
10th November 2023

Principal's Message:

Welcome back to Term 2! It has been a really brilliant week and the children have been very busy with exciting learning activities. All classes have moved on to their new units of inquiry which I am sure the children will have told you about. This term, as part of these units, there are lots of trips and experiences that the children will be engaging with. Thank you for your contributions towards these as, without them, we would be unable to ensure that they take place for the children. 

There have been further areas of OPAL developed over the half term and these have now been introduced to the children so they can really start enjoying them. Thank you to Mr Smith, Mr Humphrey and Mrs Neame for taking time over the holidays to put it together.

Next week, on Friday 17th November,  we will be celebrating Pudsey and the amazing work that Children in Need do for young people and their families across the UK. In order to acknowledge this, we are encouraging all members of our school community to wear an item/items of spotty clothing for the day in return for a minimum donation of £1.00 to Children in Need. For example, this might be a spotty headband, spotty socks, a spotty t-shirt or even a Pudsey onesie! All donations can be made via My Child at School/Products.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss S Brading

Office Reminders:

We now have a plastic box outside for unnamed lost property items. This is situated between and main academy office and the doors to the Community Hall. All named belongings continue to be returned to a child's class.

To ensure that belongings can be returned to your child, please make sure that all items of clothing, lunch boxes and water bottles are clearly named. If a pen is used to do this please check labels regularly as the pen can fade over time and after washing, making it no longer legible.

Contacting the class teachers:

If you have concerns that you would like to raise with the academy, please do so via the office email address which is Upon receipt, your email will be directed to the relevant member(s) of staff.

We respectfully ask that you address any concerns or issues with your child's class teacher in the first instance. If it remains unresolved then your concern will then be escalated to Mrs Neame, Vice Principal. In the unlikely event that it continues to remain unresolved, it will be escalated to Miss Brading at that point.

We are also aware that some parents continue to email staff directly. In the event that this happens, staff have been asked to forward your email to the aforementioned email address to resume communication via the correct channels.

Whole School Attendance:


Weekly Class Attendance Award:

Discovery Class


Key Dates:

Monday 13th November Year 2 Local Area Walk, 14:00

Friday 17th November Children in Need

Monday 20th November Book Fair on site until Thursday 23rd November (see below)

Tuesday 21st November Parents Evenings, 15:50-19:30

Wednesday 22nd November Parents Evenings, 15:50-17:30

Wednesday 22nd November Year 3 Trip to Kent Life

Friday 24th November Non-Uniform Day to support Christmas Fair (donations of bottles)

Friday 1st December Christmas Fair, 15:00-17:30 (pick up is at 14:45 on this date)

Tuesday 12th December Flu Immunisations (School Health Team), Years R to 6

Wednesday 13th December Christmas Lunch

Friday 15th December Last day of Term 2

Please note that these are confirmed dates but should we need to change any due to unforeseen circumstances, we will communicate this with you with as much notice as possible.

Book Fair

National Online Safety Guide

The Christmas season will soon be upon us and many children will perhaps be opening presents in the hope that Santa has delivered the latest mobile phone or other smart device. Owning a mobile can be fun but it is important to use any device safely and responsibly.

By following these safety tips you can make sure that you set up any device securely, keep your personal information private and enjoy using your device in the healthiest way possible. Please take a look at the guide below which offers advice on a number of potential risks such as screen time, password protection and privacy settings.

A reminder that all of our parent/carer community are invited to create an account with National Online Safety, which provides a wide range of resources such as the guides we include in our newsletters, courses and video resources. If you have not already done so, please create your account by visiting the link below. 

You can also download the National Online Safety app on any device or smartphone by searching for it in the App Store/Google Play Store.