Newsletter 21.10.22

Dear Parents and Carers,

Now that we have reached the end of the first half term it has been lovely to look back and see how much the children have achieved so far. Year groups have been completing a range of assessments this week for English, Mathematics, phonics and times tables which will help to inform our teaching for autumn 2 and support the identification of children who may need additional support. Upper Key Stage 2 will be completing their assessments during the first week back; for Year 6 it will be mock SATs papers and we will inform you of their outcomes. I know lots of you will already have received either times tables progress scores in Year 4 or phonics progress in Early Years or Key Stage One for your child. This information is shared with you so that you can see how your child is progressing in school and support them additionally at home if required. The absolute best support you can give your child at home is daily reading; reading supports children's confidence, knowledge of the world and unlocks the rest of the curriculum for them. On the same subject as progress, it was wonderful to see so many of our parents and carers attend our learning review meetings last week. Thank you for taking the time to attend these and find out how your child has settled and next steps for them; us working together with you will achieve the best outcomes for your child.

Last week we finished the week with Hawks Class assembly and what an assembly it was! The children spoke with confidence and demonstrated excellent understanding of everything that they have learnt in Upper Key Stage Two so far this year. Falcons Class now have a lot to live up to! Thank you to our parents and carers who were able to attend.

This week it was fantastic to welcome Major Steve Brevitt from the Salvation Army to our school again after a series of virtual visits due to Covid-19. He spoke to the children about the meaning of Harvest and we then enjoyed a series of songs about Harvest; I'm sure your child has been singing their key stage song at home, if not, ask them if they can remember it! The assembly ended with a Harvest poem which was beautifully read by our Head and Deputy boys and girls. Thank you to everyone who kindly donated food for harvest; the Year 4 Ambassadors did a super job of packing up these items for Major Steve to take away with him to support the food bank.

If you don't already then please do follow us on social media, Facebook and Twitter, where you will be able to see photos from many of our 'magic moments', class learning and whole school events.

I hope that you all have an enjoyable half term and manage to spend some quality time with family and friends. The children are all in need of a rest now.; they have worked so hard - so have the staff! Thank you to the whole staff team who have worked tirelessly this half term to settle children into their new classes and provide the very best learning for them. Thank you also for your ongoing support this half term and your positive feedback. Both myself and the staff really appreciate your support.

We are looking forward to seeing you and the children back in school on Tuesday 1st November after our staff training day on Monday 31st October.

Mrs Romina Lang


Early Years Outside Area

We are in the process of developing and revamping our Early Years outside area and reviewing our resources and are looking for donations of the following items to support our project :

  • corks

  • tiny containers (small plastic pots with or without lids)

  • sheets, duvet covers, throws, offcuts of carpet

  • Minky large clothes pegs

  • stones/garden pebbles

  • seashells

  • kitchen utensils including whisk, pestle & mortar, fish slice, spatula, slotted spoon, small sieve/colander

  • fir cones

  • dolls' pushchairs/buggies

Games Donations

We would be delighted to receive any donations of board games, specifically those games which encourage turn taking such as Snakes and Ladders, Crocodile Dentist, Junior Scrabble, Beetle Drive, Uno, Buckaroo, etc. If you have any games lurking in your lofts or spare rooms that you are happy to donate to school we would be very grateful.

New Menu

Please see the menu below which will be offered for the second half of the Autumn term (from 1st November).

Staff News

We are delighted to welcome Mrs Claire Paruit to the Lark Rise team after the half term holiday. Mrs Paruit will be joining us as Teaching Assistant in UKS2.

Staff News

We will sadly be saying goodbye to Ms Bhogal (Teaching Assistant in Reception) who is leaving us for a role with a working pattern more suited to her family commitments.

Pencil Cases

The children will be bringing home their pencil cases today. Please could you check the contents of them over half term and ensure they have all the equipment they need for when they return.


Homework for the October half term holiday will be set on Google Classroom for the children to complete and will be a celebration of Black History Month.


Can we once again ask that when parking in the vicinity of the school at drop off and pick up times, you consider the safety of the children (and adults) who are walking to school. As you can see from the photo opposite, this car was parked on the yellow line at the junction of Cartmel Drive and Ullswater Road making it extremely difficult (and dangerous) for people to cross the road. We are becoming increasingly concerned about being able to keep the children safe on their walk to school and feel it is only a matter of time before there is a serious incident. A reminder also to please not park over our neighbours' drives (even for a short amount of time) as this is both inconsiderate and causes irritation to our neighbours.

Reading Ambassadors

Congratulations to our new Key Stage Two Reading Ambassadors who will be joining those previously nominated :

  • William Crampton

  • Sylvie Gower

  • Bradley Chrisokere

  • Freddie Bunting

  • Samuel Gherghin

Eco Warriors

Due to last year's success in gaining our Eco Schools Green Flag Award, we have expanded our Eco Warriors team to include the following children :

  • Ruth Gherghin

  • Isabella Slough

  • Anson Aw

  • Hoorain Bokhari

We have lots of ideas already planned and we look forward to what these new children can bring to the team.

Children in Need

On Friday 18th November we will be supporting Children in Need. We would like to invite the children to come into school in their own clothes with a spotty theme. With this in mind, we are launching an exciting whole school Art and Design Technology competition!

We would like the children to design and create their own piece of SPOTacular clothing or accessory that they could wear on this day. There will be an opportunity for all designs to be shown off during a whole school assembly and there will be prizes awarded for the winning designs in each key stage.

Happy designing and we really look forward to seeing your amazing creations ... who knows, maybe we have a budding fashion designer in our school!

Times Table Rockstars

In LKS2 we have a weekly hall of fame, where we celebrate different aspects of times table recall. This includes effort, speed and accuracy.

Well done to the following children who have logged on regularly at home and achieved a place in our hall of fame in the following categories :

Week 1: Effort : Aaron, Sunny, Lily, Alexandra, Sonny, Shreya

Week 2 : Effort : Jolie, Ethan, Flynn, Isabele, Aaron, Sonny

Week 3 : Most correct answers : Beau, Isabelle, Sonny, Oliver G, Luke, Alex

One Plus One Training for Adults

Please see below fliers for three different parent online training courses which may be of interest:

  • Getting it Right for Children : this course is designed to help separating parents communicate better for the sake of their children.

  • Me, You and Baby Too : this course is designed to help you navigate the changes in your relationship after the birth of a baby.

  • Arguing Better : this course is about finding helpful ways to communicate during stressful times.

Mrs Harling (Inclusion Support Worker) is available should you have any further queries.

New Menu

Please see the menu below which will be offered for the second half of the Autumn term (from 1st November).

Golden Ticket Winners Autumn 1

The following children have consistently demonstrated good behaviour choices during the first half of the Summer term:

EYFS : Daisy McCulloch & Sienna Howells

KS1 : Kostek Kielbasinski, Myra Pubreja & Rachel Alexander

LKS2 : Emily Dyson, Bertie Parr & Paul Anton

UKS2 : Amber Trew, Naomi Godbold & Sam Bradshaw

Learning Superheroes - Resilient Roo Autumn 1



At the start of the year Christopher struggled a little bit coming into school in the mornings and attending the after school club. He would get very upset and needed comforting. However, now he has settled into reception really well. He knows the class routines and enjoys being at school. He has made some new friends and is building good relationships with his teachers.

Well done Christopher, keep up the great work!


In September, Amelia was finding coming into school quite tricky. However, she is now showing enjoyment when being in class, demonstrating more confidence when speaking to children and other adults and enjoys playing in all areas of the classroom. We are starting to see much more of Amelia’s warm smile, and we hope her perseverance with school continues. Keep going Amelia!


From the minute Noah started in the Reception class he has demonstrated such amazing skills of resilience and perseverance. In all aspects of his learning he tries his best and will check with an adult that he is doing what he has been asked to do, correctly. We are particularly proud of his phonics and handwriting! Well done Noah! Keep up the hard work!


Elsie found coming into nursery a little tricky however, Elsie has been an absolute superstar since she began Reception. She has blossomed into a confident little girl who has come out of her shell; coming into school with a huge smile on her face, always wanting to talk to the adults and complete her learning tasks to the best of her ability. We are SO proud of you Elsie. Well done!


Marcus began his time in nursery speaking very little. However, over the past couple of terms, Marcus’ desire to want to speak has improved greatly and given that English is his second language, this effort and determination has impressed us even more. Keep up the great efforts Marcus; we love to hear your voice!


David has always been a quieter member of the class, however during his time in the nursery he has begun to verbalise more frequently; trying so hard to use English words appropriately and correctly. When talking, he always displays a smile and loves receiving praise for his efforts. We are very proud of his determination to learn and use English at school. Well done David!



Patryk has made such a great start to the year in Maths and has demonstrated such a will to succeed even when the learning is getting tricky. I am so proud of his resilience and can already see how his focus and unrelenting spirit will create great progress for him this year. Well done Patryk!


At the beginning of this year Arlo was finding it tricky to settle back into the routines of school after the Summer holidays. Despite always trying his best at school this was something Arlo had to work hard at finding his inner strength and confidence again. Well done for finding that resilient core inside Arlo; I am so proud of you.


Benjamin doesn’t always find coming into school easy but over the past few weeks it has been lovely to see Benjamin come into school and leave at the end of the day with a big smile on his face. He is beginning to manage his feelings with resilience which allows him to start the day much more focused and ready for the challenges ahead. Keep it up Benjamin!


Callan is always a ‘happy go lucky’ boy and loves coming into school. Last year he was a quieter member of the class and kept himself to himself but already this year it has been lovely to see him make some great friendships and work well with his friends both in the classroom and on the playground. Callan used to get quite upset when things didn’t go his way when working with others, but this year he is a different boy - very sociable and happy to compromise in games that he plays.


Emily found it a little tricky to settle into Parrots Class at the beginning of the year with all of the changes from Reception to Year 1. But since then she has really started to come out of her shell, putting her hand up more, joining in with group activities and sharing stories with the adults in the class. It is lovely to see Emily coming into school each day with a smile on her face now, ready to face the fun and challenges of the day! Well done, Emily - we’re so proud of you.


Erik started the year in yellow group for RWI and was finding it a little challenging to settle back into the routines. Over the last few weeks he has really shone and worked hard to get back into the swing of things, as well as helping those around him when they find it tricky. He has produced some lovely writing and worked hard to improve his handwriting too which is a great example to his peers too. Keep up the hard work, Erik. I’m so happy to see your resilience!



Chloe found the start of Year 4 a little tricky; there were changes such as different teachers, different children and a different classroom and sometimes these things can unsettle us all, until we get used to them. Chloe has been a real role model to others in how she has approached her worries. She talks with trusted adults, tries her very best and I am pleased to say I am now always greeted with a big smile; I know Chloe is really enjoying Year 4. Well done Chloe for overcoming your worries and proving that you can do anything with a positive mindset!


Jenson has had a brilliant start to Year 4! His attitude towards his learning is excellent and I have been so impressed to see him apply a ‘can do’ attitude to any tricky tasks he comes up against. Jenson works very hard with Miss Clark to further develop his reading and whilst this is not always easy; he has made tremendous progress and can always be relied upon to approach each and every task with a smile upon his face! Well done Jenson, we are all very proud of you.


Well done to Sam for putting his all into his learning! Sam has really impressed me with how quickly he has settled into Year 3. Over the past few weeks, he has grown in confidence and has shown a positive mindset, not just in his learning but also in social situations. Sam is beginning to understand the importance of talking about things he finds tricky and finding solutions, which is excellent. Keep up the good work!


Moving into KS2 can be a little bit of a jump from KS1, but Flynn has shown his resilience and settled in really well to life in Year 3. I am so proud of Flynn and his ability to talk about his worries - something that some of us find difficult to do! This has helped Flynn focus on his learning and be the happy, smiley boy that he is. Well done Flynn!


Poppy was feeling anxious at the prospect of moving into Lower Key Stage 2. However, since she has arrived in the Key Stage she has been amazing! She has shown resilience and has settled into life in a new key stage so well. It is lovely to see her playing an active role in lessons and trying so hard with the work that has been set for her. Well done Poppy!


Hendrix has had an incredible start to life in Lower Key Stage 2. He has formed lovely relationships with the people in his class and always has valuable contributions to make to the lessons that we are learning. He has grown in confidence to tackle work independently and will ask for help if he needs it. Well done Hendrix, we are so proud of you!



Alana found the transition into year 5 a little bit tricky, with many of her close friends moving schools at the end of year 4. At the start of September, Alana was cautious about putting her hand up or asking her teachers for help. Fast forward to the end of the half term and Alana’s confidence has grown two-fold! Alana is much more comfortable in approaching adults and has settled into a lovely friendship group with whom she loves to spend time with at playtime. Well done for showing perseverance to settling into year 5, Alana. I can’t wait to see your confidence flourish even more.


Imogen’s attitude towards her PE learning has really impressed me this half term. We have been learning to play tag rugby, which has a slightly confusing rule… we have to pass the ball backwards, not forwards! Many children have struggled to follow this but Imogen has made it her mission to ensure herself, as well as her teammates, play the game correctly. Imogen has also been really vocal in asking questions to ensure that she understands the tactics needed to win a game. With her motivation and inquisitive nature, Imogen has become a strong (and speedy!) tag rugby player.


Hawks Class have found some of the techniques we need for tag rugby quite confusing this half term. During these tricky moments, Maria has taken the lead in her group to direct them on where they need to focus their efforts. Rather than give up at the exercise, Maria can be heard telling her team how they could improve, and what they need to work on, to improve and get better. Maria has brought resilience and determination to all of her PE lessons this year and has encouraged others to do the same.


Evan has been an extremely determined reader this half term. His reading level allows him to choose extremely long chapter books from the library. Each day, I see that Evan is further through his books and every spare moment he has is spent trying to read just one more page! Well done Evan - your determination to work through longer, trickier texts will pay off!


Eliza always demonstrates a quiet, yet strong resilience when facing challenges in her learning. She wants to be the best she can be and enjoys sharing her learning with her teachers. When recently given a target in respect of her handwriting, she immediately took this on board and was so proud to show her teacher the improvement in this between the beginning of the week and her new efforts. Well done Eliza - your strength and resilience will take you far!


William has had a really positive start to the year and has already had to demonstrate resilience in many areas of his learning. I have been particularly impressed with his self-understanding of areas in Mathematics he would like to better himself at. He has worked hard at these and can see his efforts already beginning to pay off - it’s been lovely to see your smile when you mark your work and see all those green ticks! Keep persevering in all areas of your learning, William - well done!