. 

Central Bedfordshire Council wants to improve air quality and believes every unnecessary engine idling also adds to air pollution and creates health risks to those breathing in that pollution. This is particularly a problem outside schools, as younger people are more vulnerable to air quality issues.

Central Bedfordshire Council wants to encourage people to switch off their engines when they will be stationary for more than a minute to keep air clean, and to avoid the possibility of a fine.

We are carrying out an awareness campaign, using a variety of online and in-person activities to let everyone know about the impacts of engine idling.

We will be carrying out engagement days in locations where engine idling has been reported to us as a particular problem.

We want to reach as many of our residents as possible to help them understand engine idling impacts, and how they can help.

Where vehicles are believed to be idling unnecessarily, our Enforcement Officers will soon be able to ask drivers to switch off their engines, and these Officers will have the powers to issue Fixed Penalty Notices where appropriate.

Please switch off: save fuel and do your bit for cleaner air.

Christmas Jumper Swap

In preparation for Christmas Jumper Day on Thursday 7th December, we will be holding a Christmas Jumper Swap. This is an opportunity for you to donate any outgrown Christmas jumpers that could benefit another child.  The jumper swap will be available at the Learning Review Meetings on 12th October so any jumpers for the swap should be sent into school next week.  The jumpers will be available by the main entrance. Obviously we cannot guarantee that if you donate a jumper there will necessarily be one for you to take in exchange. 

Sports Achievements

We will shortly be holding our half termly sports and house assembly. As well as celebrating the winning house and exploring our sports values, we also like to celebrate children's sporting achievements outside of school. If your child has a sporting success that they would like to share with us, then please email over a photo along with the reason for us to share. 

Your emails will need to be with us by 9:00am on Friday 13th October in order to be included in the assembly. 

New Catering Company

Chiltern Learning Trust have signed a new contract across the Trust schools to provide the school meals service. The new company, Aspens, will be in place from after the October half term holiday. The cost of the meals will remain the same (£2.60 per day) but there will be a new menu from week commencing 30th October. This will be sent out in due course and will added to the school website. Payments will continue to be made via Parentmail although you will be unable to book any meals for after half term until Saturday 21st October.

Please see the Aspens newsletter below which gives you an indication of the service they will be providing.


We have received a number of complaints recently from our neighbours whose drives have been blocked at morning drop off or afternoon pickup (as can be seen in the photo). This has resulted in residents being unable to exit their drives at crucial times. 

We are also concerned about some dangerous driving in the immediate vicinity of the school entrance. On a couple of occasions this week, there have been near misses where cars have mounted the pavement when trying to park, narrowly missing our children walking to school. This has been witnessed by a member of staff who we feel we have to have on duty each day due to the nature of the driving and parking. Please can we urge you to be more considerate and respectful as well as safe which are aspects we continually promote with the children. 

Lunchtime Dance Club

Christina Marks will be continuing to offer children in Years 3,4,5 and 6 the opportunity to attend a street dance class every Monday lunchtime (12.30 - 1.00pm in the school hall).

To register for the second half of the Autumn term please follow the link below.


Christina Marks.


Tel- 07525850232

Parents/Carers' Training

As you will have seen on previous newsletters and on the diary dates,  we have organised various parent/carer training sessions linked to the curriculum and statutory assessments over the course of the year. These sessions will be held virtually but there is an expectation (as laid out in the Home School Agreement) that if the training is applicable to your child, parents/carers attend the training. 

Artist of the Month

Yayoi Kusama

The children were fascinated to find out all about the life and works of Yayoi Kusama during our art assembly this week.  It has been wonderful to receive artwork completed by the children that has been inspired by her from children in the hope of becoming an Art Ambassador. If your child would like to apply please ensure their entry is in by next week.  Lots of children were keen to find out more about this artist and visit one of her exhibitions - here is the link to one which is running currently at the Tate Gallery London should you wish to take your child - what a lovely half term activity this could be. 

Music Hero of the half term

Stevie Wonder

Our music hero of the half term is Stevie Wonder, an American singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and child prodigy who developed into one of the most creative musical figures of the late 20th Century. We have listened to some of his music in school. Why not play the song at home and see if your child can remember any of the words to 'I just called to say I love you'!


We would like to build up our supplies of boxes of tissues in readiness for the "runny nose" season. If you are able to donate a box, we would be extremely grateful.  Thank you in advance for your support. 

Writing to be proud of  (Year 5)

Beau Bland

Cody Brinkley

Zain Meakins

 Zahra Rashid

William Mabbott 

Grace Luck