Newsletter 25.3.2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

The running of the school has been somewhat challenging over the last fortnight due to staffing pressures brought about by increasing numbers of staff testing positive for Coronavirus and having to self-isolate. I can't thank the staff and the Senior Leadership team enough for their ongoing support during this time; some teachers with the support of teaching assistants in school, have been teaching live from home when they have been unwell. The added support from staff has meant that fortunately it was only one key stage that we needed to close; well done everyone! A huge thank you to our LKS2 families after we had to close these year groups for two days this week. Well done to all of the children and families who tried their best to access the online learning offered to them; it was great to see you all still taking part with our Science Week learning at home. This week has demonstrated our fantastic ability to pull together as a community during tricky times once again. We are hoping that next week will be a better picture and that upon our return after Easter, positive cases of Covid-19 will have reduced. Thank you once again for your understanding.

Despite the pressures of the last couple of weeks, lots of amazing learning opportunities have still taken place and are being planned for next term. Thank you to Miss Stevens who organised an excellent Science Week this week on the theme of 'Growth'; we are looking forward to sharing some more photos of our new pond area as it develops. We are also looking forward to seeing some exciting developments unfolding in our Early Years playground this weekend with the support from a parent helper. Watch this space... We still have lots of plans to develop this environment so if you think you could be of some assistance then please get in touch by emailing the office.

Over the last two weeks the children have had lots of opportunities to reflect on charity work with the following causes in mind: Red Nose Day, Neurodiversity Week, Wear a Hat for Brain Tumour Awareness Day and Down Syndrome Awareness Day. It is hugely important for us to celebrate the diversity amongst our school community and to teach the children that we are all different and all unique with our own talents and strengths. Our adults in school are used to having supportive conversations with the children in school and I'm hoping that some of the information I sent home to you earlier this week supported your understanding and allows you to do the same at home.

Finally today was Hummingbirds Class assembly; I was sad to have missed it but I have been reliably informed by Mrs Hartley that the children all did a fantastic job of showcasing their learning over the last term; well done Hummingbirds. Thank you to all of our parents and carers who were able to attend.

Wishing you all a healthy weekend; let's hope the sun is still shining!

Mrs Romina Lang


Decorated Easter Egg Competition

We are organising a decorated Easter Egg Competition for all children in school. All entries (clearly named) will need to be in school by 9am on Monday 28th March for judging and winners will be announced on Wednesday 30th April. There will be one prize per class which are being kindly donated by the FALLS team.

We hope the child(ren) will enjoy taking part.

Red Nose Day

Thank you for supporting Red Nose Day last Friday - the children thoroughly enjoying sporting their painted noses.

We raised the impressive total of £363.86 for this worthwhile cause.

Wear a Hat Day

Thank you for supporting Wear a Hat Day today and for wearing odd socks in recognition of Neurodiversity week and Down Syndrome Awareness Day. The fantastic total of £177.71 was raised which will be split across the various charities.

Easter Special Menu

The school kitchen will be offering a special menu on Thursday 31st March (a change to the advertised menu):

Beef Burgers

Veggie Burgers

served with peas, sweetcorn & wedges

Chocolate nest cake

They will also be organising an Easter treasure hunt - there will be stickers under some of the dinner trays, once the children have finished their dinner, if their tray has a sticker, they will win a prize. There will be a few prizes per year group.


The Early Years team would love to receive any wellies your child may have outgrown for use in the new mud kitchen (being constructed this weekend.)


We would still be delighted to receive boxes of tissues to bolster our supplies in school if you are able to send any in.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Lark Rise Governing Body

We have a vacancy for a Parent Governor to join the governing body; if this is something you would be interested in, please speak to Mrs Gransby in the school office.

Year 6 Tag Rugby Tournament

Some of our Year 6 boys took part in an inter-school tag rugby tournament at The Vale Academy last Friday. They showed great team spirit and came third overall in the tournament. Well done boys!

Bookings still open - please contact the school office for further details.

School Meals

A reminder that for children in Years 3 to 6, school meals need to be pre-ordered and paid for on Parentmail the day before your child wishes to have a meal. Should your child be absent from school on a day you have ordered a meal, a refund will be processed but meals MUST be ordered in advance please.

ESafety Briefing

Thank you to those parents/carers who attended Wednesday evening's ESafety briefing by the Police Liaison Officer. We received some very positive feedback from the session with one parent commenting

"I wanted to say a huge thank you to Mrs Waterman for arranging the E-Safety training, I thought it was brilliant and very scary to be honest but so important to teach the children at a young age. I really appreciate all that the school does to help educate them about internet safety."

Sports & House Assembly

Next week we will be holding our half termly sports and house assembly. As well as celebrating the winning house and exploring our sports values, we also like to celebrate children's sporting achievements outside of school. If your child has a sporting success that they would like to share with us since the last assembly we hosted in February, then please email over a photo along with the reason for us to share.

Your emails will need to be with us by 9:00am on Monday 28th March in order to be included in the assembly.

Government Guidance

As you are aware, government guidance relating to Covid restrictions will be updated on 1st April. With this in mind, we will update you with any measures we have to enforce in school after the Easter holidays when the children return to school on Wednesday 20th April. A reminder that Tuesday 19th April is a staff training day and school will be closed.

FALLS Coin Jar Challenge

Next week is the final week for the FALLS Coin Jar Challenge. We are hoping to raise £800 in total across the school. Please send in any loose change into school by Friday 1st April to add to your child's class jar.

Our school happiness collage!