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Principal's Message

We are now in our penultimate week of the first term and it's certainly been a long one. Over the next week, it is a perfect opportunity for the children to reflect upon this term's learning with you and consider how they will use this learning to continue to develop and improve. Every experience we encounter is a learning opportunity and we, as adults, should always model that to our children.

We will be a providing an opportunity for reflective learning discussion through our parents evenings in the week beginning 22nd November. Further information will be shared with you in due time, particularly how to book and the organisation of the parents evenings.

We will be holding our Christmas events during the week beginning 6th December broken down in the following way;

Nursery Christmas Sing-a-long - Wednesday 8th December

Reception and Year 1 Nativity - Friday 10th December

Year 2 and Year 3 Christmas Carols - Thursday 9th December

Year 4, 5 and 6 Christingle - Tuesday 7th December

Christmas Dinner - Wednesday 15th December

Further information will of course be shared with you nearer the time.

I would like to thank, again, all the families that have inundated us with their expression of appreciation with how the events of this week were dealt with.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Brading

Office Reminders:

Olive Dining will not be accepting cash or cheques after half term - therefore all payments must be made through the My Child at School website. This will also stop any discrepancies between payments made by cash and lunches taken as it will automatically deduct from the credit or debit balance. The box will be removed over the Half Term. Lunches are charged for Year 3 - Year 6 at a cost of £2.45 per day - £12.25 per week. Thank you.

Contacting the class teachers:

If you have concerns that you would like to raise with the academy, please do so via the school office email address on and it will be directed to the relevant members of staff.

Willow's Corner

This week I have been getting ready to celebrate Halloween! I am enjoying listening to you all tell me about what costumes you are going to wear next week. Mrs Dunn is getting my costume ready too... I can't wait to surprise you all! I wonder if you can guess what I will be...

I have been given a special present by Poppy in Nursery this week, two new bows! I think they look make me look smart! I also visited Discovery Class where a certain story character created carnage in the classroom! I will let the children tell you about that one!

Seedlings Nursery

Golden Apple

Photo of a child playing with a pumpkin.


Teddy has been a great thinker this week. He has concentrated hard to create different shapes using the elastic bands on the pumpkins, as part of our inquiry into Autumn!

Apollo Class ~ Year R

Golden Apple


Dylan has been showing us all how to be a great inquirer in Maths. He has show us how to use our resources, and carefully count them. He even recorded his own work independently. Well done Dylan!

Discovery Class ~ Year R

Golden Apple

Photo of children playing together


For being a kind and caring friend who always helps others. Here she is helping her friend to use the role play clothes!

Jubilee Class ~ Year 1

Golden Apple

Photo of a child smiling at the camera


Teddy has been super creative this week and has showed some fantastic partner working skills by making a Malawian inspired piece of artwork, using shapes and paint.

Teddy keep up the fantastic work!

Enterprise Class ~ Year 1

Golden Apple

Photo of a child drawing


Well done Tommy! You have worked well this week especially when completing some artwork based on an artist from Malawi. You were a super risk taker when choosing the colours to create your piece of work. Keep up the great work!

Jazzy Class ~ Year 2

Golden Apple

Photo of a childs work


Jimmy deserves golden apple of the week this week for not only improving his handwriting since the beginning of the term, but also for being such a fantastic thinker in maths. Jimmy is working out problems in his head and is able to discuss his answers clearly and confidently. He is always excited to learn and has really impressed me! Well done Jimmy!

Empire Class ~ Year 2

Golden Apple

Photo of a child's work


This term we have been really impressed with Eloise and her kind, caring nature. She is always ready to learn and is respectful to all her friends in the class. This week Eloise has been very reflective in looking at ways to improve her writing. Well done, Eloise!

Pip & Bramley Class


Well done!


Lenny has worked super hard this week and shown how knowledgeable he is during the year 6 test week.

Fortune Class ~ Year 3

Golden Apple


This week, Katie has shown increasing independence in all of her work. She has been able to demonstrate her understanding of column addition using multiple resources and in written recording. Well done, Katie!

Pazazz Class ~ Year 3

Golden Apple

Photo of a childs work


Jacob has been a fantastic thinker this week. He has been able to try his best in maths when using the column method. He has been knowledgeable about carrying and is able to explain his workings out.

Ambrosia Class ~ Year 4

Golden Apple

Photo of a child with her work


Being a risk-taker when practising her nine times tables. She went above and beyond by getting all the way to 72 X 9! Fantastic work Niya!

Cameo Class ~ Year 4

Golden Apple

Well done!


Being a super thinker this week when writing an alternative ending for our class book. He thought carefully about the characters and how to use speech in his story. Well done!

Zari Class ~ Year 5

Golden Apple

Great job!


Amelia has shown how principled she is this week. Always working hard on her studies and thinking hard to provide insightful comments into our inquiry into rights and responsibilities.

Well done.

Melrose Class ~ Year 5

Golden Apple

Photo of  child playing in forest school.


Eddie has been a risk taker this week. He always tries to apply everything we have been learning to his written work and he demonstrated excellent teamwork in Forest School.

Kanzi Class ~ Year 6

Golden Apple

Well done!

Kanzi Class

Completing test week with extreme maturity and resilience. Well done for all being principled. You have impressed us all!

Forest School Update:

This week in Forest School we have been developing our inquirer skill by exploring multiple areas of the woodland. When finding new insects and plants, we used magnifying glasses to have a closer look at the intricate details.

Some Forest Schoolers have begun to practise safe fire skills by discussing the importance of walking around the fire pit and having a safe stance when attending the fire. We will be developing these skills over the next term and begin to light fires.

FIRE - Consent forms MUST be filled out for your child to take part in this skill over the next term. If you have not already done so, please fill out the consent form online.

Other useful info:


Christmas Cards

Please could all Christmas card designs with the correct cash/cheque be handed into your class teacher by Tuesday 19th October as they will be collected by the company on the last day of term.

There is a PTA meeting on Thursday 11th November at 3.45pm in Jubilee class. This meeting will discuss the Christmas Fair specifically logistics and parent support. If you are able to help at the Christmas Fair, please could you attend this meeting so we can confirm your attendance.

Halloween dress up day is on Friday 22nd October - No masks, no face paint and no weapons.