Newsletter 20.1.2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

The children have been working so hard over the last two weeks both inside and outside the classroom. I've been so impressed with their learning behaviours when I've been in and out of each class across the school. Children have demonstrated to me how passionate they are about their learning and I've had some lovely conversations with them about the texts that they are reading in school as well as some of the amazing writing that they are producing which is a whole school focus of ours. I could not feel more proud of them for their super work ethic and commitment to trying their very best; well done everyone! At the same time I am also continually proud of the staff team and their efforts to produce quality sequences of learning for the children that challenge and engage them; they know the children so well and I feel so lucky to work amongst such a great team of people who share the same vision as me and demonstrate each and every day that the children are at the centre of all we do.

Our whole school value this half term is 'happiness'. Last week I enjoyed reading children the story, Augustus and his smile by Catherine Raynor. Happiness is a big part of our school ethos at Lark Rise and one of our 'rights' which underpins our behaviour policy. We learnt in the story different ways that Augustus found to be happy which he had not recognised at the start of the story. This led us on to think about what makes us happy; we spoke about the importance of making other people happy but how it was really important to think about ourselves too and things that make us happy. As always there were some super reflections from the children.

Can you spare a few hours a week to become a reading helper at our school? We are working with a charity called Coram Beanstalk to recruit and train volunteer reading helpers who can commit to an afternoon or two a week to come in to school. As a reading helper you will support at least 3 children on a one to one basis outside of the classroom environment. It’s a fun role that’s about much more than just listening to children read. As a reading helper you will support children to become readers; helping children to switch onto reading, learn to read and become confident independent readers. You will be trained in a proven approach and will lead sessions for each child that bring fun and enjoyment to the reading experience, ultimately wanting the child to choose to read and be enthusiastic about it! For more information or if you wish to apply, visit the website at or call 0207 729 4087.

Finally, it was great to welcome our parents and carers from Peacocks class into school last Friday to watch their class assembly. There was lots of learning to recall from the assembly which had a 'Pointless' gameshow theme. The children once again demonstrated confidence and the ability to read or recall their learning to an audience; well done everyone.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you all on Monday.

Mrs Romina Lang


World Book Day

World Book Day is Thursday 2nd March 2023 and we are looking forward to celebrating. We would like the children and staff to come in to school dressed ready for a bedtime story. Pyjamas, onesies, dressing gowns and slippers are all welcome!

We are also very excited that we have a book fair, where children can purchase books, arriving in school on 2nd March. More information about this and other World Book Day Activities will follow in due course.

Learning Review Meetings

A reminder that Learning Review meetings will be held on Wednesday 25th & Thursday 26th January from 3.45pm to 7.00pm. This will be an opportunity for you to meet with your child's English and Maths teachers. Online bookings will close at 10am on Tuesday 24th January so please ensure you have made your booking before then. Meetings will be face to face in the school hall.

Trading Cards

We would like to request that children do NOT bring trading cards (Pokemon, football cards etc) into school. We have had a few instances of children swapping cards without realising the significance of the card they have swapped. We feel it would be safer if any trading takes place away from school.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Times Table Rockstars

In LKS2 we have a weekly hall of fame, where we celebrate different aspects of times table recall. This includes effort, speed and accuracy.

Well done to the following children who have logged on regularly at home and achieved a place in our hall of fame so far this half term in the following categories :

Week 1: Most correct answers : Sonny, Flynn, Aaron, Anson, Luke, Jolie

Week 2: Most correct answers : Gracjan, Flynn, Aaron, Beau, Ieesha, Freya

Dress to Express

We will be supporting Children's Mental Health Week during the week of 6th February, culminating in a "dress to express" day on Friday 10th February when the children are invited to wear their favourite colour or a unique outfit to express how they are feeling - it can be as simple or elaborate as they like) in return for a minimum £1 donation to the charity. Online donations can be made via the following link and further information about Children's Mental Health Week can be found here

Attendance Award

We are delighted to have won an attendance award for the Autumn term for being in the top 25% of schools nationally. Thank you for your support in ensuring your child(ren) are attending school regularly and on time.

School Meals

We would like to remind parents/carers of children in Years 3 to 6 that all school meals need to be ordered and paid for in advance. We have a handful of outstanding payments for school meals which have accrued on Parentmail and we cannot allow this to continue. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Lost Property

We have a large of amount of lost property in school. Unfortunately unless clothing is named, we are unable to return items to their rightful owners. Please could you therefore ensure that all items are cleared named. The lost property will be placed outside the main entrance on Monday afternoon so that you can check for any missing items.

Lunch boxes

A reminder that children should not be bringing sweets or chocolate in their lunchboxes - as a rule anything that can be purchased from the biscuit aisle is acceptable (ie chocolate biscuit but not a bar of chocolate).

Please also bear in mind that we are a nut free school so no foods containing nuts should be brought into school.

Parking on pavement

We have had a message from one of our neighbours in Bowland Crescent to request that parents driving to school and parking in Bowland Crescent do not park on the footpath. There is apparently an area of the footpath where a hole has formed caused by cars driving on the footpath.

Girls Dodgeball

On 13th January some of our Year 3 and 4 girls got the opportunity to represent the school in a dodgeball competition. The girls played demonstrated lots of different skills and won 3 games out of 6; they enjoyed every minute of it. Well done girls!

Boys Dodgeball

On 18th January our Year 3 and 4 boys had the same competition, we took 12 boys to make two teams; both teams played extremely well. There were lots of other great teams and we tried our best and the children had a great time. Overall, one of our boys teams came 7th out of 14 and our other team came 5th out of 14, this is a great achievement, well done boys!