Newsletter 7.1.2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been lovely to welcome the children back to what is already a busy and exciting new term. I hope that you all had an enjoyable holiday and managed to spend some quality time with family and friends despite the disruption that the pandemic is continuing to cause. I know lots of families were affected over the Christmas holidays and had to change their plans. Looking on the positive side, during my weekly hot chocolate and story time with some of the children, they have told me lots of lovely events that have taken place and times they have shared which is lovely to hear.

Unfortunately we have returned to school with continued uncertainty caused by the effects of the pandemic. Our priority remains keeping the school open; I wanted you to know that current staffing levels due to positive cases of Coronavirus makes this a daily challenge for us which also reflects the workforce picture nationally. All of the staff in school are doing their very best to ensure that the children continue to receive face to face teaching however please bear with us as adults are moving around the school to support whole school needs so children may have different adults from within school supporting them at different times. To reassure you, if your child has to isolate or in the event we have to close a year group, they will be able to engage with their lessons via Google Classroom, which has always been the case throughout the pandemic. Here, they will receive the lesson as well as guidance, support and feedback from their teacher. Our teachers are all working tirelessly to teach face to face as well as organising learning on Google Classroom for children self isolating; I'm extremely grateful to have such a committed and hardworking team of teachers.

Please continue to engage in regular testing at home using LFDs and do not send your child into school if they have any symptoms of Covid-19 and ensure they take a test. Your support with this will enable us to help control the spread of the virus and maintain face to face teaching.

Finally, I'd like to extend a warm welcome to our Lark Rise family to all of our new nursery families. It was lovely to see some new and familiar faces this week during our Nursery stay and play sessions. The children all seemed really settled getting used to the setting with their carers and we're looking forward to them starting next week.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend; see you on Monday.

Mrs Romina Lang


Lily Foundation

If you have collected any stamps from envelopes over the Christmas holidays, please send them into school on Monday 10th January so that they can be sent off by the family to the Lily Foundation.

Thank you for your support.

Spring Menu

The Spring term menu from Caterlink is now available on the school website or can be accessed here

From next week, Caterlink will be introducing a daily sandwich option if your child would prefer this to a hot meal any day. We do however encourage the children to take up the hot meal option, particularly during the colder weather.

Scarves & Gloves

Please can you encourage your child to bring a hat/scarf/gloves into school with them during the current colder weather and also ensure they have a warm winter coat to wear. A few children are coming into school wearing animal hats with scarves attached with pockets for their hands. Whilst these are lovely items of warm clothing, they are presenting us with a health and safety issue in that the children are running around with their hands in the scarves and should they trip they are unable to break their fall. We would therefore request that children do not wear these items in school.

Flu Vaccination

The flu vaccinations for children from Reception to Year 6 will be administered on Monday 24th January. Further details to follow.

Christmas Bauble Competition

The winners of the FALLS Christmas bauble competition were :

Nursery : Lucy French, Reception : Teddie Hayes,

KS1 : Arlo King, Alex Wilcock

LKS2 : Max Marshall, Daria Dunca

UKS2 : Brody Carter, Isabella Trevor

Thank you to all children who took part.

Golden Ticket Winners Autumn 2

The following children have consistently demonstrated good behaviour choices during the second half of the Autumn term:

EYFS : Kaylan, Teddy L, Emily H

KS1 : Ella, Gracjan, Arlo

LKS2 : Mia, Lillia, Alicia

UKS2 : Brody, Ethan, Elisa

Macaws Class were the overall class winners.

Reading Ambassadors

Thank you so much for all the wonderful applications for the role of KS2 Reading Ambassador. We had an overwhelming response and it was fantastic to hear how enthusiastic so many of our children are about reading! I am delighted to announce the following children are our new Reading Ambassadors. Their roles will include helping to write the half-termly reading newsletter, choosing books for our Reading Robot, reading to the younger children across the school as well as promoting reading for pleasure.

Sophie Cook

Amber Trew

Bethany Alexander

Imogen Mills

Brody Carter

Harry Prew

Emily Dyson

Lillia Stapleton

Finley Waterman

Jacob Beasant

Chloe Paruit

Aaron Sworka

Oliver Mills

Year 4 Ambassadors

The children in Year 4 have been invited to put themselves forward for this term's School Ambassadors. They will need to write a short speech which they will read out to the rest of the school in a live virtual assembly on Monday morning. Please encourage your child(ren) should they wish to be considered for this role but please be aware if they already have another responsibility such as a reading ambassador then they may not be selected for the role as it's important for us to give as many children as possible opportunities.

After School Clubs

If you have signed up for your child to take part in an outdoor after school club (eg football, cricket etc), please be aware that the children will need to be suitably dressed for this activity. This includes a change of clothing (warm) and suitable footwear (eg football boots) as the club will take place whatever the weather and may well take place on the school field.

Hair Accessories & Nail Varnish

A reminder that any hair accessories worn by the children in school should be small hairbands or slides/clips (no large bows). Also nail varnish should not be worn by children in school.

Parent/Carer Training

We will be running a live, virtual parent/carer training session on preparing children for the Multiplication Tables Check. This session will take place at 7pm on Thursday 13th January and is aimed at parents/carers of children in both Years 3 and 4. We will send out a Google form on Monday to allow you to book to attend the session but it will be recorded should you be unable to attend the live session however there will be an opportunity for you to ask questions during the live session.

Learning Superheroes - Resilient Roo Autumn 2



Sienna enjoys a wide range of creative activities. She has shown incredible focus when junk modelling, trying out different techniques and persevering until she is satisfied with her creation. She shows such a good example to the other children and we are proud of her achievements.


Throughout this half term, we have seen Bertie’s confidence grow in his abilities. He has moved from occasionally mark making to attempting to write his name and copy letters and numbers. It is wonderful to see how proud he is when he writes. keep up the hard work Bertie!


We have really seen Karlok’s confidence grow in all aspects of his day at school. He is putting his hand up to share answers and to give information and he is always super proud of himself! It has been so lovely to witness this and we know that Karlok’s confidence will grow from strength to strength.


Ilaria’s confidence with her segmenting and blending skills has grown throughout the term. She proudly recognises the sounds and blends them together and says ‘I can read!’ Ilaria is working so hard and we know her love of reading will continue to grow.


Ruth has grown so much this past half term in Robins - she has been working so hard to ensure she is engaged in all of her learning, answering questions and sharing lots of amazing ideas about the learning she is doing. Particularly in Maths she has remembered, one more and one less for her numbers up to 10! Well done Ruth, you have made me so proud, keep up the hard work.


George loves sharing all his wonderful ideas and answers with his adults and peers and has been working hard to complete all his learning. During phonics, George has continued to blossom - making sure he listens carefully, spotting all the special friends in the words. George, your resilience and thoughtfulness towards your learning always places a massive smile on my face, thank you for all your hard work!



Nieve has become so much more confident throughout her first term in Key Stage One. She is more independent, happy to give things a go and is actually making really good progress with her writing. Where she used to like to have some help and get some reassurance from an adult, she is now happy to work by herself. Super stuff Nieve!!

Emily W

Emily has become so much braver in the classroom and is starting to believe in her own abilities. She is now joining in with class discussions, putting her hand up more and generally getting more involved in classroom life; helping out others where she can. It has been lovely to see Emily trying so hard throughout this term. Well done Emily!


Poppy has had a fantastic Autumn term and really embraced her learning this year. I can see such a difference in her determination and attitude which is a joy to behold. Poppy always has her hand up in class to share ideas but I know writing them down can sometimes feel like a mountain to climb. More than anything I have been so impressed with Poppy’s resilience to have a go independently and tell herself that she can do it!

Oliver C

I have been so impressed with Oliver in Maths so far this year, not just because he is doing so well but because he has really tried hard even when the learning has become really challenging. I’ve noticed such a difference in his work ethic and his ‘I can’ attitude during the second half of the term. Well done Oliver; I am so proud of you!


Sonny has shown great improved resilience this half term and is beginning to believe in himself more. His attitude to learning is improving, which has been noticed by all adults in Ks1, and he has even been actively encouraging his peers in their learning too which is a lovely positive thing to see in the classroom! Sonny always participates well in class discussions and is improving in confidence with putting his amazing ideas down on paper. Keep up the hard work, Sonny - I am so proud of you!


Alessia has had a brilliant half term and is really flourishing in year 1! Her attitude to learning is inspiring and she is always willing to give things a try, even if at first they seem tricky! She has also been working hard to support her learning partners across different subjects but most especially in maths. It has been lovely to see her working so hard and showing a real love for learning! Well done, Alessia.



Alexandra can sometimes find it tricky to understand our learning but she doesn’t give up. Alexandra works so hard in each lesson and as a result, she is making fantastic progress, especially in literacy and maths. Well done Alexandra!


Miles has had a wonderful term and has truly shown what a resilient mindset can do when faced with new or trickier learning. In particular in Maths, Miles has listened carefully and asked for help where new topics have been challenging. He has worked extremely hard and developed not only his confidence but his maths knowledge too. Well done Miles, it has been lovely to see you surprise yourself across the curriculum when you have successfully completed your learning to a very high standard!


Lola has had a great start to Year 4. All of the adults in Lower Key Stage Two have been so impressed with her positive attitude towards her learning. Lola enjoys working with adults and she has been listening very carefully to their advice and help, which has meant she has found some trickier learning much more achievable. In her work with Mrs Waterman, Lola has shown an eagerness and love for learning and reading and this has been so pleasing to see. Well done, Lola! You really are a superstar.


I have been so impressed with the enthusiasm and effort that Isabelle has put into all aspects of our learning since she started in Lower Key Stage Two. She always makes fantastic contributions to our class discussions and will remain focussed on a task until she is happy with it, listening carefully to advice and asking relevant questions to develop her work. Well done Isabelle!


Despite starting Year 4 with his arm in a sling, Benji did not let this stop him from throwing himself into every aspect of school life. I have been so impressed with how hard he has worked and the positive ‘can do’ attitude that he has towards his learning. Well done Benji!


Finn is very enthusiastic in playing sport and tries his best when entering any kind of competition. In the past, he has found it hard to accept defeat. However, this term, Finn has really grown and during a hockey match, he showed tremendous sportsmanship to the rest of his team. Also, when he didn’t become a reading ambassador this time, he showed kindness to the children who did. Well done Finn, I am so, so proud of you!



Hoorain has tried incredibly hard in her English lessons this half term. She has learned some fantastic vocabulary which she has then used creatively within her writing. I’m incredibly impressed, Hoorain - so much so that you are now a published author on Pobble. Well done!


Roma, your basketball skills have really improved across the course of this half term. From being a little unsure of yourself to scoring your first ever basket (which you exclaimed to the sky!), you have shown real resilience in your PE learning. Well done, Roma.


Ayrton consistently works hard in all of his lessons. One area he has made real progress in this half term is his writing. Ayrton really takes on board input from lessons and applies this to his writing; he has written an amazing persuasive argument about home schooling!


Amber has an unwavering determination in all of her learning. All of the teachers in the Key Stage agree that Amber is keen to succeed and will do everything she can to get there. It has been so lovely to hear that Amber has, this term in maths, started to say things like “I think I can do this,” and a real confidence in her abilities has started to shine through!


Louis has worked really hard this term in all areas of his learning and shows he wants to do his best. He shows a real engagement and enthusiasm, in particular, for his History learning and it is lovely to see his eyes light up when he answers questions based on this. Despite things being tricky for him at times, he keeps a smile on his face and shows real consideration for others.


Brody demonstrates a quiet determination and resilience, knowing what he needs when completing his learning. He likes to make sure he has shown his best effort and will continue until he has finished a task. It has been great to see his interest in reading grow, so much so that he wrote a lovely letter when applying to become a Reading Ambassador - a role that he will undoubtedly flourish in.

Our school happiness collage!