Newsletter 18.7.2024

 Dear Parents and Carers, 

We are now at the end of what has been another incredible year at Lark Rise! The children have simply been amazing and demonstrated to us each and every day our Lark Rise values of caring, respect and resilience to name a few. Every day they prove to us how much they love learning and value their friendships; their attitude to school life continues to make Lark Rise such a happy place to be. Academically they have reached new heights and we are so proud of the progress they have made. The children really have excelled and we are so proud of each and every one of them. Lark Rise continues to be a very special place to come to work to each and every day and I feel very privileged  to work with such amazing children, families and staff. Thank you to all the families and staff for supporting our continued vision for the children - we really do want the very best for them now and for the future. I am looking forward to another great year of positive developments next year in order for us to keep growing stronger as a school.

We have ended the year just as we started it - busy! We have enjoyed the following 'magic moments' and events....

I would also like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all of our families who have emailed in and written cards with words of thanks and kindness; I treasure each and every message and know that the staff team do as well. You have also been extremely generous with gifts for us all; thank you very much. 

If you are a member of our Lark Rise community that has volunteered your time as part of our FALLS fundraising team, supported reading with the children, attended trips or any other way that you have supported the school, then please know that we are extremely grateful and cannot thank you enough for supporting us to ensure the children receive the best experiences. 

Finally, the last word has to go to the Year 6s! I thoroughly enjoyed reflecting on their wonderful journey as Lark Rise pupils in our leavers ceremony yesterday. You could honestly feel the pride in the room and I hope that the children have lasting positive memories of their time at primary school with us. They have so much to offer the world and I know that they are going to rise to any challenge set for them at secondary school - they are now ready to fly!

I, like the rest of the staff team, am definitely looking forward to a rest! I wish you all a fun and relaxing, if possible, time over the summer. Enjoy spending time with family and friends and making memories. I look forward to seeing you all in September for the start of another chapter!

Mrs Romina Lang


Year 6 Awards

We were delighted to present awards to some of the Year 6 children in the Awards Ceremony at Dunstable Conference Centre yesterday.  The winners were : 

Headteacher's Award: Year 6 :  Edward Bowles

The Amanda Croft Award - Success in the Face of Adversity : Jessica Williams

Most House Points : Naomi Godbold & Miles Coverdale 

Governors' Achievement Award : Yasmin Karim-Samad & Oscar Longley

Endeavour Cup : Florence Paterson & Alexander Chidomere 

Outstanding Contribution : Jinuki Herath & Benjamin Kenyon 

Free School Meals - Pupil Premium

As you will be aware, all children in Reception, Years 1 and 2 receive a free school meal under the Government's "Universal Infant Free School Meals" initiative.  However, some children will also qualify for Income/Benefit Related free school meals due to their personal circumstances. Whilst this does not affect your child's receipt of a free meal, if you are registered for free school meals via Central Beds Council, the school will receive additional funding. This funding is known as Pupil Premium and brings in up to an additional £1455 per child that is registered. 

We can use the extra funding in any way we choose to improve the quality of our children's education. This could include intervention and support for individual and small groups, additional training for staff and financial support for parents for educational visits and after school provision. 

If you think you may be eligible, please visit the following and apply accordingly on the Central Beds Council website.  If you apply and find out that you are eligible for the extra funding, please contact the school office when you receive notification that your child qualifies for Free School Meals. Whatever the outcome of your application (whether you qualify or not) it will not affect any other benefits that you may receive. 

A reminder that children moving from Year 2 to Year 3 will need to pay for their school meals when they return to school in September. 


Each week in our whole school assembly we celebrate children's attendance by playing a game of Attendopoly (based on Monopoly).  The class  with the highest attendance figure is rewarded with a class prize. 

The winning class for the last week was: 

Week of 1st July :  Macaws  class with 100% attendance

Whole school attendance :  97

Week of 8th July :  Eagles class with 100% attendance

Whole school attendance : 95.9% 

Our whole school target attendance for this academic year across all classes is 97%.

Staff News

We will be saying our final goodbyes tomorrow to 

We wish them every happiness and success in the future. 

Car Seatbelts

We have noticed/been made aware of a small number of children who are travelling in parents/carers' cars without seatbelts. Please ensure that your child is always wearing a seatbelt when in a car - this is obviously a legal requirement but just as importantly we want to ensure the children are safe. 

Learning Superheroes - Resilient Roo Summer 2



Cason, you are such an incredibly friendly and kind boy.  Everyday you greet your friends with an enormous smile, so pleased to see them.  Even though you can find it tricky to concentrate during some of the structured parts of the day, this never affects your bright and cheery mood.  In this last term you have tried so hard to befriend one of the boys in our class.  You talk to him, smile and try to include him, and even though he is unable to respond and acknowledge you, this has not stopped you from persevering with the friendship.  We are so lucky to have such a kind and caring boy in the class! 


Hugo has made such good progress with his focus and attention skills this year.  He used to be easily distracted during carpet sessions, but is now showing such a good example to others, of how to sit, focus and join in.  It is a delight to watch him confidently participating in with Read, Write, Inc sessions.  He reads many of the sounds and is using his Fred Talk so well to orally blend and segment sounds.  We are so proud of your behaviour for learning and all that you are achieving! 


Aila has made such incredible progress in all areas of learning this year and we are so proud of her. A particular highlight has been watching the way that Aila has developed her knowledge of phonics by beginning to identify sounds, recall them when shown and use them to Fred talk words. Aila has also worked so hard to hold a pencil correctly to not only write her first name but also words she is learning in Read Write Inc. 


In English learning, Arthur has a love of reading and happily picks up a book and reads it with enthusiasm. Arthur is not as keen to pick up a pencil to write words or sentences. Throughout the year, Arthur has been challenged to continuously have a go and try his best. Over the past few weeks, we have seen such a difference! The marks that Arthur makes are darker, with words that are clearer and sentences that make sense when read back. Keep trying your best Arthur and we know that the skill of writing will get easier and easier. We are proud of you for doing your best. Well done! 


Christopher is following all of our classroom rules and trying so hard in all that we do in school. Christopher used to find it tricky to focus on activities and was easily distracted, however it has been an absolute pleasure to watch Christopher grow in maturity throughout his time in Robins where he now concentrates, enjoys his learning and fully participates with determination. Well done. We are all so proud of you! 


It has been a pleasure to teach Caylen this year and watch him develop in all areas of school life. He has particularly shown resilience to develop his writing skills which he initially found very tricky at the beginning of this academic year. Due to his hard work and commitment to his learning and through excellent effort during RWI sessions, he now writes all of his letters accurately and neatly. Caylen’s personal target was to remember finger spaces between words which he now consistently achieves. What a fantastic year- congratulations Caylen! 



Sophia has had a fantastic year of reading! This half term, Sophia joined an English class for the first time after graduating from Read Write Inc and she was a little bit nervous about starting something new. However, with her infectious smile and her go-getter attitude, she has pushed through any and all of her anxieties and has settled into the routines of her English class exceptionally well. We’re all so proud of you, Sophia! 

Benjamin P

Benjamin can find change difficult but he has proven himself to be very resilient whilst taking part in all of the transitions into Key Stage 2. Benjamin has had a smile on his face throughout every transition session. We are so proud of you for putting a positive step forward everyday! 

Emily H

This last year has not been the easiest for Emily, but she has still managed to turn up to school every morning with a big infectious smile on her face. She has turned sadness into happiness and frustrations into determination. Emily, you are the embodiment of resilience, through your absolute resolve to always try your very best, not letting anything hold you back and always getting back up if you have been knocked down. We are so proud of you and think you are an absolute superstar! 


What a great year Theo has had this year! He has made fantastic progress across all subjects thanks to his determined attitude to achieve even when he has found some of the learning tricky. It’s fair to say Theo has impressed all of the adults in key stage One as we are so proud of his resilience and determination. Well done Theo!


Maddison, when you feel any emotion you always feel it with everything you have. This has allowed everyone to get to know what a kind, considerate and determined individual you are! You demonstrate your resilient nature time and time again, always taking a moment to breathe, rolling your shoulders and soldiering on if you have any obstacles in your path. You are made special by your ability to empathise with others and really think about how you can always be the best version of yourself. You never let anything hold you back and always encourage others to have the same attitude. We are all so incredibly proud of the outstanding person you are - well done Maddison! 


Christopher I think it’s fair to say you’ve become our resident Resilient Roo in Hummingbirds! I was so proud to find Christopher practising his writing one morning in a special notebook before lessons started so that he could write more independently in class. Not only did he use his own initiative but he was persevering with something that he had been finding tricky. Well done Christopher; keep up the great attitude to your learning! 


Loshini always works so hard during her lessons and tries her best. However, sometimes she found herself worrying if it was good enough or if she couldn’t do something straight away. Over the year, we  have seen Loshini become more confident in her abilities and discover that even if you make mistakes or don't understand something first time it’s ok as it still means you are learning. It’s all just part of the process. Well done for becoming a Resilient Roo Loshini. We are all so proud of you! 



Wiktoria only joined us at Lark Rise this year but has become so much more confident and self-assured since she joined us. At the beginning of the year, Wiktoria found it difficult to acquire and quickly recall her times tables facts with ease. With lots of hard work and dedication (and practise!) Wiktoria challenged herself in this area and as a result has achieved very well in her end of year test for times tables. Most importantly, her resilience in learning these facts has proven that she can do anything she puts her mind to. This will stand you in excellent stead as you move to Year 5, Wiktoria. We are all really proud of you! Well done. 


Patryk has come a very long way this year…making fantastic progress in his learning. This is all a result of his mindset and approach to trickier tasks that he may come across. Every morning, Patryk will come into the classroom and read his reading book or complete an Accelerated Reader quiz on what he has read; not always finding this easy, Patryk has never ever given up. As the year his progressed, his reading choices have got more and more adventurous as his ZPD level has increased. This proves to you Patryk that hard work and determination to succeed will always pay off. Well done Patryk, we are all very proud of you indeed! Keep loving Reading and working hard! 


Wow Jasper, you have had such a fantastic year! I have loved seeing you grow in confidence in the classroom, and watching those lightbulb moments of understanding as you have immersed yourself into your learning, especially within Science and Maths! Your level of determination is admirable. I am so proud of how you approached the Year 4 Multiplication Times Table Check as you put your all into recalling your times table facts with confidence beforehand to prepare yourself. It was so fantastic to see that your work throughout the year paid off, and you continually achieved 25 out of 25 on Times Table Rockstar Soundchecks! You should be so proud of yourself. Keep smiling and shining Jasper! 

Oliver C

Oliver, I have been so impressed with your ability to take on any task with a huge smile and a can-do attitude. Your positivity is infectious and truly does brighten everyone’s day. No matter the topic, or activity, you throw yourself into it with a fantastic sense of humour and put your all into producing excellent pieces of work, even when you do find it a little trickier. Well done Oliver; I’m so proud of the progress you have made. Continue to show everyone how amazing you are and approach challenges with your head held high. 


Emily has worked very hard this year. This has been particularly evident in her Maths learning. Emily has consistently attended every single Maths morning club this term and this has had such an impact upon her confidence in this area. Emily has shown that continued effort, even when things are tricky, really pays off! Well done Emily, we are all so proud of all you have achieved this year. 


Oliver, we are all so proud of you! Sometimes when faced with a tricky learning task Oliver can worry and doubt his own abilities. However, over this term we have been so very impressed with how Oliver has begun to persevere with his learning tasks. For example, in Geography Oliver was able to share his wonderful learning on the River Nile and wrote a whole page of research! Oliver has begun to believe in himself much more and is realising what he is capable of when he has a go, even when this is daunting…well done Oliver! 


Caoimhe has had such a positive year this year.  We are so proud of the level of determination she showed when she was preparing for the Year 4 Multiplication Times Table Check.  The progress she has made since the start of the year to now is really fantastic; with hard work and resilience she has improved her recall and fluency of all of her times tables.  This is going to support her as she moves on to Upper Key Stage Two where I know she is going to continue to shine.  Well done Caoimhe … you are a star! 

Oliver P

Oliver is such a wonderful boy and it has been so fantastic having him in my class this year. He has such a wonderful attitude to his learning and is always determined to do his best; this has meant that he has made great progress across all areas of the curriculum. I really love how hard he has worked on his reading.  He gets great pleasure from reading books and it is great to see him challenging himself to read a variety of different authors.  He shows great resilience and perseverance as he reads a range of styles and genres.  Well done Oliver, we are really proud of you! 



Finley is a boy who always tries his absolute best in everything he does. However, this doesn’t mean he always finds it easy to push himself out of his comfort zone. As a hardworking musician, Finley had the opportunity to perform in an assembly in front of some other children and parents in a duet with another child. On the day, Finley was slightly apprehensive at the thought of performing in front of others but, not wanting to let his friend down, he pushed through the nerves and gave an amazing performance! Finley - well done for showcasing your talents, even though you felt nervous about it! 

Alana K 

Alana was not keen on the idea of swimming at the beginning of this term. However, with a bit of a pep talk from her teachers and parents, she agreed that she would give it a go. Not only has she participated well in her lessons, she has progressed through the groups to now be in the deep end of the pool. This was yet another hurdle for Alana to work though because she did not feel confident at first in the deep end of the pool. She was able to talk through with the swimming coach what she could do if she became uncomfortable in the pool and, with this in mind, she was able to get in the pool and continue to make progress in her swimming skills. Alana - imagine if you hadn’t pushed yourself that first week! What amazing things you have achieved. 


Ananyaa is a friendly and confident young lady who is never afraid of putting herself forward for things. Ananyaa decided she wanted to take part in this year's L Factor as a group. After some changes within her group, Ananyaa became a solo dance act and spent her own time practising a routine in preparation. Before the auditions Ananyaa expressed to adults how nervous she was for her performance but she did not let her nerves stop her! She performed a fantastic dance routine in front of the whole Key Stage full of energy and excitement. Keep pushing yourself Ananyaa, we are so proud of you! 

Miles C

Miles has worked incredibly hard this year in preparation for his SATs and has continued that work ethic in all of his lessons.I have also watched how resilient he is in his PE lessons, I can see exactly why he has previously been sportsperson of the term! When playing different sports, Miles shows not only great sportsmanship and leadership skills but he demonstrates a growth mindset and positive attitude. Keep being resilient Miles, you are fantastic and we are very proud of you. 


Swimming in our PE sessions on a Tuesday did not originally hold any appeal for Ionut and he certainly did not have any confidence in his abilities to complete swimming tasks. However, over the period of the summer term, Ionut has made some incredible progress by moving from the smaller pool, to the shallow end of the main pool and then to swimming lengths of the whole pool. Staff have been so impressed with the resilience Ionut has shown despite him being nervous of some of the situations he has found himself in. He articulated his worries well, but kept going despite these concerns. Well done Ionut for pushing yourself out of your depth - literally! 

Sam B

Sam has had such an impressive year – he has really ‘grown’ into himself throughout the year and has made steady but great progress in all his lessons. Beginning the year a little nervous and unsure of himself and his abilities, Sam has shown great tenacity and determination to do his best. This has resulted in him having great success in all his lessons and really impressing those that have worked alongside him. Well done Sam – you have shown us how good, solid work and determination will take you a long way! 


Aaron has shown great resilience in his writing. Every time he completes his green for growth, he really takes the feedback on board and works on this in his next piece of work. Not only does Aaron work hard in class, he also practises his handwriting at home too. Well done Aaron, what a great resilient attitude you have!  


Chloe started the year as a very talented writer but what has been so impressive is how determined she is to be even better. She puts so much thought and effort into her work and really takes on board any feedback she receives. Chloe has also challenged herself in her reading choices and has recommended some fantastic books to me and the rest of the class. You should be so proud of yourself Chloe. 

Golden Ticket Winners Summer 2

The following children have consistently demonstrated good behaviour choices during the second half of the Summer term:

EYFS : Imogen Hancock & Poppy Ross  

KS1 : Myra Pubreja, George Maguire & Isla Luck

LKS2 Shreya Patel, Cailen Logan & Freddie Mitchelmore

UKS2 Angus McGinty, Fatima Koroma & Lucas Wells

Writing to be proud of  (Year 2)

Izabella Rooney (Year 2)

Izabella Rooney Year 2)

Jackson Grant (Year 2)

Annabelle Bowles (Year 2)

Timothy Miczalowski (Year 2)

Elliot Bumanglag  (Year 2)

Teddie Hayes (Year 2)