Primary Years Programme


The PYP mini exhibitions will be taking place next week.  These workshops are a great opportunity to see what your child has been learning about this term.

Dates for your diary:

Nursery - Monday 17th July, time to be confirmed, Graduation Day!

EYFS - Monday 17th July at 2:30 pm

Year 1 - Monday 17th July at 2:30 pm

Year 2 - Monday 17th July at 2:30 pm

Year 3 - Tuesday 18th July at 2:30 pm

Year 4 - Tuesday 18th July at 2:30 pm

Year 5 - Wednesday 19th July at 2:30pm

Parent Voice

We appreciate you taking time out of your busy days to participate in these experiences; it means a lot to the staff and children.  

Please can you complete the parent feedback form.