Newsletter 25.2.2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week the children have all returned to school after the half term break calm, settled and ready to learn. Wonderful! I was so pleased to welcome them all into the hall on Monday morning for a face to face whole school assembly. Their behaviour was exemplary and the focus 'Rights and Responsibilities', our PSHE topic for Spring 2, was discussed and reflected upon. We explored responsibilities in school, at home and in the wider world and there were some thought provoking discussions taking place.

It has been lovely to see all the amazing World Book Day competition entries coming into school this week. The wooden spoon story characters will be proudly displayed across the school and then we hope that they will provide some exciting role play opportunities for our children in Early Years for any children who wish to donate their entry. Well done to everybody who entered; they have all received 2 house points and 2 coloured coins for their houses and congratulations to the winning entries.

If you haven't already visited and would like to, our travelling Book Fair has been a source of excitement this week and we are delighted with the number of children wishing to purchase books. Reading for pleasure is a fantastic pastime and one that we continue to promote in school and at home; these purchases will also generate funds for us to buy back books for school through Scholastic which helps contribute towards our reading provision. We are looking forward to World Book Day next Thursday and can't wait to 'Stop, Drop and Read' in our pyjamas (and that's just the staff)!

My final piece of news to share is that sadly our Chair of Governors Mrs Pat Wilson is resigning after over ten years supporting the school and our Local Governing Body. I speak on behalf of myself and the whole governing body when I say that we have been extremely grateful to have the support from Pat over the years along with her dedication and contribution towards Lark Rise's journey. We wish Pat all the best for the future and her time spent with her family. We will be saying a final thank you and goodbye to her in a whole school assembly next Friday afternoon.

Have a lovely weekend - the weather looks like it will be good for once.

Mrs Romina Lang


Baby News

We are thrilled to inform you that Mrs Tree gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Beth, on 10th February. We are sure you will join us in sending congratulations to the Tree family.


To celebrate Pancake Day on Tuesday 1st March, the kitchen will be serving pancakes for pudding instead of the advertised syrup sponge. We hope the children will choose to have a lunch on Tuesday and enjoy the pancakes.

Staff News

Mrs Smith is taking a career break from today in order to care for one of her children who is very unwell at the moment. We hope that she is able to return when he recovers and you will still see her from time to time around school as she continues to be part of the Lark Rise team.

Golden Ticket Winners Spring 1

The following children have consistently demonstrated good behaviour choices during the first half of the Spring term:

EYFS : Daisy, Mike, Karlok

KS1 : Felicity, Oliver, Gabriella

LKS2 : Millie, Miles, Olly

UKS2 : Samuel G, Jessica P, Henry

Parent/Carer Training

We will be running a live, virtual parent/carer training session on how to support children with their spelling, punctuation and grammar across the whole of Key Stage Two (Years 3 to 6).

This will be a virtual briefing session on Thursday 3rd March at 7.00pm.

We hope you will be able to attend so that you are well informed about the terminology we use in school and how you can support your child at home. Please complete the Google form that was sent out earlier in the week to indicate whether or not you will be attending. The link to join the session will then be sent out on Thursday morning (3rd March). There will be an opportunity at the end of the session for you to ask any questions live based on the content of the training.

World Book Day Wooden Spoon Competition

Well done and thank you to all of the children who entered the decorated wooden spoon competition for World Book Day - there were some fantastic designs as you will see from the selection pictured above. The winners were :

  • Emily Cremin (EYFS) : Tiddler

  • Jack Goode (KS1) : Aliens Love Underpants

  • Lola Hayes (LKS2) : Rapunzel

  • Ewan Bignell (UKS) : Harry Potter

The winners have all visited the book fair this afternoon and chosen a book as their prize.

World Book Day

World Book Day is Thursday 3rd March 2022 and we are looking forward to celebrating. This year we would like the children and staff to come in to school dressed ready for a bedtime story. Pyjamas, onesies, dressing gowns and slippers are all welcome!

We are also very excited that we have a book fair, where children can purchase books, arriving in school on 23rd February in preparation for World Book Day. More information about this and other World Book Day Activities will follow in our next Reading Newsletter.

Gymnastics Competition

Some of our KS1 children have taken part in an inter school gymnastics competition at Caddington Village School. They were super excited to take part.

STOP PRESS: They only went and won!!

House Captains

Congratulations to the new House Captains and Vice Captains who were elected this week.

Blue House

Captains : Ben West & Emma Galligan

Vice-Captains : Liana Palmer & Samuel Glastonbury

Green House

Captains : Ayrton Smith & Ellie Doherty

Vice-Captains : Henry Allsop & Maria Sirbu

Red House

Captains : Dexter Riches & Roma Paterson

Vice-Captains : Jessica Parr & William Beddall

Yellow House

Captains : Louis Brodie & Isabella Frewin

Vice-Captains : Eloise Vickery & Harry Prew

Russia / Ukraine Conflict

We are aware that some children and parents will be concerned about the current situation in the news.

Whilst not specifically about the war but as a support if children are worried about what they have seen on the news, the following link may be of use.

The teachers will be sensitively and at a child appropriate level, following up any concerns the children may have over the next few weeks.

Learning Superheroes - Resilient Roo Spring 1



Harry is a naturally quiet member of the class, however over the past few weeks, Harry has developed his self confidence when speaking in front of a group. It has been so pleasing to hear Harry answer the register and make attempts to offer responses in class discussions. Keep up the great efforts Harry!


Izzy has been a very bubbly, joyful character in Ducks class and we adore hearing her laugh and seeing her smile. Izzy can at times find it tricky to come into school; feeling a little sad and upset. However this doesn’t last for very long and before we know it, she is off playing with her friends and participating in various activities throughout the day. Keep smiling Izzy!

Theodore T

On occasions, Theodore has found coming to school quite tricky. Once he is in the classroom, Theodore always tries hard to follow routines and complete his learning tasks to the best of his abilities. We are so proud of all that you achieve as you should be too! Keep up the hard work and showing your beautiful smile.


Hadassa has shown great resilience during her time so far in the Reception class. English isn’t Hadassa’s first language and sometimes it is a little tricky for her to understand the tasks she is asked to do. However Hadassa always makes great attempts to listen carefully, ask questions and always try her best.


Sometimes Malcolm found it a little difficult to share ideas and learning during lessons and while completing activities around the classroom. His confidence has skyrocketed - sharing ideas on the carpet, leading games and learning with his friends. Malcolm’s excitement has been a delight to see particularly when completing his phonics learning and being a ‘mini teacher’ by taking the register as Mr Wynn. Well done Malcolm, you have made me incredibly proud!


Alexa found it a little tricky talking to and playing with new friends at the start of the year. She has worked so hard and shown incredible resilience in making lots and lots of new friends and playing and learning different games with them too. Well done Alexa - seeing your confidence grow has made us all so proud!


Ella M

Ella has grown so much in confidence since starting in Year 1. Ella tries hard every single day and where she used to find joining in with larger groups quite challenging, she now enjoys working with others, puts her hand up to anRswer questions and gets involved with all activities offered. She has particularly enjoyed partner work in our Read Write Inc phonics and our gymnastics sessions.

Sam D

Sam has made so much progress in so many ways since starting in Year 2. Sam used to find making mistakes quite tricky and used to get upset when things didn’t go to plan for him, but he is now much better at ‘giving things a go’ and reaping the rewards this gets him. Sam is not worried when he has a go and gets something wrong and this has made him a much more resilient learner who is keen to challenge himself.


Ada found doing forward rolls a little challenging in gymnastics lessons this half term, but with a little support Ada has managed to find the courage to keep persevering and finally managed to do three in a row this week. Well done Ada!


Arianna has really impressed me this term with her determination in her learning. Even when she finds something challenging she won’t give up and has a lovely ‘I can do it’ attitude. It is lovely to see her blossoming in Key Stage 1 just like we knew she would. Well done Arianna!


Cailen has been an excellent example of resilience in lots of ways since starting Year 2. He has really enjoyed our new Read Write Inc scheme and is making lovely progress with reading and writing. He has also pushed himself during our Art lessons to try new techniques, such as using watercolours and drawing landscapes. Cailen is always open to giving new things a go and learning from his past mistakes.


Edward has tried really hard this term in his English lessons and is working on becoming more forthcoming with his reading and getting his ideas written down. He has worked hard to tick and fix his spelling and it has been lovely to see him persevering with his different skills.



Malin approaches each and every task with a very positive mindset. Quiet and hardworking, Malin can always be relied upon to give her very best to her learning at all times. Malin has demonstrated that she is able to talk about how she is feeling and overcome any ‘big’ feelings through talking to others and has also realised the importance of being kind to herself! Well done Malin, we are all very proud of you and your many achievements.


Jenson should be very proud of his achievements so far this year; he has worked very hard indeed. There are times where the learning can be challenging and Jenson always tackles these tasks with determination and positivity. Jenson is really beginning to put any advice and support into practice and loves to share the outcomes of his hard work. Well done Jenson, we are very proud of you!


Rose has impressed me this half term with her determination and hard work to learn her times tables. Even if she found some tables tricky in Autumn term, Rose persevered and worked extremely hard in the past weeks. She has achieved an amazing score in her last MTC mock test and we are so proud of her! Well done, Rose! You are a star!


I was really touched and inspired by Freddie’s attitude this half term. He has shown kindness and a positive attitude in his relationship with other children in our key stage. I really appreciate Freddie’s honesty! He always chooses to be responsible and honest when talking to the children and the adults, even if this is not always easy. Well done for being supportive too and for putting smiles on our faces, Freddie! You are amazing!


Meadow has really impressed me with the perseverance and resilience that she has shown during our theme learning. She has listened carefully, played an active role in lessons and worked so hard to record her ideas. I am so proud of her and it is wonderful to see her so proud of herself too. Well done Meadow!


Hugo always has such a positive attitude towards all aspects of his learning. He demonstrates determination and resilience in his work; he listens carefully to suggestions on how he can improve it and then applies what he has been taught. Well done Hugo, you are a star!


Oliver C

Oliver has really impressed me this half term with his fantastic effort and attitude to learning in both History and Geography. The increased determination that Oliver has channelled into his work has meant that he has consistently achieved 3 stars each lesson. Well done for your hard work, Oliver! It has not gone unnoticed.

Joshua F

It has been inspiring to witness Joshua’s resilience towards his Maths learning this half term. In particular, Joshua has shown a real commitment to refining his arithmetic skills. This really shone through in Joshua’s recent assessments, where he achieved an impressive score. You should be very proud of yourself, Joshua!

Chloe S

Chloe has worked really hard this term to enjoy reading more. She has been keen to find more challenging books in the UKS2 library and regularly comes in to tell me she has finished her book over the weekend or has been reading more at home. This is something Chloe has needed encouragement to do in the past and it has been so lovely to see her recent assessment marks go up as a result of her love for reading.

Harry P

Harry is a lovely friend in UKS2 to lots of children and he has worked really hard this half term to keep existing friendships going while also fostering new ones with other children! Children are often keen to play with Harry because of his kind nature and it has been lovely to see his friendships flourish as a result of the hard work he has invested with other children.

Isabella T

Isabella Trevor is one of those children who can be utterly relied upon to work hard, listen carefully and complete her work to as high a standard as she can. She takes great pride in everything she does and looks for ways to get better and improve herself, which is a fantastic trait to have. Isabella is a lovely role model to those around her and is always willing to help others understand work; she can often be heard saying encouraging words to children who are unsure about certain areas of learning. Well done Isabella – you should be really proud of yourself and all you’ve achieved so far in UKS2.

Ben W

I have been so impressed with Ben’s attitude to work and learning. He contributes regularly to class discussions and is more confident to do so with each passing week. I have been particularly impressed with the way he has tackled his learning in Mathematics, showing his strong desire to do better and understand areas that have proved difficult for him. With this resilient mindset and keenness to better himself, I am sure Ben will continue to do very well in all areas of his learning.

Our school happiness collage!