Mr. Pippin

High School English Teacher/ Technology Director

Hi! Welcome to my webpage. I am Mr. Pippin and I am the High School English teacher this year. 

In addition to teaching High School English, I am also the Technology Director and Gifted Education Director for La Plata R-II School District. 

Besides being certified in High School and Middle School English, I am also certified in Special Education K-12, Instructional Technology, and Gifted Education. This is my Twenty-Fifth year teaching; five of those have been at La Plata Elementary, and this is now my eighteenth year back at LHS. Before beginning my teaching career I attended and graduated from LHS. I am the Junior High Academic Bowl coach this year. I have also been the Drama Club Director for fourteen years and have helped out as an assistant director.

To the left of this introduction are useful links for students in my class. 

School Email:

First Day.pdf