Readiness for school

Makaton - As a school we use makaton to support communication and promote language development.

Please view these documents to start learning makaton.

Makaton Booklet.docx

Preparing your child for starting school

Here are some useful documents to support you as a family preparing your child for starting school. If you have any questions about your child starting school in September please contact either your child's class teacher on their class email accounts or Mrs L (EYFS Lead) on

Please share this social story with your child to help them understand about starting school.

Transition to School Social Story.pdf
Communication Information for Parents.pdf

Starting School Together Booklet.pdf
Transitions to School Factsheet for Parents.pdf
Tips for starting school 2020.pdf

At Langley Park Primary Academy we follow the 'Letters and Sounds' phonics program. Here are the songs that we learn in Reception to help us remember each sound. Have a practise of the songs at home!

Links to help your child understand what it is like in school