Newsletter 24.2.2023

Dear Parents and Carers, 

Welcome back to the second half of the spring term! It's lovely that the days are now getting longer and lighter which is a sign that spring and the nicer weather is on its way; heading towards my favourite time of the year. I hope that you managed to enjoy some time off over the half term with your children; it's great to have them back and settled into school life once again. We have been busy planning lots of events and 'magic moments' ready for this half term and are looking forward to once again immersing the children in their learning and enjoying some high quality texts linked to our learning. If you have not already read the parent curriculum documents that were sent out to you this week, then please find the time to check them out; these will help you to discuss learning at school with your child and ultimately help them to remember their learning or continue anything at home if they wish.

Well done to our Year 6 children who have been making a great effort to arrive into school on time at the earlier time of 8:30am this week and in the run up to their SATs. I have been incredibly impressed with their learning focus as I've been into their classrooms; they are really showing a drive to achieve well. Additonal learning in school and at home at this point in the year is doing wonders for their confidence too which plays such a huge part; keep up the hard work in school and at home Year 6s and thank you to you, our parents and carers, for supporting them. 

Next Wednesday 1st March is another national teacher strike day; we have planned for this as much as we can and school will be open however if we need to unexpectedly close a class then we will let you know on that morning so please keep an eye on your emails. 

We have received some lovely photos as part of our efforts to create a Lark Rise happiness collage; thank you if you have added yours to Google Classroom. We would very much like involvement from the whole school so if you have forgotten or not had a chance to do this yet then the assignment is still open on your child's Google Classroom for you to post one. We know that the children will all be very excited to try and spot their photo as well as their friends. 

At the end of last half term we were treated to an amazing assembly from Macaws class. I was bowled over with the confidence and knowledge that the children displayed about their learning so far over the year and thoroughly enjoyed watching the videos too; well done everyone and thank you to those parents and carers who were able to come and watch. 

Finally, we have some lovely events coming up throughout the rest of this half term including some exciting competitions, we are hoping lots of children will be excited to be involved, please read on to find out more.

Have a lovely weekend everyone; see you on Monday. 

Mrs Romina Lang



Under new guidance, the following rulings are now in force and will be implemented with immediate effect

Pond Area

Now the weather is improving, we are keen to continue our work on the pond area that we started last year. Our Eco-Reps have been working extremely hard to plan a bake sale for later this half term which will help raise money for some equipment and resources to build some vegetable patches. To add to this, we also have some trees on the way from the Woodland Trust which we want to add to the pond area too. If any parents, carers or grandparents are particularly green-fingered and would be willing to give up any time to assist in the building or ongoing maintenance of a small vegetable area, we would love to hear from you. A teacher, alongside some children, will also regularly maintain the area during some lunchtimes. Alternatively, if you have any equipment that you would be willing to loan us (spades, trowels, hammers etc.), we would be extremely grateful and take very good care of it! Please contact Miss Stevens via the school office if you are interested.

We are also going to be collecting donations of any ring pulls from drinks cans you may have. These will donated to a charity who recycles them into items such as handbags and accessories. If you have any drink can ring pulls, please send them in with your children who can put them into one of the containers that is in their key stage. Please note: these must only be from drinks cans and not food can ring pulls.

Times Table Rockstars

In LKS2 we have a weekly hall of fame, where we celebrate different aspects of times table recall. This includes effort, speed and accuracy. 

Well done to the following children who have logged on regularly at home and achieved a place in our hall of fame so far this half term in the following categories : 

Week 1: Most correct answers : Gracjan, Beau, Dani, Luke, Aaron, Flynn

World Book Day 

World Book Day is Thursday 2nd March 2023 and we would like the children and staff to come in to school dressed ready for a bedtime story. Pyjamas, onesies, dressing gowns and slippers are all welcome!

There will also be a competition to decorate a wooden spoon as a character from a book. They can be as imaginative and creative as you like. Please ensure that all spoons entered have the child's name displayed on them. There are some amazing prizes on offer!

The book fair will also be available today (Friday) and Monday and Tuesday next week from 3.30pm. There are over 200 titles to choose from and every book purchased earns books for our libraries in school. 


We are still desperately in need of boxes of tissues for use in school. If you are able to donate a box, we would be extremely grateful.  Thank you in advance for your support. 

The BETT Show

Children in LKS2 and UKS2 are invited to take part in a competition where they could win a place to attend the Bett Show  – the world’s largest technology show for education. The event takes place on Wednesday 29th March.  Information on the competition will be uploaded onto your child’s Google Classroom. Entries need to be received by Monday 6th March. 

Mrs Harling's requests

Mrs Harling would be very grateful to receive donations of bright coloured wool for pom pom making. 

If any parents/carers have a bit of time to spare at home to help cut out cardboard circles for pom poms, please contact the school office and we will send home a template and some cardboard. 

Thank you in anticipation of your support. 

Golden Ticket Winners Spring 1

The following children have consistently demonstrated good behaviour choices during the first half of the Spring term and will receive some additional social time with a friend to take part in an activity of their choice:

EYFS : Wren Hackett & Oscar Gravestock

KS1 Henry Edwards, Callan Martin-Farnhill & Malakai Young

LKS2 Felicity Chrisokere, Isabelle Igbokwe & Chloe Paruit

UKS2 : Leah Rowe, Florence Paterson & Elisa Vulpe

Sumdog Competition 

Children in Years 1 to 6 are invited to take part in a forthcoming Sumdog competition which will run from Friday 17th – Thursday 23rd March. 

Ahead of the competition, the children will be longing into their account in school to ensure the quetsions they are asked to complete are tailored to their level. Children will compete in base classes.


The highest scoring child in each class will be awarded with a certificate and the class with the highest number of points will win a PIZZA PARTY!

Midday Supervisor

We are advertising for a Midday Supervisor to support the children in Early Years.  Full details can be found on MyNewTerm via the following link 

Easter Activities Event

We are organising an after school Easter Activities event on Tuesday 28th March from 3.30pm to 5.00pm. This will be a fundraising event led by school staff for children from Reception to Year 6. Tickets can be purchased on Parentmail from next week at a cost of £5.50 per child. The children will take part in an Easter Egg hunt, make Easter crafts and enjoy a snack and drink together.  Please note there will be no after school clubs on this evening,


Each week in our whole school assembly we celebrate children's attendance by playing a game of Attendopoly (based on Monopoly).  The class  with the highest attendance figure is rewarded with a class prize. The winning class for the week of 6th February was Red Kites class with 100% attendance. 


Some children were chosen from LKS2 and UKS2 to participate in an archery competition. They played against many different schools and were able to learn how to do archery and how to score the maximum number of points. All pupils who attended loved every minute of the competition and have already asked when we can start doing archery at our school. Well done.


Selected children from Years 3 & 4 were chosen to take part in a gymnastics competition; the six children chosen practised their routine for 2 weeks. The children needed to learn their routine off by heart to be able to score maximum points, all girls and boys who took part did an amazing job in remembering their routine and performing on their own in front of the judges and other schools. Overall, in the competition we came 3rd place which was amazing; we are so proud of every single one of them. 

Learning Superheroes - Resilient Roo Spring 1



Summer is such a happy and positive child who enters the nursery each day with a cheery smile. She approaches nursery life with a ‘can do’ attitude and makes the most of her session by exploring a range of activities and areas. Summer shows that she is a good friend and role model to all by playing fairly and avoiding conflict. Well done Summer for being such a lovely member of the class!


Alfie really enjoys coming to nursery and is a very active learner; choosing to participate in many different activities. He tries hard to follow an activity through to the end and is always pleased with his efforts and outcomes. It has been great to see Alfie trying so hard to develop his fine motor and writing skills, particularly at home. Well done Alfie!


Zara loves to take part in so many different activities, particularly drawing and colouring. She has worked so hard with her fine motor skills and does her best to transfer this into her handwriting. This has been a little more tricky although Zara has persevered to form the letters in her name and also the letter ‘t’ and can now do this correctly. Keep working hard Zara. We know you can do it!


Kaylan loves to learn and takes in all the information that is shared with him. Throughout the year so far, he has shown great skills in phonics; learning the sounds and making a great effort to blend sounds to read words. He has made great efforts to also ‘sight’ read words, persevering until he can read them correctly. Well done Kaylan!


Heath is a quiet boy by nature and has occasionally found it tricky to speak in front of the class. He has also struggled with his fine motor control to form letters. Heath has persevered in both areas and his confidence has grown to talk to the adults and his peers, sharing lots of information about his interests and his learning, inside and outside of school. Heath has worked hard with his handwriting during phonics sessions. We are proud of what you are achieving.


Beau is a quiet, sweet little girl. She used to feel a little anxious to participate fully during phonics sessions and lacked confidence. Beau is now confident enough to use a big voice when joining in with speed sounds which is wonderful to see. Beau has made huge progress in phonics. Well done Beau. 



Ilaria can sometimes be a little reserved and quiet in lessons, often reluctant to put her hand up even if she knows the answer. However over the last half term it has been wonderful to see her including herself in class discussions more regularly and becoming more willing to share her thoughts and ideas with Parrots Maths group as well as during our Read Write Inc sessions too. It is really lovely to see Ilaria’s confidence in her own ability grow and it has been a pleasure to have her in my lessons. Well done, Ilaria.  


Riley can sometimes find focusing on his learning a little tricky but I have been blown away by his building resilience this half term, particularly with his handwriting and recording his ideas. Where before he could be reluctant to give things a go, recently he has been a lot more willing to try activities and push himself more often. His attitude to learning has improved and all the adults in Ks1 have seen a massive change in his outlook. His perseverance and positivity is shining through! Keep up the hard work, Riley.  

Benjamin P

Benjamin has never found it easy coming into school since he started in Penguins class but we are now in a place where he is much happier coming into school and now most mornings arrives with a smile on his face, ready for the day ahead. Benjamin is also getting much better with the routines at the end of the day where he has always wanted to be first out of the door but is now starting to be more flexible with this.

Benjamin C

Benjamin has become much more settled with the routines and expectations of KS1. At the start of the year we would have to think about organising Benjamin’s work within lessons into smaller chunks throughout the day as he wasn’t too keen on settling down in a classroom to do it for longer periods of time. Benjamin is now staying in a full Read Write Inc sessions completing partner practise and writing activities alongside his peers.


After having an operation on his tummy Mike has found it challenging joining in with P.E and has been a little bit hesitant. However, I am so proud of how resilient Mike is now being despite feeling anxious. He has continued to try his best and last week made the most amazing gymnastics routine with a friend. Well done Mike keep up the good work!


Archie epitomises resiliency through his attitude to get better at things including football which he loves but also the things which he doesn’t always love as much and can find more challenging but knows are important. I am so proud of you Archie; keep it up!



Ella has worked very hard in her sessions with Miss Clark and is beginning to develop in confidence within her lessons. We can all find things tricky sometimes and Ella is beginning to recognise that perseverance and believing in herself is so important. She was able to discuss some excellent story ideas in response to our reading of ‘The Wild Way Home’. Well done, Ella!


Dani works with interest and determination in his Maths lessons and is always very quick to find the answer. Dani has recognised that sometimes we need to explain our thinking and our methods in Maths to show our understanding and he has worked very hard on this, despite finding this difficult. Well done Dani, you are really growing in confidence and have made some really excellent progress. All the adults in LKS2 are so proud of you!


Sharing your ideas with others can sometimes be a bit tricky and can make us feel anxious. However, Aayat has continually pushed herself outside of her comfort zone this term! She has contributed more in class, helped others and even stood in front of the school to perform her Ambassador speech. Aayat, I am so impressed with your resilience and determination - you are a superstar! 


Jasper has worked super hard in all of his lessons this term and it is so great to see him thriving and enjoying his learning! Although he can find writing a little tricky sometimes, Jasper has adapted and used different tools, such as the Chromebooks, to help him write and share his ideas. As a result of Jasper’s adaptability and resilience in writing, he has created fantastic pieces of work - especially in our Science lessons! Well done Jasper!


Sonny has such a positive attitude to all of his learning and a real ‘can do’ attitude.  PE is a lesson that he absolutely loves and I am so proud of the resilience and determination that he shows when learning new skills.  When he was selected to represent the school in a gymnastics competition, there was one of the skills that he was finding tricky.  He has been practising, both in and out of school, and is getting better everyday.  Well done Sonny … Miss Klausner and I are so proud of you!


Caoimhe has been working so hard in all of our lessons.  She listens carefully and will always try her best.  In Maths recently, we have been doing some really tricky division work and when we first started, Caoimhe was finding some of the learning tough.  However, she didn’t give up, she kept trying and trying, using the resources in the classroom to help her, until she got it! She was so proud of herself and I was so proud of her too.  What a superstar Caoimhe!!



In a recent art lesson, Amelia demonstrated a fierce resilience when making a tinfoil sculpture. When scrunching the tinfoil together to make body parts, many children found that they were too harsh with the material and ended up ripping their creations - Amelia included. After a brief upset, Amelia was able to tackle the task head on (with help from her peers) and ended the lesson with a giant grin on her face and a brilliant tinfoil sculpture in her hand. Well done, Amelia!


Reading is not something that comes easily to Reuben. Despite this, the enormous effort he shows towards improving this skill has not gone unnoticed. Within reading lessons, Reuben can be seen utilising his skim and scan skills to ensure he retrieves the correct information to answer the question. Outside of lessons, Reuben is keen to read aloud to an adult every afternoon and he has made some good progress with his reading fluency as a result. Keep it up, Reuben!


Jessica has worked very hard this half term in maths. Some of the topics in UKS2 are very tricky and have lots of steps to them. Jessica has worked really hard to pick up lots of new methods for things like fractions, percentages and applying her times tables to questions involving decimals. Each lesson, she would be paying attention, trying her best and learning from any mistakes she made along the way. All of her hard work paid off in her assessments this half term where she showed huge progress from last time and achieved a very high mark. Well done Jessica!


This half term, Barney has been focusing on improving his handwriting and layout of work in his books. Barney has reflected on feedback given to him by teachers about his work in his book and he has shown huge progress in his learning since September. He has even completed lots of extra handwriting practice at home which he is starting to apply in school. This extra effort and work has paid off and his work looks amazing! Keep up the hard work Barney!


Lucy has shown real resilience over the past half-term, particularly in her Mathematics lessons. She listens carefully in lessons, is always engaged and tries her hardest to apply her learning to tricker concepts that she comes across. This has resulted in Lucy seeing some lovely successes in her assessments - you should be proud of everything you have done so far, Lucy. Keep up the great work.


Jessica shows a real determination to do her best and improve her work across many subjects. In Mathematics, she shows a real drive to move on to challenges but will always take time to work out where she has made an error as she understands how important it is to learn from mistakes in order to move on. English has seen her take pride when learning her spellings and trying to apply them as best she can in all the writing opportunities across the curriculum. Well done for demonstrating this positive and engaging attitude Jessica!

Writing to be proud of 

Florence Paterson, Year 5

Ionut Furtuna, Year 5

Jake Robinson, Year 5

Leo Redford, Year 5

Naomi Godbold, Year 5

Sam Bradshaw, Year 5