Teaching and Learning Spotlights

There is a time and place for everything.  When it is time to play, then play.  When it is time to do Schoolwork, then do schoolwork.

Dr. Michael Sámano

Lane's Coordinator of Ethnic Studies Dr. Michael Sámano has published an Ethnic Studies textbook titled Ethnic Studies: Dissent is Patriotic through Kendall Hunt Publishing. Written for students who are new to the field, the textbook weaves together personal narrative, history, and important concepts from Ethnic Studies. To encourage students to engage with the field both intellectually and personally, each chapter ends with chapter review questions and critical reflection questions. As an ebook, the textbook is affordable and accessible. It also takes advantage of the technological possibilities of ebooks by including embedded links to videos and articles. You can learn more about the textbook here. Congratulations, Dr. Sámano!

After six years in the military, Michael Sámano began his academic career at Lane Community College as a first-generation college student. At the University of Oregon, he studied Sociology and Ethnic Studies. Sámano holds Master of Arts degrees from Humboldt State University, (where his research interests were in the area of PTSD and military-to-civilian reintegration), and the University of California, Davis (research emphasis: interpersonal-to-state-sanctioned violence). Finally, he has a Ph.D. from Oregon State University where he wrote a dissertation focused on Cultural Taxation in faculty of color who work in predominantly white institutions. For twenty years, Sámano has coordinated the Ethnic Studies program at Lane Community College. He is the author of the 2012 book, “Respecting One’s Abilities, or (Post) Colonial Tokenism: Faculty of Color Speak Out,” and the 2021 Ethnic Studies textbook, “Ethnic Studies: Dissent is Patriotic.”

Q: How did you decide to write this textbook?

"I am more comfortable in my professional skin. First generational college student, first this, first this, first this…here I am now deep into my deep deep into my career, I feel good about what I know in the academic discipline."

Q: Why is it important for you to encourage active citizenship as your students learn this material?

“I'm simultaneously a guy from this community and the faculty member of this class and I don't see any division there...we are not just learning the material, but how you live outside the campus”

Q: The subtitle of your book is “Dissent is Patriotic.” Can you say more about that?

“The book is dissent. The book is kind of an act of protest. It's also an intellect.”

Faculty Focus

I was fortunate enough to sit down with Dr. Michael Sámano on February 14th, 2022. The focus of our discussion was to talk about Dr. Sámano's recently published TextBook, Ethnic Studies: Dissent Is Patriotic. After a long period of uncertainty and isolation Faculty have asked for a way to get to know each other, again. Michael shares with us important lessons learned, who has inspired him, a favorite memory or two, what advice he would give to new faculty today, and what is the next chapter for him.

Thank you Dr. Sámano for being so candid and open to sharing with us your vast knowledge and experience at LCC. You are a treasure to this campus community and we celebrate you!

Ethnic Studies, Dissent is Patriotic

Circa 1988

Cara Diamarco

"100% of the royalties from the sell of my textbook to go to the scholarship set up in remembrance of the late great Cara DiMarco." Dr. Sámano

Poetry published in the old Denali LCC publication

"...in the LCC cafeteria is the first time in my life that I had ever done public speaking. I was terrified."

Denali Celebration