Bullying Reporting Procedures

Santo Niño Elementary

Bullying Reporting Procedures

In reference to bullying, Santo Niño Elementary will follow the reporting procedures below in order to create a safe, caring, and nurturing environment.

1. We will listen to the teacher, student, staff, or parent who is reporting the bullying.

2. We will document and refer the student to the counselor or administrator depending on the severity of the situation and an investigation will be done.

3. Counselor will speak to the students separately.

4. If the situation is not a bullying case, then the students will meet for conflict resolution with the counselor.

5. If it is a case of bullying, the parent of the perpetrator will be contacted by phone and a parent conference will be held. The administrators will follow the necessary proper disciplinary actions and the student will face the consequences. The student will fill out an anti-bullying contract where he agrees to stop any further bullying. If necessary, LISD police get involved.

6. Teachers will be notified of the bullying situation and if need be, a different seating or classroom arrangement will be made.

7. Monitoring of the victim’s safety and increased supervision of the perpetrator will be done.

**Counselors will make a bullying presentation for all students to make sure they know the various forms of bullying there are. Some forms are physical, verbal, emotional, sexual, and racial. The major outcome will be that teachers, staff, and students be treated with respect at all times in the home/school setting.